Title: Dilute Bose gas in 3D
1Dilute Bose gas in 3D
- Dilute Bose gas.
- Mean field treatment.
- Beyond mean field.
- Pair distribution function.
- Summary and references.
3Ideal Bose gas
- There are two characteristic lengths
- The mean particle distance
- Thermal de Broglie wavelength
The number of atoms in the lowest quantum state
is proportional to the so called phase-space
density, and has to exceed a critical number of
2.612 to achieve Bose-Einstein condensation.
4(No Transcript)
5Dilute Bose gas
- Accessible in experiments.
- Weakly interacting Bose gas
- There are one more characteristic length range
of interacting potential - At very low temperature, the effective
interaction can be described by the s wave
scattering length. which can be considered as
hard-sphere diameter - Dilute condition
6Effective Hamiltonian
The commonly used effective interaction is
Effective Hamiltonian Where
7Mean field treatment
8Mean field
It can not describe the correlations between the
N atoms. The best state given by this variational
approach will describe how the state of each atom
is modified by the mean field of the N-1 other
atoms. So we can use Lagrange multiplier to
get the best single particle state.
9Mean field
10Mean field treatment
- By Minimization procedure
- This equation describes the evolution of each
atoms in the trapping potential and in the mean
field created at its position by the remaining
N-1 atoms.
11Mean field treatment
For dilute gases, the potential takes the form
Finally, we have the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
which plays a central role in the study of the
properties of Bose-Einstein condensation.
12Mean field energy
- The spatial density
- The Kinetic energy
- The Kinetic energy comes from the
confinement. - Trapping energy
- Interaction energy
13Mean field ground state energy
- For the homogenous system we are considering,
there is no trapping potential, then - Total energy
- Finally, we have mean field ground state energy
14Beyond mean field
15Beyond mean field
- How far does the system differ from the product
of single particle state? - T0, all the particles are not stay at one single
particle state. - What is the number of particles occupy the other
states? - Quantum depletion.
- Thermal depletion.
- What is the elementary excitations?
16Second quantized Hamiltonian
Expand the field operators into free particle
17Bogoliubov approximation
- 1. In the dilute gases near T0, the population
of k0 state is macroscopic compared to the total
population of the other states. - Thus the matrix element of are on
the order of . We will neglect the non
commutation of them and make a c-number
18Bogliubov approximation
- 2. In the interaction terms, there are terms
including 4,2,0 of , and no terms
with odd number of due to the
conservation of momentum. - For large value of N we are considering, they
become three categories in magnitude -
19Effective Hamiltonian
- By considering terms of categories (1) and (2),
we would obtain the dominant term of the energy
of the system - This is a quadratic expression of creation and
annihilation operators, which can be diagonalized
by Bogoliubov transformation.
20Bogoliubov transformation
- Introducing
- Constrain
- One have
- New expressions of the Hamiltonian
21Bogoliubov transformation
- In order to diagonalize the Hamiltonian, we must
22Ground state energy
- When one evaluate E0, it diverges. This is
because the potential we have used. When one do
Fourier transform, it is a constant. - To solve this problem, LHY proposed
23Ground state energy
24Ground state and excited state
The ground state is that all the oscillators
stay in their ground state, which satisfies
The first excited states with momentum K is
So the quasi-particle appears as a linear
superposition of ordinary particles with momentum
K and ordinary hole with momentum K.
25Low energy excitations
At low energy excitations, K is very small
So we have obtained the phonon dispersion
relations for the excitations of a weakly
interacting Bose gas. The repulsive interactions
change the elementary excitations at long wave
lengths from free particles to Phonons.
26Quantum depletion
27Physical picture of ground state
- The ground state turns to be a collection of n
pairs of particles, each pair consists of two
particles with momentum k and k. - Average number of pairs
- The pairs has a correlation length
- Within one correlation length, the number of
particles is, on the average
28Physical picture of ground state
- Within one correlations, the number of particles
have k not equal to 0 is - In other words, within one correlation length,
there are many particles, but only few of them
with k not equal to 0.
29Pair distribution function
- Pair distribution function is defined as
- Physical meaning of pair distribution function
- Given a particle at a point, the average
number of particles in dr at a distance r is
rouD(r)dr. - Thus D(r) extends to 1 as r goes to infinity.
- It is measurable in experiment.
- We evaluate D(r) based on the wave function of
the system.
30Pair distribution function
- The mean field gives a good description if the
system are sufficiently dilute. - Beyond mean field can be obtained based on
Bogliubov approximation. - We have evaluated the pair distribution function
of dilute Bose gas based on the ground state wave
- Lecture notes of BEC by Prof.Cohen-Tannoudji at
CityU. - Bose-Einstein condensation in the alkali gases
Some fundamental concepts, REVIEWS OF MODERN
PHYSICS, 73,307 (2001). - Statistical mechanics, K. Huang,1987.