Title: Solitons and shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates
1Solitons and shock waves in Bose-Einstein
- A.M. Kamchatnov, A. Gammal, R.A. Kraenkel
Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk,
Russia Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo,
Brazil Instituto de Física Teórica, São
Paulo, Brazil
2Gross-Pitaevskii equation
- Dynamics of a dilute condensate is described
- by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
3is the atom-atom scattering length,
is number of atoms in the trap.
4Cigar-shaped trap
then transverse motion is frozen and the
condensate wave function can be factorized
where is a harmonic oscillator
ground state function of transverse motion
6The axial motion is described by the equation
7Disc-shaped trap
8Quasi-one-dimensional expansion
- Hydrodynamic-like variables are introduced by
is density of condensate and
is its velocity.
9In Thomas-Fermi approximation the
stationary state is described by the distributions
is axial half-length of the condensate.
10After turning off the axial potential the
condensate expands in self-similar way
11Analytical solution is given by
has an order of magnitude of the sound
velocity in the initial state
is the density of the condensate.
12Shock wave in Bose-Einstein condensate
- Let the initial state have the density
13A formal hydrodynamic solution has wave breaking
Taking into account of dispersion effects leads
to generation of oscillations in the regions
of transitions from high density to low density
14Numerical solution of 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation
15Density profiles at y0
16Analytical theory of shocks
- The region of oscillations is presented as a
- modulated periodic wave
17The parameters
slowly along the shock. Their evolution is
described by the Whitham modulational equations
18Solution of Whitham equations has the form
where functions
are determined by the
Initial conditions. This solution defines
as functions of
19into periodic solution gives
Substitution of
profile of dissipationless shock wave
20Formation of dark solitons
- Let an initial profile of density have a hole
21After wave breaking two shocks are formed
which develop eventually into two soliton trains
22Analytical form of each emerging soliton is
parameterized by an eigenvalue
can be found with the use of the
generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule
23Formation of solitons in BEC with attractive
Solitons are formed due to modulational
instability. If initial distribution of density
has sharp fronts, then Whitham analytical theory
can be developed.
24Results of 3D numerics
251D cross sections of density distributions
26Whitham theory
27Thank you for your attention!