Title: Constraint Models: Bond Graphs
1Constraint ModelsBond Graphs
- COMP155 / EMGT155
- Nov 10 2008
2Constraint Models
- Constraint models are about balance
- Causality is included only for explanation
- Not part of the model itself
- Many laws of nature are symmetric and specified
in terms of balances between various things
3Constraint Examples
- Biology
- change in population growth - death reaction
- Thermodynamics
- heat of system heat entering heat leaving
heat produced - Mechanics
- sum of forces acting on an object 0
- Electricity
- sum of currents at a node 0
- voltages around a closed circuit 0
4Bond Graphs - Overview
- Bond Graphs are a graphical tool for
capturing the energy structure of systems - originally defined by H. M. Paynter (MIT) in 1959
- A bond is flow path for energy and information
between system components. - Effort in one direction results in flow in
the other direction
5Origin of Bond Graphs
hydraulic subsystem
from An Epistemic Prehistory of Bond Graphs by
H. M. Paynter
6Origin of Bond Graphs
hydraulic subsystem
from An Epistemic Prehistory of Bond Graphs by
H. M. Paynter
7Effort and Flow
8Example Domain Mechanical
9Example Domain Electrical
10A Mechanical System
11Equivalent Bond Graph
Junction connecting components represents a
system constraint.Flows (velocity) are equal and
effort (force) sums to zero.
12An Electrical System
- Kirchoffs Current Law sum of currents
through a node is zero i1 i2 i3
13Equivalent Bond Graph
Straightforward topological mapping from circuit
14Simplified Bond Graph
Previous model was simplified using 20-sim
tool. Junction connecting components represents a
system constraint.Flows (current) are equal and
effort (voltage) sums to zero.
15Effort and Flow Sources
- Effort source
- Flow source
- R-elements are energy dissipaters
- electrical resistors, mechanical dampers or
dashpots, porous plugs in fluid lines - symbol
- meaning
- e R f
- power e f R f2
effort resistanceflow
- C-elements store and return energy without loss
- electrical capacitors, mechanical springs and
torsion bars, gravity tanks, accumulators - symbol
- meaning
flow (velocity, current)is the causedeformation
or charge (q)is the effect
- I-elements are inertial elements
- electrical inductors, mechanical and fluid mass
- symbol
- meaning
effort (force, voltage)is the causeflow
(velocity, current)is the effect
- Junctions are connections between bonds
- junctions conserve power
- junctions are reversible
- 0 junctions
- equality of effort
- flow sums to zero
- 1 junctions
- equality of flow
- effort sums to zero
201 Junction Example (1)
power conservation e1 f1 e2 f2 e3 f3 e4f4
0 equality of flow f1 f2 f3 f4 yields,
effort sums to zero e1 e2 e3 e4 0
211 Junction Example (2)
power conservation e1 f1 - e2 f2 e3 f3 - e4f4
0 equality of flow f1 f2 f3 f4 yields,
effort sums to zero e1 - e2 e3 - e4 0
220 Junction Example (1)
power conservation e1 f1 e2 f2 e3 f3 e4f4
0 equality of effort e1 e2 e3
e4 yields, flow sums to zero f1 f2 f3 f4
230 Junction Example (2)
power conservation e1 f1 - e2 f2 e3 f3 - e4f4
0 equality of effort e1 e2 e3
e4 yields, flow sums to zero f1 - f2 f3 - f4
24A Mechanical System
damper friction(resistor)
gravity force(effort source)
251 Junction
power conservation eS fS - eC fC - eR fR - eIfI
0 equality of flow fS fC fR fI effort
sums to zero eS - eC - eR - eI 0
26Effort Source Gravity
parameters real effort -9.8 variables
real flow equations p.e effort flow
constant parameter
constant effort may result in variable flow
27R-Element Damper
parameters real r 1.0 equations
p.e r p.f
resistance constant parameter
effort resistance flowforce friction
28C-Element Spring
parameters real c 1.0 equations state
int(p.f) p.e state / c
spring constant constant parameter
state ? flow displacement ? velocity
effort state / c force displacement / c
29I-Element Mass
parameters real i 1.0 equations state
int(p.e) p.f state / i
mass (inertia) constant parameter
state ? effort momentum ? force
flow state / i velocity momentum / mass
30Equations Computed by 20-sim
removed equations OneJunction\p1.e
spring\p.e OneJunction\p3.f spring\p.f OneJunc
tion\p4.e gravity\p.e OneJunction\p1.f
spring\p.f OneJunction\p4.f spring\p.f OneJunc
tion\flow spring\p.f mass\p.f
spring\p.f gravity\p.f spring\p.f OneJunction\
p2.f spring\p.f gravity\flow
spring\p.f damper\p.f spring\p.f OneJunction\p
2.e damper\p.e OneJunction\p3.e mass\p.e
static equations gravity\p.e
gravity\effort dynamic equations spring\p.e
spring\state / spring\c spring\p.f mass\state
/ mass\i damper\p.e damper\r
spring\p.f mass\p.e (gravity\p.e - damper\p.e)
- spring\p.e system equations spring\state
int (spring\p.f, spring\state_initial) mass\state
int (mass\p.e, mass\state_initial)
31Static Equations
- gravity\p.e gravity\effort
- Effort supplied by gravity is a constant
- Set in 20-sim as value of parameter gravity/effort
32Dynamic Equations
- spring\p.e spring\state / spring\c
- effort of the spring is the spring state
(displacement) divided by the spring constant - spring constant is set as a parameter
- spring\p.f mass\state / mass\i
- springs flow (velocity) is the mass state
(momentum) divided by mass inertia - since all velocitys are the same, masss
velocity is substituted - mass inertia is set as a parameter
33Dynamic Equations
- damper\p.e damper\r spring\p.f
- effort of damper is resistance of damper times
velocity - since all velocitys are the same, springs
velocity is substituted - damper resistance is set as a parameter
- mass\p.e (gravity\p.e - damper\p.e) -
spring\p.e - mass effort is what is left once damper and
spring effort have been subtracted form gravity
34System Equations
- spring\state int (spring\p.f,
spring\state_initial) - spring state (deformation) is integral of spring
flow (velocity) - mass\state int (mass\p.e, mass\state_initial)
- mass state (momentum) is integral of mass effort
35Simulation Results
spring state displacement mass state momentum