Title: Capital Allocation Modeling In Hedge Funds Methods and Models
1Capital Allocation Modeling In Hedge Funds
Methods and Models
Thomas Schneeweis Director/CISDM 3rd Annual
Hedge fund Performance and Risk Measurement Forum
April 17, 2007
Isenberg School of Management University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 Tel
413-577-3166, Fax 545-3858
2Capital Allocation Across Hedge Funds Methods
And Models
- The history of the race, and each individual's
experiences, are thick with evidence that a truth
is not hard to kill and a lie told well is
immortal -
- Mark Twain, Advice to Youth
- If It Were Easy They Would Hire A Monkey and Feed
It Bananas - Thomas Schneeweis, Advice to Students
3Good News Bad News In AA
- Good News Asset allocation methodology
approaches (e.g., Mean/Variance Optimization)
which are useful for Mutual Funds can also be
used for Hedge Funds. - Really Good News Theoretical Models of
Return/Risk Process for MF works for HF. - Bad News The problems of parameter estimation
and model determination in the use of various
asset allocation models in traditional asset
investments also impact their use for hedge
funds. - Really Bad News Potential Degree of Estimation,
Error, Data Error, Model Error May Almost
Eliminate Any Benefit of Decisions Based
Primarily on Historical Data.
4Robustness of Optimal Allocation
- Inputs to optimizations have to be estimated
- The resulting optimal allocation is just a point
estimate of the true optimal allocation - How good an estimate is it?
- Use re-sampling to test its robustness
5The Four-Asset Class Efficient Frontier
The Re-sampled Frontier
Point Estimate of the Frontier
6Robustness of Optimal Allocation
- Correlations among asset classes changes
substantially when market conditions change. - An allocation that is optimal during normal
periods may not be optimal during turbulent
periods. - Optimal allocations have to be back tested under
different economic environments
7Robustness of Optimal AllocationAdding Hedge
Funds Increases Stability
8Some Simulation Results
- We sampled 5 years of monthly returns from a
normal distribution with a true Sharpe of 1.16 - About 2/3rds were between 0.7 and 1.6, 95
between 0.2 and 2.1
9Some Simulation Results
- We then sampled from a normal mixture
distribution with a kurtosis of 4 moderate by
hedge fund standards -- and a true Sharpe of
1.16 - About 2/3rds were between 0.4 and 1.9, and 95
between -0.3 and 2.7 - Even with 5 years of data, estimated Sharpe (and
other risk-adjusted metrics) are subject to large
estimation error.
10Example of Potential Issues in Parameter
Estimate Data Makes A Difference
11Data Makes A Difference Fund Composition Changes
Over Time Such That Historical Returns May Not
Reflect Current Return and Risk Attributes
12Changing Composition (e.g. Non Strategy
Consistent) Makes Asset Allocation Based on
Tracking Historical EW Indices Difficult
Source HFR
13Measuring Return
- Biases in Hedge Fund Databases
- Self-Selection bias size unknown
- Instant history (backfill) bias 2 per year for
the first 5 years. - Survivorship bias 2 per year.
14Estimated Mean Return
- Graph shows distribution of estimates of mean
return when - 1 year
- 2 years
- 5 years
- 10 years
- 20 years
- of data are available
15Estimated Return Process
- Auto-correlation may indicate that the underlying
return process is more volatile than the observed
process - What is the impact of auto-correlation?
16Impact of Auto-Correlation
17However, empirical research has shown those
studies which emphasize price smoothing (e.g.,
correlation impacts) to be time specific.
18Trend in Historical Volatility
19Historical Trend in Correlations
20Skewness is time varying.
21Impact of Number of Managers on Portfolio
22Risk In Different Market Conditions
- Hedge funds have changing risk exposure
23Do Parameter Estimates Differ if Daily, Weekly,
or Monthly Data is Used? Interval Effects
24Examples Of Model Risk
- Is modern portfolio theory too simplistic to deal
with hedge funds? - Models of Var Estimation
- Models of Conditional VaR
25Is modern portfolio theory too simplistic to deal
with hedge funds?
Modern portfolio theory has a number of issues in
providing a basis for forecasting expected risk
and return relationships 1) return estimates
dominate results where do you get them from, 2)
most programs are based on mean and variance if
assets non-normal or if investor has different
risk concerns (liquidity) results may not
reflect investor needs, 3) the number of assets
in a portfolio. Your model needs flexibility in
capturing these issues.
26Are Hedge Fund of Funds Constructed to Minimize
Risk or Maximize Return?
One can create a fund of funds from hedge funds
which differ in market sensitivity and therefore
with reduced risk or one in which the underlying
returns of the various managers are more closely
align. The first offers the potential for
positive return over varying markets but with
little certainty of when it will perform well.
The second offers greater return consistency but
in certain market environments, lower return.
27Style purity is required for consistent market
sensitivities of the funds.
28Variation in Var Estimates
29Variation in VaR Estimates Hedge Equity
30Constraints Based on Situational Portfolio
- Investments could be used as
- Risk diversifiers
- Return enhancers
- Both
- Their role depends on which asset class
dominates the investors portfolio
31Relative Market Performance
32Relative Market Performance
33Multi-Factor Models Alternative Betas Alphas
- Using a single-factor benchmark (e.g., MSCI
World), most hedge funds appear to have positive
alpha. - Using a multi-factor model, most hedge fund
managers (about 75) fail to deliver alpha on a
consistent basis. - Sources of returns for most hedge fund managers
are from alternative betas (e.g., various types
of credit, volatility, currency, commodity,
illiquidity risks), rather than skill.
34Alternative forms of Return Analysis
- Use univariate and multivariate regression.
- Use Generalized Method of Moments
- Nests multivariate regression
- Imposes few restrictions on the data
- Very suitable when volatility is changing and
returns may be autocorrelated
35Alpha Levels
36Institutional Use of Alternative Investments Use
of Expected Returns in Asset Allocation Framework
37Institutional Use of Alternative Investments
Similar Exposure to Market and Economic Factors
Bullet Point Portfolio can be created which
includes alternative assets and which still
retains primary market and economic factor
sensitivity of original portfolio
38Investible Indices and Fund of Funds
- Index Products
- Single Strategy FOF Diversification of Judgment
(Multiple Managers) - Multi-Strategy Diversification of Style
- Performance Characteristics
- Style Purity
- Performance Consistency
39Reason for the Creation of Manager Style Pure
Similar Patterns of Ranking by Composite Average,
but For Hedge Funds Insure Data Set Is Style Pure
(e.g., no Asia Hedge Equity In Set Of US Hedge
40Diversification of Style (Across Strategies)
- Bullet Point
- FOF Can Be Created In Which Funds Differ in
Factor Sensitivity Or Are Similar - Fund with the highest standard deviations drive
risk parameter in FOF
41Diversification of Style (Across Strategies)
- Bullet Point
- FOF Can Be Created In Which Funds Differ in
Factor Sensitivity Or Are Similar - Fund with the highest standard deviations drive
risk parameter in FOF
42Importance of Selecting Style Pure Managers
- Fewer managers can replicate the return process
of the larger set - Have well understood sources of risk return
- Returns are more predictable given market
conditions - Have more stable relationship with traditional
43Hedge Funds to Substitute for Traditional Assets
44Manager Based Hedge Funds can be used Replicate
Russell Index used in Asset Allocation
Hedge Funds to Track Traditional Indices
45Hedge Fund Indices in Portfolio Asset Re
46Relative VAR
47Hedge Fund Portfolio With Similar Factor Exposure
of Original Portfolio
48Hedge Fund Portfolio With Similar Factor Exposure
of Original Portfolio
49Hedge Fund Portfolio With Similar Factor Exposure
of Original Portfolio
50Strategic Allocation Value at Risk
- Criteria for Portfolio Optimization
- Maximize Expected Return Subject to
- Probability of Return lt -VaR ?
- Adjustment for Non-Normality of Return
- VaR can be adjusted for Skewness and Kurtosis of
returns. - Allocation will be different than the M-V model
- Delta VaR can tell us how much each investment
will add to a portfolios VaR
51VaR Implications for Asset Allocation
- Annual Standard Deviation 6.93 and Annual Mean
Return of 9.48 - Value at Risk of this Portfolio
- 4.1 for 1-month Horizon at 5 Sig. Level
52VaR Implications for Asset Allocation
- Annual Standard Deviation 6.93 and Annual Mean
Return of 13.4 - Value at Risk of this Portfolio
- 2.9 for 1-month Horizon at 5 Sig. Level
53Frontier in Asset Allocation
- Security Based Hedge Fund Tracking
- Convexity Drives Conditional VAR Find Hedge
Fund Managers With Convexity - Find Funds with Strategy Timing Ability
54Security Based Tracking
55Relative Tracker Performance
56Hedge Fund Based Tracking Of Hedge Fund Indices
57Tactical Asset Allocation
- Certain Financial Variables Lead Returns on
Various Strategies
Change in Credit Risk Premium
All Dates
HFRI Equity Hedge Index
HFRI Relative Value Arbitrage Index
HFRI Macro Index
HFRI Fund of Funds Index
HFRI Equity Market Neutral Index
HFRI Convertible Arbitrage Index
HFRI Fixed Income Arbitrage Index
SP500 Return
Lehman Aggregate Bond Index
58Tactical Asset Allocation
- Using Leading Indicator Can Lead to Improved
Performance - An Example of Tactical Asset Allocation Using
Model Portfolios
59Convexity A Question Of Strategy/Mgr Timing
- Timing Can Occur at Two Levels
- Across Strategies InterStrategy Timing
Picking the strategy that will outperform others - Within Strategies IntraStrategy Timing or
Manager Selection - Increasing Exposure to Managers during periods
when that strategy is profitable - Selecting Managers that themselves will have more
exposure during favorable markets, and less
during unfavorable markets
60Analyzing Strategy Timing
- Timing ability implies a convex relationship
between manager returns and the benchmark - A simple and intuitive way of specifying that
convexity - ReturnsAlphaBeta1BenchmarkBeta2Max(Benchmark,
0) - Type of analysis due to Robert Merton
- One can think of the successful timing
relationship as adding a free call option to
portfolio exposure.
61Multiple Asset Model Portfolios
- Allocation was switched between Model Portfolios
II, III, and IV depending on our predictions. - Performance is compared to that of Model
Portfolio III
62Dynamic Strategies Returns Distribution
63Other Dynamic Trading Strategy
The Strategy is designed to Protect the Value of
Portfolio to 90 of the Initial Investment
Value of a 100 investment
- Bad News Knowledge of Potential Estimation
Error, Model Error, Data Error May Reduce
Reliance Solely on Quantitative Driven Processes - Good News Knowledge of Potential Estimation
Error, Model Error, Data Error May Focus HF
Selection Process and Asset Allocation Process on
Tractable Factors (Style Purity, Manager
Consistency) Which May Allow for A Level of Risk
Management and Forecastable Factor Sensitivities.