Title: HumanHap550
1 2120 samples 28 trios 8 replicates
HumanHap550 Data Quality
Samples by Population
3HumanHap550 Quality Control and Performance
Statistics from FastTrack Genotyping Project Data
4Content Strategy for HumanHap550
5HumanHap550HapMap Coverage by PopulationPairwise
6HumanHap550 HapMap Coverage by Bin SizePairwise
Tests, r2 0.7, MAF 0.05 CEU Population
7HumanHap550 HapMap Coverage by Bin SizePairwise
Tests, r2 0.7, MAF 0.05CHBJPT Population
8HumanHap550 HapMap Coverage by Bin SizePairwise
Tests, r2 0.7, MAF 0.05YRI Population
9HumanHap550 Coverage of RefSeq Transcripts and
10HumanHap550 SNP Locations RefSeq Genes
Coverage of transcripts/exons is higher when SNPs
outside exons/transcripts tagging SNPs inside
exons/transcripts are taken into account
11HumanHap550 Spacing by PopulationMAF 0.05
12HumanHap550 Minor Allele Frequency Distribution
13SNPs in Known Copy Number Polymorphic Genomic
- 4,317 SNPs from 495 regions included in
HumanHap550 - Regions were identified in 3 recent publications
- Conrad, et al. (Nature Genetics 3875-81, 2006)
- Hinds, et al. (Nature Genetics 3882-85, 2006)
- McCarroll, et al. (Nature Genetics 3886-92,
2006) - Proof these regions are actual CNV
- 20X higher Mendelian inconsistency rate compared
to the rest of HumanHap550 SNPs - Variations in log R ratios (intensity) in genomic
14HumanHap550 Analysis of a Copy Number Polymorphic
Region Using log R Ratios
120 HapMap samples
Published polymorphic region
15Mitochondrial SNPs
- Mitochondrial genome contains genes involved in
metabolism and have been implicated in disease
(i.e., Parkinsons Disease) - HumanHap550 is the only whole-genome genotyping
product that contains mitochondrial SNPs - Selection criteria MAF 0.01 in European
population, obtained from Broad Institute
(http//www.broad.mit.edu/mpg/tagger/mito.html) - 177 mt SNPs on HumanHap550
- Subset of 177 mtSNPs were observed to be
polymorphic in each population - 46 SNPs in 33 unrelated CEU individuals
- 48 SNPs in 29 unrelated CHB/JPT individuals
- 60 SNPs in 26 unrelated YRI individuals
- 21 major haplogroups defined in the mitochondrial
genome by Hernstadt et al (2002) - 15 / 21 (71) of the major haplogroups are
represented by haplogroup specific polymorphisms
on HumanHap550
16HumanHap550 Overlap with Other Standard Products
17HumanHap550 Genotype Files Available Upon Request
Through Tech Support
- Genotype files
- Text file in matrix format
- One file per population
- Alleles called with respect to dbSNP forward
strand - File names (size)
- HH550_52dna_Final_Matrix_Report_CEU.txt (91 Mb)
- HH550_30dna_Final_Matrix_Report_CHBJPT.txt (55
Mb) - HH550_38dna_Final_Matrix_Report_YRI.txt (68 Mb)
- HH550_120dna_Final_Matrix_Report_ALL.txt (176 Mb)
- Full call reports
- CSV file including genotype, GenCall score and
normalized X and Y values for each genotype - One file per population
- Alleles called with respect to dbSNP forward
strand - File names (size)
- HH550_52dna_Final_GC_XY_Report_CEU.txt (1.2 Gb)
- HH550_30dna_Final_GC_XY_Report_CHBJPT.txt (688
Mb) - HH550_38dna_Final_GC_XY_Report_YRI.txt (871 Mb)
- HH550_118dna_Final_GC_XY_Report_ALL.txt (2.8 Gb)
18HumanHap550 Annotation Files Available Upon
Request Through Tech Support
- HumanHap550_maplocs_and_freqs.tsv (24Mb)
contains SNP, map information, MAF for each of
the 3 HapMap populations - HumanHap550_SNPs_perfect_proxies_ltPOPgt.tsv (where
ltPOPgt is each of the 3 HapMap populations
2-7Mb) A list of SNPs in the HumanHap550 panel
that are in perfect linkage disequlibrium with
each other. Files for CEU, CHBJPT, and YRI are
available. - HumanHap550_v1.0.0_r2_0.7_with_HapMapPhaseIII_ltPO
Pgt.tsv (where ltPOPgt is each of the 3 HapMap
populations 50-127Mb) This file contains
linkage disequilibrium annotation of the
HumanHap550 SNPs with respect to HapMap Phase I
II SNPs. All pairwise correlations between a
HumanHap550 SNP and common HapMap SNPs (MAF gt
0.05) with r2 gt 0.7 are listed. The region
spanned by the HapMap SNPs and the genes found in
that region /-10 kb are listed. - HumanHap550_v1.0.0_GeneAnnotation.txt (42Mb)
contains SNP, map information, gene annotation - HumanHap550_v1.0.0_SNP_nsSNP_annotation.csv
(1Mb) Contains gene and nsSNP annotation for the
7,779 nonsynonymous SNPs in the HumanHap550