Evolution and Darwin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evolution and Darwin


Evolution and Darwin – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evolution and Darwin

  • The processes that have transformed life on earth
    from its earliest forms to the vast diversity
    that characterizes it today.
  • A change in the genes!!!!!!!!

Old Theories of Evolution
  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck (early 1800s) proposed
  • The inheritance of acquired characteristics
  • He proposed that by using or not using its body
    parts, an individual tends to develop certain
    characteristics, which it passes on to its

The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
  • Example
  • A giraffe acquired its long neck because its
    ancestor stretched higher and higher into the
    trees to reach leaves, and that the animals
    increasingly lengthened neck was passed on to its

Charles Darwin
  • Influenced by Charles Lyell who published
    Principles of Geology.
  • This publication led Darwin to realize that
    natural forces gradually change Earths surface
    and that the forces of the past are still
    operating in modern times.

Charles Darwin
  • Darwin set sail on the H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836)
    to survey the south seas (mainly South America
    and the Galapagos Islands) to collect plants and
  • On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observed species
    that lived no where else in the world.
  • Patterns of diversity, e.g., Pinta, Isabela and
    Hood island tortoises that ate vegetation, birds
    (finches) on Galapagos islands
  • Far more species than previously known
  • Similar ecosystems did not have same species
  • Species adapted to their habitat
  • Fossils preserved remains of ancient organism
  • These observations led Darwin to write a book.

Charles Darwin
  • Wrote in 1859 On the Origin of Species by Means
    of Natural Selection
  • Two main points
  • 1. Species were not created in their present
    form, but evolved from ancestral species.
  • 2. Proposed a mechanism for evolution

Natural Selection
  • Individuals with favorable traits are more likely
    to leave more offspring better suited for their
  • Also known as Differential Reproduction
  • Example
  • English peppered moth (Biston betularia)
  • - light and dark phases

Peppered moths rest on trees and depend on
camouflage for protection.
Evolution by Natural Selection
  • Evolution by Natural Selection
  • Struggle for existence competition for
  • Survival of the fittest (natural selection)
    Fitness is a result of adaptations
  • Adaptation any inherited characteristic that
    increases an organisms chance of survival
  • Types of adaptation-
  • Camouflage
  • Mimicry one species resembles another
  • Antimicrobial resistance

Darwins Beliefs About Descent
  • Descent with modification over long periods of
    time, natural selection produces organisms that
    have different structures, niches or occupy
    different habitats. Each species has descended
    with changes from other species over time.
  • Common descent all living and extinct species
    were derived from common ancestors

Artificial Selection
  • Artificial selection nature provides the
    variation, but humans select the variations they
    find useful, e.g. breeding the largest hogs,
    fastest horses
  • The selective breeding of domesticated plants and
    animals by man.
  • Question
  • Whats the ancestor of the domesticated dog?
  • Answer WOLF

Evidence of Evolution
  • 1. Biogeography
  • Geographical distribution of species.
  • Convergent Evolution - similar environments
    leads to unrelated species with similar traits
  • 2. Fossil Record
  • Fossils and the order in which they appear in
    layers of sedimentary rock (strongest evidence).

Evidence of Evolution
  • 3. Comparative anatomy
  • Homologous structures Structures
  • that are similar because of
  • common ancestry
  • Vestigal structures traces of homologous
    organs in other species

Evidence of Evolution
  • 4. Comparative embryology
  • Study of structures that appear during
    embryonic development.
  • 5. Molecular biology
  • DNA and proteins (amino acids)
  • 6. Experimental evidence

Population Genetics
  • The science of genetic change in population.

  • A localized group of individuals belonging to the
    same species.

  • A group of populations whose individuals have the
    potential to interbreed and produce viable

Gene Pool
  • The total collection of genes in a population at
    any one time.

Genetics and Evolution
  • Relative frequency number of times an allele is
    present in a gene pool, compared to the number of
    times other alleles for the same gene are present
    o EX Black (B) fur 40 and b fur 60 in mice o
    In genetic terms, evolution is the change in
    relative frequency of alleles in a population o
    May not match Mendelian ratios
  • Sources of genetic variation o Mutations
    change in sequence of DNA o Gene shuffling
    different combinations of genes during gamete
    production and crossing over
  • Single gene and polygenic traits o Natural
    selection on single gene traits can lead to
    changes in allele frequencies and thus evolution
    (Ex lizard color, red easy to see and black
    keeps lizard warmer, reduction in normal brown
    which has no advantage) o Polygenic Natural
    selection is more complex and can affect
    distributions of phenotypes in 3 modes of action

Modes of Action
  • Natural selection has three modes of action
  • 1. Stabilizing selection
  • 2. Directional selection
  • 3. Diversifying selection

1. Stabilizing Selection
  • Acts upon extremes and favors the intermediate.

2. Directional Selection
  • Favors variants of one extreme.

3. Diversifying Selection
  • Favors variants of opposite extremes.

Hardy-Weinberg Principle
  • The concept that the shuffling of genes that
    occur during sexual reproduction, by itself,
    cannot change the overall genetic makeup of a

Hardy-Weinberg Principle
  • This principle will be maintained in nature only
    if all five of the following conditions are met
  • 1. Very large population
  • 2. Isolation from other populations
  • 3. No net mutations
  • 4. Random mating
  • 5. No natural selection

Hardy-Weinberg Principle
  • Remember
  • If these conditions are met, the population
    is at equilibrium.
  • This means No Change or No Evolution.

  • The origin of taxonomic groups higher than the
    species level.

  • A change in a populations gene pool over a
    secession of generations.
  • Evolutionary changes in species over relatively
    brief periods of geological time.

Five Mechanisms of Microevolution
  • 1. Genetic drift
  • Change in the gene pool of a small population
    due to chance.
  • Two examples
  • a. Bottleneck effect
  • b. Founder effect

a. Bottleneck Effect
  • Genetic drift (reduction of alleles in a
    population) resulting from a disaster that
    drastically reduces population size.
  • Examples
  • 1. Earthquakes
  • 2. Volcanos

b. Founder Effect
  • Genetic drift resulting from the colonization of
    a new location by a small number of individuals.
  • Results in random change of the gene pool.
  • Example
  • 1. Islands (first Darwin finch)

Five Mechanisms of Microevolution
  • 2. Gene Flow
  • The gain or loss of alleles from a population
    by the movement of individuals or gametes.
  • Immigration or emigration.

Five Mechanisms of Microevolution
  • 3. Mutation
  • Change in an organisms DNA that creates a new
  • 4. Non-random mating
  • The selection of mates other than by chance.
  • 5. Natural selection
  • Differential reproduction.

  • The evolution of new species.

Reproductive Barriers
  • Any (isolation) mechanism that impedes two
    species from producing fertile and/or viable
    hybrid offspring.
  • Two barriers
  • 1. Pre-zygotic barriers
  • 2. Post-zygotic barriers

1. Pre-zygotic Barriers
  • a. Temporal isolation
  • Breeding occurs at different times for
    different species.
  • b. Habitat isolation
  • Species breed in different habitats.
  • c. Behavioral isolation
  • Little or no sexual attraction between

1. Pre-zygotic Barriers
  • d. Mechanical isolation
  • Structural differences prevent gamete
  • e. Gametic isolation
  • Gametes die before uniting with gametes of
    other species, or gametes fail to unite.

2. Post-zygotic Barriers
  • a. Hybrid inviability
  • Hybrid zygotes fail to develop or fail to
    reach sexual maturity.
  • b. Hybrid sterility
  • Hybrid fails to produce functional gametes.
  • c. Hybrid breakdown
  • Offspring of hybrids are weak or infertile.

Allopatric Speciation
  • Induced when the ancestral population becomes
    separated by a geographical barrier.
  • Example
  • Grand Canyon and ground squirrels

Adaptive Radiation
  • Emergence of numerous species from a common
    ancestor introduced to new and diverse
  • Example
  • Darwins Finches

Sympatric Speciation
  • Result of a radical change in the genome that
    produces a reproductively isolated sub-population
    within the parent population (rare).
  • Example Plant evolution - polyploid
  • A species doubles its chromosome to become

Interpretations of Speciation
  • Two theories
  • 1. Gradualist Model (Neo-Darwinian)
  • Slow changes in species overtime.
  • 2. Punctuated Equilibrium
  • Evolution occurs in spurts of relatively
    rapid change.

Convergent Evolution
  • Species from different evolutionary branches may
    come to resemble one another if they live in very
    similar environments.
  • Example
  • 1. Ostrich (Africa) and Emu (Australia).
  • 2. Sidewinder (Mojave Desert) and
  • Horned Viper (Middle East Desert)

  • Evolutionary change, in which one species act as
    a selective force on a second species, inducing
    adaptations that in turn act as selective force
    on the first species.
  • Example
  • 1. Acacia ants and acacia trees
  • 2. Humming birds and plants with flowers with
    long tubes

  • Fossil - traces and preserved remains of ancient
    life, formed in sedimentary rock
  • Types of fossils
  • Trace - indirect evidence, e.g., footprints
  • Mold impression b of an organism
  • Cast mold filled with sediment
  • Replacement original organism replaced with
    mineral crystals
  • Petrified empty pore spaces filled with
    minerals, e,g petrified wood
  • Amber preserved tree sap traps organism
  • Original material mummified or frozen

How Are Fossils Dated?
  • Relative dating age of a fossil is determined
    by comparing placement with that of fossils in
    other layers of rock
  • Index species compared with other fossils
    because they are easily recognized, lived for a
    short time and had wide geographic range
  • Radioactive dating use radioactive decay to
    assign absolute ages to rocks
  • Half life length of time required for half of
    the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay

Early history of life
  • Solar system 12 billion years ago (bya)
  • Earth 4.5 bya
  • Life 3.5 to 4.0 bya
  • Prokaryotes 3.5 to 2.0 bya stromatolites
  • Oxygen accumulation 2.7 bya photosynthetic
  • Eukaryotic life 2.1 bya
  • Muticelluar eukaryotes 1.2 bya
  • Animal diversity 543 mya
  • Land colonization 500 mya

The Origin of Life
  • Old theory of origin of life spontaneous
    generation (from non-living) Theory of
    biogenesis (life from life) Redi, Pasteur
    Early Atmosphere - hydrogen cyanide, carbon
    dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, hydrogen
    sulfide and water

Early Life
  • How did first cells (bacteria) form?
  • Protenoid microspheres large organic molecules
    form tiny bubbles
  • First life anaerobic, living in the oceans
  • Microfossils (microscopic) 3.5 billion years old,
    when little oxygen in atmosphere
  • By 2.2 billion years, fossil evidence of
    microfossils that were photosynthetic

Organic monomers/polymer synthesis
  • Miller/Urey experiment
  • Water, hydrogen, methane, ammonia
  • No oxygen
  • All 20 amino acids, nitrogen bases, ATP formed

The Endosymbionic Theory
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts were formerly from
    small prokaryotes living within larger cells

Evidence of The Endosymbionic Theory
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts
  • DNA is similar to prokaryotic DNA
  • Have their own ribosomes
  • Can undergo binary fission
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