Title: Glacial Erosion Ice Push
1Glacial ErosionIce Push
- Glacier acts as bulldozer,may push limited amount
of debris into ridge known as - ICE-PUSH MORAINE.
2Glacial ErosionAbrasion
- Grinding by transported grains of silt and
larger sizes. - Effects polish, striations, grooves.
- Embedded fragments shared these features as
well as facets.
Longitudinal glacier flow
Debris particle paths
Diverging ice flow
3Glacial ErosionAbrasion
- Evidence
- Polish, striations, grooves, facets (on clasts)
- Done by different sizes of embedded debris
- Rock flour
- Seen as cloudiness or milkiness in glacial
meltwater. - Direct measurement
- Rates of a few mm/yr
4Glacial ErosionAbrasion
- Influencing Factors
- Adequate amount of basal debris
- Replenishment of basal debris
- High rate of basal sliding
- Adequate thickness to apply pressure
- Hardness of embedded debris
- Angularity and size of embedded fragments
5Glacial ErosionAbrasion
Longitudinal glacier flow
Movement towards glacier bed equal to amount
of basal melting
Path taken by particle
6Glacial ErosionPlucking (Quarrying)
- Pulling out large blocks of rock along fractures.
- May be dragged free or refrozen to base of
glacier (regelation).
Preassure-induced Melting
7Glacial ErosionPlucking
- Fractures
- Created by theglacier by draggingembedded
8Glacial ErosionPlucking
- Other Mechanisms for Rock Fracturing
- Freeze-thaw
- Unloading
- Including by the glacier when it recedes.
- Earthquakes and other deformation
9Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Whalebacks streamlined, abraded hills oriented
parallel to ice flow. Dimensions height 1 to
10 m length 1 m to several km. Surfaces often
10Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
Fast erosion
Flowing ice
Little erosion beneath stagnant or slowly moving
11Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Rock drumlins have the profile of true drumlins
(steeper end upglacier) but are composed of
bedrock. Dimensions height up to 50 m length
up to several km
12Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Rock drumlins
- 1. May occur in drumlin fields with true
drumlins. - 2. May have survived because they are composed
of more resistant rocks. - 3. May have been preglacial hills overridden and
smoothed by glacier.
13Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Roches moutonees are streamlined bedrock hills
with the steep end downglacier. - Polish and striations on upglacier side indicate
abrasion there. - Downglacier side eroded by plucking is steep and
irregular. - Dimensions are similar to those for whalebacks
and rock drumlins.
14Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Characteristics of Roche Moutonees
15Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
- Negative Relief Features
- Megagrooves are parallel streamlined depressions
with about the same dimensions as the
positive-relief features. - Rock basins are wider and less streamlined their
occurrence usually coincides with more easily
eroded rock.
16Glacial ErosionFeatures Produced by Ice Sheets
80 km
diabase sills
17Glacial ErosionFeatures of Alpine Areas
- The largest and otherwise most significant
glacial landform of alpine areas is the glacial
trough. - Longitudinal profiles of glacial troughs are
steep in their upper parts and are also stepped
and are commonly stepped. - Paternoster lakes may occupy the floors of the
18Glacial ErosionFeatures of Alpine Areas
19Glacial ErosionFeatures of Alpine Areas
- Glacial Troughs
- Transverse profiles are said to be U-shaped but
vary in actual shape.
20Glacial ErosionFeatures of Alpine Areas
- Features Associated with Troughs
- Truncated spurs
- Result of straightening valley.
- Hanging valleys
- Greater erosion in main valley leaves
discordant relationship. - Commonly marked with waterfall.
21Glacial ErosionOther Glacial Troughs
- Fiords (sometimes fjords)
- Lower part occupied by arm of sea.
- Formed by outlet glacier
- Finger Lakes type trough in soft rocks.
22Glacial ErosionAlpine Feature - Cirque
- Half-bowl shaped scoup just below highest
23Glacial ErosionAlpine Areas - Cirques
- Probably originate as nivation hollows.
Protalus Rampart
24Glacial ErosionAlpine Areas - Cirques
- Expand into cirque as glacier forms and advances.
25Glacial ErosionAlpine Areas - Cirques
- Cirque Aspect
- NE aspect in Northern Hemisphere favors
- 1) Protection from sun
- 2) Receives wind-driven snow
26Glacial ErosionAlpine Features
- Aretes sharp-crested ridge dividing two
glaciated areas - Cols low areas through ridges such as
aretes often passes - Horns jagged peak that survived erosion
27Glacial ErosionAmounts
- Area Erosion (in ft)
- Canadian Shield 10-50
- Scandinavia 80
- New England 10-15
- Valleys, B.C. 200
- Yosemite 650
- Finger Lakes 1400