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Physical Geology


PowerLecture A Microsoft PowerPoint Link Tool for Essentials of Physical Geology 5th Edition Reed Wicander | James S. Monroe academic.cengage/com/earthsci – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Physical Geology

PowerLecture A Microsoft PowerPoint Link Tool
Essentials of Physical Geology 5th Edition Reed
Wicander  James S. Monroe
Chapter 14
  • Glaciers
  • and Glaciation

  • Glaciers are masses of ice which move over land
    by plastic flow and basal slip.
  • Glaciers presently contain 2.15 of all water on
    Earth and cover about 10 of the land surface.

Fig. 14.2, p. 359
  • The Little Ice Age
  • The Little Ice Age was a time of colder winters
    and short, wet summers
  • during which glaciers advanced and sea ice
    persisted for long periods of time.
  • It occurred from about 1500 to the middle to late
    1800s and had its greatest effect on Northern
    Europe and Iceland.

Fig. 14.1a, p. 358
The Kinds of Glaciers
  • By definition glaciers are moving bodies of ice
    on land, that flows downslope or outward from an
    area of accumulation.
  • Sea ice and icebergs is nothing more than frozen
    seawater and are not glaciers because they do not
    form on land.

Fig. 14.4b p. 361
The Kinds of Glaciers
  • Valley Glaciers
  • Valley glaciers are
  • Long, narrow tongues of ice
  • Typically much smaller than continental glaciers
  • Flow from higher to lower elevations
  • Confined within mountain valleys.
  • Create spectacular scenery!

Fig. 14.1b, p. 358
Valley Glaciers
  • Valley glaciers are also called alpine glaciers
    and mountain glaciers
  • Valley glaciers that flow into the sea are
    called tidewater glaciers.

Fig. 14.2, p. 359
The Kinds of Glaciers
  • Continental Glaciers
  • Continental glaciers flow outward in all
    directions from a zone of accumulation
  • Huge - cover vast areas.
  • Often develop large ice shelves where they flow
    outward into the sea.

Fig. 14.3 a, p. 360
Fig. 14.3 a-b, p. 360
The Kinds of Glaciers
  • Ice Caps
  • Similar to continental glaciers but much
  • Some develop from valley glaciers when they grow
    over the top of a divide.

Fig. 14.3 c, p. 360
GlaciersMoving Bodies of Ice on Land
  • GlaciersPart of the Hydrologic Cycle
  • Glaciers are a reservoir in the hydrologic cycle
    where water is stored for long periods as it
    moves from the oceans to land and back to the

Geo-Insight 8., p. 371
GlaciersMoving Bodies of Ice on Land
  • How Do Glaciers Originate and Move? Glaciers
    form when winter snowfall exceeds summer melt and
    snow accumulates yearly.
  • Ice is a crystalline solid. Fresh snowflakes are
    about 80 air.
  • As the snow accumulates it thaws and refreezes,
    becoming a granular type of ice called firn.
  • When firn is buried and and recrystallized, it is
    metamorphosed to glacial ice and will flow under
    its own weight.

Fig. 14.4a, p. 361
Stepped Art
Fig. 14-4a, p. 361
GlaciersMoving Bodies of Ice on Land
  • How Do Glaciers Originate and Move?
  • Glaciers move thru Basal Slip and Plastic Flow
  • If a slope is present glaciers may slide over
    their underlying surface, a phenomenon called
    basal slip
  • Most of their movement is accomplished by plastic
    flow, a type of deformation that takes place in
    response to stress.

Fig. 14.5, p. 362
GlaciersMoving Bodies of Ice on Land
  • Distribution of Glaciers
  • Glaciers exist only where there is
  • Sufficient precipitation in the form of snow
  • Temperatures low enough that they do not melt
  • These conditions prevail in
  • High mountains (some even near the equator or
  • High latitudes (such as in Alaska, the Canadian
    Arctic islands, Greenland, and Antarctica.)

The Glacial BudgetAccumulation and Wastage
  • Glacial budget - A glacier's behavior depends on
    the balance between accumulation and wastage
  • The upper part of the glacier, where the snow
    cover is year-round is the zone of accumulation.
  • The lower part, where losses exceed gains is the
    zone of wastage.
  • The line separating the two is the firn limit.
    It shifts each year.

Fig. 14.7 a-b, p. 366
The Glacial BudgetAccumulation and Wastage
  • Glacial budget - A glacier's behavior depends on
    the balance between accumulation and wastage
  • Glaciers having a balanced budget have a
    stationary terminus. The firn limit changes very
    little from year to year.
  • Positive and negative budgets result in advance
    and retreat of the terminus, respectively.

Fig. 14.7 a-b, p. 366
The Glacial BudgetAccumulation and Wastage
  • Glacial budget - A glacier's behavior depends on
    the balance between accumulation and wastage
  • A valley glacier with a balanced budget will
    deposit a terminal moraine at its base.
  • If it has a negative budget a recessional moraine
    may develop.

Fig. 14.7 a-b, p. 366
The Glacial Budget Accumulation and Wastage
  • How Fast Do Glaciers Move?
  • The rate of glacial movement depends on the
    slope, discharge and season.
  • In general, valley glaciers move more rapidly
    than do continental glaciers

Fig. 14.5, p. 367
The Glacial BudgetAccumulation and Wastage
  • Glacial Surges - During a glacial surge,
    accelerated flow into a glacier causes its
    terminus to advance rapidly
  • Its surface breaks into a maze of crevasses.

Fig. 14.6, p. 363
The Glacial BudgetAccumulation and Wastage
  • Theories for the cause of surges
  • 1. Water-saturated sediment below a glacier
    allows it to slide
  • 2. A glaciers slope increases due to thickening
    in the zone of accumulation and thinning in the
    zone of wastage.

Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Glaciers effectively erode and transport
    significant amounts of sediments because they are
    moving solids.
  • They are very effective in eroding soil and
    unconsolidated sediment.
  • Glaciers deposit huge amounts of sediment of all
    grain sizes, from boulders the size of a house
    down to rock flour.

Fig. 14.11, p. 369
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Glaciers
  • Push or bulldoze loose materials in their paths
  • Erode by abrasion - that is, the movement of
    sediment-laden ice over rock surfaces
  • Erode by plucking when ice freezes in or around
    bedrock projections and pulls them loose.

Fig. 14.9, p. 368
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Glaciers
  • Polish rocks as they grind them into a fine
    powder called rock flour.
  • Abrasion also results in glacial striations
    scratches made by rocks scraping against one
    another as the glacier moves

Fig. 14.10, p. 368
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Erosion by Valley Glaciers
  • Valley glaciers carve angular peaks and deep
  • U-Shaped Glacial Troughs
  • When mountain valleys are eroded by glaciers they
    are deepened and widened so that they have flat
    or gently rounded (U-shaped) valley floors and
    near-vertical valley walls.

Fig. 14.12 b, p. 369
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Erosion by Valley Glaciers
  • A fiord forms when sea level rises and fills a
    U-shaped glacial valley with sea water.

U-Shaped Glacial Troughs
Geo-inSight 3-5, p. 370
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Erosion by Valley Glaciers Hanging Valleys
  • Create some of the worlds most spectacular
  • Form when a former glacial tributary
    reaches the main valley

Fig. 14.12c, p. 369 Geo-Insight 8., p. 371
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Erosion by Valley Glaciers
  • Cirques

Fig. 14.12c, p. 369
  • At the upper end of the glacial trough, a
    scoop-shaped depression, or cirque, eroded into a
    mountain side marks the place where a glacier
    formed and moved out into a trough.

Fig. 14.16a, p. 375
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Erosion by Valley Glaciers
  • Arêtes and Horns
  • Both are landforms generated by valley glacier
  • An arête is a serrated ridge between U-shaped
    glacial troughs or between adjacent cirques
  • A horn is a pyramid-shaped peak left when
    headword erosion takes place by at least three
    glaciers in the same peak.

Geo-inSight 10., p. 370 Fig. 14.12c, p. 369
Erosion and Transport by Glaciers
  • Continental Glaciers
    and Erosional Landforms
  • Areas eroded by continental glaciers
  • Are smooth and rounded, ice-scoured plains
  • Create deranged drainages with swamps and lakes
  • Exhibit large areas of polished and striated

Fig. 14.13, p. 372
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Glacial Drift a general term for all glacial
  • Erratics huge boulders derived from distant
    source areas, transported to their current
    location by glaciers

Fig. 14.14 a-b, p. 373
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Glacial Drift a general term for all glacial
  • Two types of drift
  • 1. Till sediments deposited directly by glacial
    ice. Poorly sorted.
  • 2. Stratified drift sediments deposited by
    running water, usually in braided streams.

Fig. 14.15b, p. 374 Fig. 14.18a, p. 377
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Till
  • End moraines Crescent shaped deposits of till
    that form near the terminus of the glacier.
  • Form a pile of rubble at the front of the glacier

Fig. 14.15, p. 374
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Till
  • Recessional moraine.
  • Suppose that a glacier reaches its maximum extent
    and has a balanced budget.
  • Accordingly it deposits a terminal moraine.
  • If it then has a negative budget,
  • Its terminus retreats and perhaps becomes
    stabilized once again if its budget is balanced
  • In this case another end moraine is deposited but
    it is called a recessional moraine.

Fig. 14.7b, p. 366
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Till
  • Lateral and Medial Moraines Ridge shaped
    deposits of till that form within the glacier.
  • Created by plucking rock from the valley walls
  • Lateral moraines form along the sides of the
  • Medial moraines form where two lateral moraines

Fig. 14.16 b, p. 375
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Till
  • Drumlins
  • Streamlined hills of till shaped by continental
    glaciers or by glacial meltwater floods. Form
    drumlin fields, with 100s of drumlins present.

Fig. 14.17, p. 376
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Stratified Drift
  • Sediments deposited by glacial meltwater. Well
  • Outwash Plains vast blankets of sediment,
    usually sand and gravel, that form in front of
    the glacier as it melts
  • Valley Trains deposits of braided streams that
    form long, narrow deposits of stratified drift.

Fig. 14.17, p. 376 Fig. 14.18a, p. 377
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Landforms Composed of Stratified Drift
  • Kames conical hills created when a stream
    deposits sediment in a depression on the
    glaciers surface.
  • Eskers snake-like deposits from sub-glacial

Fig. 14.17, p. 376 Fig. 14.19, p. 377
Deposits of Glaciers
  • Deposits in Glacial Lakes
  • The most distinctive deposits in glacial lakes
    are varves
  • Varves consist of couplets of dark and light,
    laminated, fine-grained sediment.
  • The dark layers form during the winter when small
    particles of clay and organic matter are
  • The light layers are made up of silt and clay
    that form during the warmer months.
  • The age of a glacial lake may be determined by
    counting the layers.

Fig. 14.20a, p. 378
What Causes Ice Ages?
  • The Milankovitch Theory
  • An explanation for the onset of the glacial
  • Milankovitch claimed that irregularities in
    Earths rotation and orbit bring about complex
    climatic changes that provide the triggering
    mechanism for glacial episodes.
  • The 3 primary factors are
  • orbital eccentricity
  • changes in axial tilt
  • precession of the equinoxes

Fig. 14.21, p. 378
What Causes Ice Ages?
  • Short-Term Climatic Events
  • Milankovitch cycles can be measured in 10s of
    thousands of years. They are too long to explain
    events like the Little Ice Age that lasted just a
    few hundreds of years
  • Several hypotheses have been proposed
  • Variations in solar energy due to solar flares or
    interstellar dust
  • Volcanic eruptions are known to cause short term
    climate change. A series of large eruptions
    could produce a prolonged event.

End of Chapter 14
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