Title: MARE 171
1Development and Evolution of Animals
MARE 171 Ms. Jen Turner
2The Animal Kingdom
3Animal Classification
- Nutritional Mode
- Cell Structure Function
- Reproduction Development
4Ancestry of Animal Groups
Cleavage -also called Segmentation 2
Developmental Modes Protostomes e.g.
flatworms, annelids, mollusks, arthropods Deutero
stomes e.g. echinoderms, vertebrates
5Ancestry of Animal Groups
Two Varying Types of Cleavage
6Ancestry of Invertebrate Groups
Indeterminate Development a.
Determinate Development a.
Blastopore - Mouth
Blastopore - Anus
7Good Evening Ladies Germs
8Onions have layersEmbryos have layers
- Germ Layers
- Endoderm
- -from which digestive tract lining, lungs
liver (verts) develop - Mesoderm
- -from which connective tissue, muscle, bone,
urogenital circulatory systems develop - Ectoderm
- -from which epidermal layers develop, for
some, nervous system
9Number of Layers Differ
- Diploblastic ?
- Jellyfish, corals, comb jellies
- Triploblastic ?
- All other animals
- Excludes sponges ? no true tissues
10Embryonic Development
Triploblasts Coelom -body organs lie
bathed in body fluid -derived from mesoderm
11Ancestry of Animal Groups
Acoelomate Pseudocoelom True coelom -
12Embryonic Development
13Ancestry of Animal Groups
- During Gastrulation Two kinds of True Coeloms
- Schizocoelom?
- 2. Enterocoelom?
- Schizocoeloms are found in animals known as
PROTOSTOMATES - Enterocoeloms are found in animals known as
14Ancestry of Animal Groups
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16Body Symmetry
17Ancestry of Animal Groups
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