Title: Obesity as Indirect CVD Risk Factor
1Obesity as Indirect CVD Risk Factor
- Millions in US are excessively overweight
- 40-50 yr old, 85 elderly diabetics are either
hypertensive or obese 80 of obese have high BP
and/or glucose intolerance. - Syndrome X or Metabolic Syndrome possessing
three or more of the following Hi BP (SBP130,
DBP85 Insulin resist.-110 FBGC, Low HDL (males, 50 females), Hi TRIG (150 mg/dl), and
waist circ. (102 males, 88 females). Now
obesity (males 22 or 25, females 35 or 39)
added to profile (Table 9-1). - Obesity-caused from excess energy intake, genetic
disposition, and/or inactivity???
2Chapter 26-Weight Management Obesity
- Incidence of other problems associated with
Obesity- increased insulin response to glucose,
loss of insulin sensitivity decreased growth
hormone, HSL, and increased cholesterol
synthesis - Category of Obesity-(Table 4-1) Normal BMI is
18.5-24.9 Overweight- (25.0-29.9) Class I Obese
(30.0- 34.9) Class II Obese (35- 39.9), Class III
Obese (40.0) - body fat-males 25, females-32 for 20-39 yr
3Exercise Training benefits
- Greater energy deficits-more likely to lose
weight - Decreased fasting glucose. insulin, insulin
resistance, increased glucose tolerance - Suppresses appetite
- Improves psychological function
- Minimize LBM weight loss
- maintain BMR
4Why is focus usually on eating less?
- Repeated attempts at weight loss 1st VLCD
yielded wt. loss - (0.47 kg/day) 2nd attempt
yielded (0.37 kg/day). - Rats took 21 days to lose 130 grams when overfed,
and 45 days to regain it. But after second
overfeeding needed 46 days to lose same 130 grams
and only needed 14 days to regain it. - Might diet composition also impact weight
5Carbohydrate or Fat the Key??
- Human data supports high fat and/or sugar intake
also related to adiposity. Dietary saturated fat
intake also related to body fat. Not related to
polyunsaturated fat intake. - Reducing fat intake from 36 to 23 of diet
reduced body wt 5.8 kg and 3.7 body fat. - Type of carbohydrate may be important!
6Natural CHO with Fiber
- Studies demonstrate subjects put on restricted
diets with daily fiber goals usually use more
weight than those with lower fiber goals.
Question remains whether it is fiber, per say, or
simply an increased intake of natural CHOs
which facilitates weight loss. - Preventing large decrease in Energy intake also
appears to be a key-role of BMR.
7 Exercise RMR
- Early work supports idea that RMR is similar
between obese and lean subjects. RMR more related
to kilograms fat free mass or lean tissue. Even
when RMR corrected for Body Surface Area. - Efficiency of absorption of food intake-seems
same between groups with urine fecal analysis.
Even when two groups exercise efficiency of cycle
exercise very similar.
8Contributions to Energy Expended
- Resting Metabolic Rate- 60-75 of total-likely
affected by activity of thyroid gland. Very rare
to see difference between trained and untrained
subjects, or lean vs obese. - Thermic Effect of Feeding-energy expended in
processing food. (10). Appears to be
responders and nonresponders. Suggests that
moderate levels of PA might help TEF.
9Components of EE (cont.)
- Thermic effect of Physical Activity- How much you
move daily-widest fluctuation. Might range from
15-30 of total EE. Typically the largest
difference between trained untrained, lean vs
obese. Diet and/or exercise may only change RMR
and TEF a small amount, but increasing PA creates
an instant and guaranteed increased EE.
10RMR in Trained Untrained
- Express RMR relative to Fat Free Weight.
- Small difference- 1.15-1.18 in trained vs 1.05
kcal/kg FFW/hr for untrained. Seems quite
insignificant but compare over 1 yrs on weight
regulation. - Also, what effect does chronic exercise have on
the EPOC-excess post exercise oxygen consumption.
- Focus on lower RMR- possible difference in
subcutaneous vs deep fat distribution-deep fat
may be more difficult to mobilize and more
atherogenic. - 1) Futile metabolic pathways- Glu-G6P - Glu
Fru-6-P - F 1,6-DP - F 6-P - 2) Lower turnover of body proteins
- 3) Na-pumping ATPases
- 4) Brown adipose tissue- intrascap., thorax
- WAISTHIP RATIO - ANDROID type leads to greater
incidence of Syndrome X, insulin resistance,
hyperinsulemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension. - 12 yr followup found higher levels of AMI,
stroke, premature death. Greatest risk was high
WH ratio and low BMI. Also found in women.
Central skinfolds more predictive of heart
disease than thigh.
13Body fat distribution
- Waisthip ratio-lower fat distributionmales and
females - Upper body fat distribution considered elevated
males 0.95 females-0.86.
14Reason for Abdominal Fat Risk
- Storage of fat in abdomen under regulation of
hormones, enzymes, and fuel sources - abdominal fat very active-high turnover from
LPL-leads to high levels of FFA in portal
circulation of liver.-Might inhibit liver insulin
uptake due to Inc. triglycerides. Leads also to
Inc. VLDL-C. Leads to more insulin release.
- Android related to Type II fibers-less oxidative.
Low capillary density leads to Inc. insulin
resistance. Also, lower oxidative capacity to
metabolize FFA and Triglycerides. - Gynoid obesity has much less sensitive fat cells-
need more Epi. to release same amt. of FFA
16Endurance Exercise Weight Loss Recommendations
- Exercise alone usually not as effective as when
combined with dietary modification in magnitude
of weight loss. - 700 kcal/day EE resulted in 7.6 kg loss over 3
mos. 7.4 kg lost when 700 kcal/day dietary
reduction used. - Perhaps active individuals compensate by eating
17Are there Responders vs Non-responders
- Much more variability in weight loss (6.8 times
more) between identical twins than within twins. - Role of Leptin UCP-2 in regulating energy
intake, weight loss will be presented later.
18Exercise Duration Weight Loss
- 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity on
most, preferably all days of week is ACSM/CDC
minimum. - 280 min/wk over 18 mos maintained 13 kg weight
loss vs 6.5 kg and 3.5 kg for 150-200 and min/wk, respectively. - 280 min group had no wt gain from mos 6-18 vs
sig. wt. regain in - Maintenance of wt loss long-term successful with
65 min/day of moderate intensity activity
19Exercise Intensity Wt. Loss
- National Weight Control Registry-suggests that
long-term maintenance of wt loss may be enhanced
with at least 26 of exercise being vigorous in
20Intermittent Exercise Wt. Loss
- No evidence that it will enhance wt. loss, but no
negative effect vs traditional continuous
exercise. - Proven to be effective in improving exercise
adherence for initial adoption of exercise in
overweight men women.
21Lifestyle Activity Wt. Loss
- 16 and 68 wks out lifestyle activity (not a
planned, structured workout) yielded same wt loss
as traditional, structured exercise. Same for CV
fitness improvements. - Question remains regarding how much of this
activity must be at least moderate intensity.
22Resistance Training Wt. Loss
- RT should help to maintain FFM during dietary
restriction thus helping to maintain REE. - Five studies question how effective RT is on
maintaining REE during diet-induced wt. loss. - Combining Endurance Exercise (3 days/wk) with 3
days/wk periodized RT combined with Energy Intake
of 1500 kcal/day vs diet endurance ex. vs diet
alone had greatest impact on improving body
composition, did not improve wt. loss, blunt
decrease in RMR or minimize FFM loss. Fat mass
loss was 69 in diet alone vs 78 in
dietendurance group 97 for dietenduranceresi
stance Tr. - Change in FFM not related to change in RMR.
23Women, RT Diet
- Typical result is to at least maintain if not
increase FFM with RT.
24Leptin Obesity
- Discovery of the Ob Gene in genetically altered
mice found a protein called leptin-which
influences body weight regulation - No Leptin present-severe obesity
- Mice/Rats-obese animals given injections of
leptin decrease appetite, increase metabolic
rate-nice weight loss. Even lean mice given
leptin lost 15 body weight
25Possible Role of Leptin
- Suppresses bodys response to starvation
- blocks normal drop in EE with decreased caloric
intake - BUT- dieting dec. leptin levels, which inc.
hunger and dec. EE - Wt. gain Inc. BMR fat mass-leptin
increases-tries to self-regulate
26Human Response Leptin
- Obese subjects have hi leptin levels- corr. with
fat mass-called leptin insensitive. - Perhaps defect in leptin receptor in brain-need
more leptin for effect to work - Potential interplay with neuropeptide
Y-stimulates appetite, CHO intake, insulin
27Other Observations
- 1) Leptin levels corr with visceral fat mass
plasma insulin levels - Fat Mass loss corr with dec. Leptin levels, but
initial leptin levels not predictive of fat mass
28Leptin Syndrome "X"
- Adipocyte expresses both leptin "TNF-alpha"
protein, which has ben linked with CVD risk
factors. - Elevated TNF-alpha mRNA expression induces
insulin resistance, slowing insulin receptor
Glut-4 transport proteins. Reduction in LPL
activity, activates liver lipolysis, and
increases plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
content in adipocytes. Weight loss fat mass
loss improves insulin sensitivity, lipid
metabolism, and lowers leptin TNF-alpha levels
in blood. Question is whether similar trends are
seen with exercise training.
29Leptin Syndrome "X"
- Studied overweight (BMI range 25-42),
postmenopausal women who either were put on 1) a
low energy diet, 2) low energy dietexercise or
3) control. - Three months of intervention with 6 month
folllow-up, measures of leptin, body fat, and
indicies of syndrome X.
30But...what is the leptin syndrome X
- Leptin was two-fold higher prior to study
compared to normal weight women, diet
dietexercise lowered leptin equally Leptin
correlated with SHBG plasminogen-activator-inhib
itor-1, and fat content. Change in leptin corr.
with change in fat mass. Baseline leptin could
not predict overall weight loss. Leptin more
related to fat mass rather than specific to
syndrome X.
- Leptin was two-fold higher prior to study
compared to normal weight women, diet
dietexercise lowered leptin equally Leptin
correlated with SHBG plasminogen-activator-inhib
itor-1, and fat content. Change in leptin corr.
with change in fat mass. Baseline leptin could
not predict overall weight loss. Leptin more
related to fat mass rather than specific to
syndrome X.
32Leptin moderate-intensity aerobic exercise
- Sedentary males performed 60 min of cycle ex. at
50 max HR with BMI 284). Measures of leptin
production serum leptin concentration were
similar between resting exercise values,
suggesting that a single bout of exercise may not
alter leptin activity in sedentary subjects.
33How about more exercise??
- Subjects who exercised for 2 hours after an
overnight fast had leptin levels drop by 8.3,
and correlated with increase in plasma free fatty
acid concentrations (r 0.737). When rested
refed, leptin levels returned to baseline FFA
levels dropped below baseline. Just overnight
fast with no exercise decreased leptin levels
12.3Ultramarathoners completing event had
leptin levels decrease by 32, although FFA
levels not as related to change in leptin (r
34Effect of a Marathon Leptin levels
- Compare 29 male marathoners age/BMI-matched
controls. Marathoners had lower fat fat mass
and leptin levels (2.9 vs 5.1 ug/L). Leptin
relative to fat mass (0.46 ug/L/kg fat mass) was
similar. Marathon itself reduced leptin to 2.6
ug/L. Severe change in energy expenditure may
regulate serum leptin levels.
35Exercise Training Leptin Levels
- Elderly women (60-72 yr) who either remained
sedentary (C), began exercise (EX) or began
exercise on hormone replacement therapy (EXHRT)
for 11 months. Leptin. fat , insulin measured
pre-post. Leptin decreased by 23 22 in EX and
EXHRT groups Fat mass most related to leptin
level (r 0.81) and change in fat mass most
related to change in leptin levels (r 0.55)
Insulin related to leptin levels, but also
related to amount of fat mass. Ratio of
leptin/fat mass decreased with after weight loss,
suggesting that fat cell size may be an important
determinant of leptin levels in women.
36More training effects
- Another study showed a -decrease in leptin levels
due to training for males but not for females.
However, the reduction in fat mass could account
for the decrease in leptin levels. The effect of
exercise training may be overshadowed by
changes in fat mass.
37More training effects
- Look at training effect of sedentary males
females. Similar in aerobic capacity BUT females
had lower fat mass!!
38Cellular Changes in ob gene Leptin with
- Rats who are genetically obese, insulin
resistant, and type II diabetic were trained 10
weeks and compared with trained lean rats
sedentary controls. Obese rats had 4 fold
increase in ob mRNA expression compared to lean..
With training, lean rats decreased ob mRNA
expression by 85 but obese rats decreased by
only 50.Fat mass decreased in both exercise
trained rats, suggesting that a feedback loop
between the adipocyte and hypothalamus attempts
to maintain body weight at a constant level by
reducing ob gene expression in response to
increased energy expenditure.
39Protein Diets Weight Loss
- Potential mechanisms?
- Potential Side effects?
- Long-term use?
40(No Transcript)