Title: CouncilManager Government Berwyns Future
1Council-Manager GovernmentBerwyns Future
2Council-Manager Government
- Born out of progressive reform movement
- Catalysts for local change
- Mass immigration urbanization
- Corruption in America 19th-20th Centuriesthink
Gangs of New York
3Council-Manager Government
- Engagement of the business sector
- Rise of a scientific approach to local
government management - The beginning of transparency and accountability
to the citizens of each local government
4Council-Manager Government
- Teddy Roosevelt and the National Municipal League
lead charge against local corruption
5Landmarks in Council-Manager History
- 1908 Staunton, Va., establishes first
professional managers position - 1912 Sumter, S.C., adopts council-manager
charter - 1914 Birth of ICMA as professional organization
for appointed managers and administrators - 1924 ICMA Code of Ethics
6Did you know?
- Council-manager is the most popular form of
government in the U.S. - 49 of municipalities use the form
- Form is adaptable. Key components flexible
elements that vary across states - Council-manager governments do have mayors 67
are directly elected
7Council-Manager Form of Government
- No separation of powers between executive and
legislative functions - Power concentrated in one elected body
- Policy making responsibility is with body of
elected officials - Management of the day-to-day operation by a
nonpartisan, trained professional
8Council-Manager Form of Government
- Council is governing body
- Sets policy through legislation
- Usually consists of five to nine members
- Can be elected by district and/or at large
9Council-Manager Form of Government
- Town supervisor, mayor, board chairman, council
president or chair of county legislature is
presiding member of governing body. - Can be selected by body or elected at large, and
provides political leadership
10Council-Manager Form
- Manager hired by entire governing body
- Responsible to governing body for policy
implementation - Serves as chief advisor to elected body
- Serves at the pleasure of elected body
- Prepares the budget
- Directs day-to-day operations
- Appoints/dismisses most positions
11Benefits of Council-Manager Form
- Day-to-day operations managed by highly trained,
educated professional experienced in local
government management practices
12Benefits of Council-Manager Form
- Manager carries out the policies established by
elected governing body with an emphasis on
effective, efficient, and equitable service
13Benefits of Council-Manager Form
- Elected governing body has time to devote to
policy planning and development
14Benefits of Council-Manager Form
- Centralized administrator accountable directly to
elected governing body promotes enhanced
responsiveness to citizens - Professional managers dedicated to ideals of
democratic governance and public service promotes
integrity and accountability
15About Professional Managers
- Work with range of individuals involved in many
service areas - Specialize in finding innovative solutions to
local government challenges - Make our communities great places to live!
16About Professional Managers
- Possess management know-how to build strong
communities, if not from ground up, then by
ensuring the continuous improvement of community
services - Increasingly enter profession with a masters
degree, often in public administration
17About ICMA
- Home for professional managers
- Premier local government leadership and
management organization - Mission to create excellence in local governance
by developing and fostering professional local
government management worldwide
18About ICMA
- Provides technical and management assistance,
training, and information resources in - Ethics education and training
- Performance measurement
- Community/economic development
- Environmental management
- Technology
- Many other service areas
19About ICMA
- Of ICMAs 8,300 members, roughly 5,300 are city,
town, or county managers or senior-level
assistant/ deputy managers - Decisions made by ICMA members affect more than
400 million people in thousands of communities
20ICMA Credentialing
- Nearly 1,000 ICMA members designated as
Credentialed Managers (CM)
21ICMA Credentialing
- Credentialing Program defines and recognizes
members qualified by - Combination of education and experience
- Adherence to high standards of integrity
- Commitment to lifelong learning and professional
22For More Information
- Contact
- 777 North Capitol Street, N.E., 500
- Washington, DC 20002-4201
- 202/289-4262
- http//icma.org