Title: Lander County School District
1Lander County School District
2Goal of Todays Presentation
- Provide the public an overview of budget cuts for
Fiscal Year 08 (FY 08) and FY 09. - Provide information on current budget levels in
the district for school sites and district wide
programs. - Solicit suggestions on what areas to cut within
the existing budget.
3- We will be accepting suggestions for budget
cuts without discussing the merits of the
recommendations. The Board of Trustees will
research suggestions prior to making a
determination on the final budget for the
2009-2010 school year.
4- Why the need to reduce the educational budget?
5- State-wide revenues have continued to decline
since the fall of 2007. Currently, state revenues
are 34 less than anticipated. - All school districts receiving state Distributive
School Account (DSA) funding have been advised to
prepare for significant budget cuts for the next
biennium (16 of 17 districts receive DSA funding).
6What Does 1 Mean to LCSD
- Current State Support for District General Fund
Budget4,871,514 - 1 of that budget 48,715
- 14 of that budget 682,012
- DSA (Student )
- Enrolment decrease
- Total Est. Reduction
7Anticipated Fy 2010 Revenue Reduction
- FY 09 Bud. Rev. 11,665,233
- Est. FY 2010 Rev. 10,664,909
- Est. Anticipated Red 1,000,323
- NRS Required 4.3
- Ending Fund Balance 450,000
- Anticipated Revenue Shortage
8- An overview of each school site staffing and
extra-curricular and co-curricular activities
9Battle Mountain High School Staffing Enrollment
404 students Grades 9-12
- One Administrator Principal
- Part-time Dean of Students ( teaches 3 class
periods per day) - Two Administrative Assistants
- One School Counselors
- One School to Careers coordinator who acts as
part-time Title coordinator. - Two Custodians
10Battle Mountain High School Staffing
- Three Special Education Teachers
- 18 full-time Classroom Teachers student/teacher
ratio of 22.4 to 1 - One Librarian (certified teacher)
- One half-time Band Teacher (other half at BMJH)
- One Academic Coach (SB 185 Funds)
- One Health Sciences Instructor funded through
Carl Perkins Grant - One Diesel Mechanics Instructor funded through
cooperative agreement w/ Great Basin College,
Newmont, Marigold, and Barrick Mines
11Battle Mountain High School Staff Reductions
- FY 09 loss of one full time Vice Principal
12Battle Mountain High School Extra and
Co-Curricular Stipends
- Athletics One athletic Director 4,157
- Football one head coach 3,760, five assistants
2,881 each - Soccer two head coaches (boys and girls) 2,881
each - Golf two head coaches (girls and boys) 2,302
each - Volleyball one head coach 3,233, one assistant
2,302 - Wrestling one head coach 3,233, one assistant
13Battle Mountain High School Extra and
Co-Curricular Stipends
- Basketball two head coaches 3,955 each, two JV
3,100 each, (boys and girls) one boys freshman
2,302 - Track one head coach 3,233, three assistants
2,302 each (girls and boys) - Softball/Baseball two head coaches 3,233 each,
two assistants 2,302 each - Spirit Team (cheerleaders) one head coach 1151
x 2 seasons - Academic Olympics Advisor 1287
- Pep Band / Choir 2,990 each
14Battle Mountain High School Extra and
Co-Curricular Stipends
- Skills USA Advisor 3,488
- Drama 1,425
- Future Business Leaders of America 1,023
- Honor Society 485
- Student Council Advisor 2,000 (1000 additional
Highest State Award) - Class Advisors five 966 each
- Yearbook 2,990
15Battle Mountain High School Extra and
Co-Curricular Stipends
- Stipends 107,189
- Medicare 1,554
- Workers Comp 2,104
- TOTAL Stipend Cost 110,847
16Battle Mountain Junior High School
StaffingEnrollment 164 in Grades 7-8
- One Administrator Principal
- One 1/2 Administrative Assistants One serves ½
time as Title I aide - One School Counselor also serves Eleanor Lemaire
Battle Mountain Elementary - 8 regular Classroom Teachers 20.5 to 1 S-T ratio
- One Special Education Teacher
- One Library Assistant (non-licensed position)
- One Custodian
- One half-time Band/Choir Teacher (other half at
17Battle Mountain Junior High School Staff Cuts for
- Loss of one full time instructor
- Reduced from two full time custodians to one
custodial position
18Battle Mountain Junior High School
Extra-Curricular Stipends
- Athletic Director 1,856
- Basketball Coaches boys and girls 1,287 each
(7th and 8th Grades) - Volleyball Coaches 1,287 each (7th and 8th
Grades) - Wrestling Coach 1,287
- Band Director 2,302
- Cheerleading Advisor 1,232
19Battle Mountain Junior High School
Extra-Curricular Stipends
- Defenders Advisor 321 each, two advisors
- 8th Grade Class Advisor 966
- Student Council Advisor 1,500
- Yearbook Advisor 1287
- Spelling Bee Advisor 321
- Digital Design Advisor 321
- Readers Club Advisor 321
- Track Coaches 1,287 each, three coaches
- Passing Party Advisor 321(7th and 8th Grades)
20Battle Mountain Junior High School Extra and
Co-Curricular Stipends
- Stipends 21,365
- Medicare 310
- Workers Comp
427 - TOTAL Stipend Cost 22,102
21Battle Mountain Elementary StaffingEnrollment
338 in Grades Pre K - 3
- Staffing 15 classroom teachers
- Student/teacher ratios
- Kindergarten 14.57-1
- First Grade 18.25-1
- Second Grade 19.25-1
- Third Grade 20-1
22Battle Mountain Elementary Staffing
- One Administrator one Principal
- Two Administrative Assistants
- School Counselor BMJH Counselor covers as
needed - One School Nurse District Wide
- One Speech Therapist District Wide
- One Psychologist District Wide
23Battle Mountain Elementary Staffing
- Five Special Education Teachers
- Two Custodians
- One Library Assistant
- Nine Teacher Aides funded thru various
24Eleanor Lemaire Elementary StaffingEnrollment
226 in Grades 4-6
- Staffing eleven classroom teachers
- Student/teacher ratios
- Fourth Grade 15.751
- Fifth Grade 25.671
- Sixth Grade 21.51
25Eleanor Lemaire Elementary Staffing
- One Administrator
- One Administrative Assistant
- Eleven Regular Classroom Teachers
- One Special Education Teacher
- One Counselor (BMJH Counselor covers part-time)
- One Custodian
- One Teachers Aide (Grant Funded)
- One Instructional Coach (Funded by SB 185 Grant)
26Austin K-12 Enrollment StaffingEnrollment 38
students Grades K-12
- Kindergarten 1student
- First grade 1 students
- Second grade 0 students
- Third grade 1 students
- Fourth grade 3 students
- Fifth Grade 2 students
- Sixth Grade 3 students
- Seventh Grade 1 students
- Eighth Grade 7 students
- Ninth Grade 1 students
- Tenth Grade 7 students
- Eleventh Grade 7 students
- Twelfth Grade 4 students
- Classes are taught in combined classrooms K-6
27Austin K-12 Schools Staffing
- One Administrator (Assistant Superintendent
Serves as Administrator) - One Administrative Assistant
- Part-time Counselor (shared with BMHS)
- One Elementary Teacher for Grades K-6
- Part-Time Special Education Teacher (shared with
BMHS) - Three Secondary Teachers
- Two Teacher Aides
- One Half-Time Custodian
- One Half-Time Maintenance Helper
28Austin K-12 Staff Reductions
- FY 09 cut one Teacher position
29Austin K-12 Extra-Duty
- Athletic Director 4,816
- Academic Olympics Advisor 321
- Cross Country Coach 1287
- Halloween Carnival Advisor 321
- Christmas Program Advisor 321
- High School Cheerleader Advisor 995
- Basketball Coaches 1287 each, two coaches
- Volleyball Coach 1,287
- Track Coach 1,287
- Block A Advisor 321
- Yearbook Advisor 321
- Junior High Track Coach 1,287
- Class Advisors 966 each, five advisors
30Austin K-12Extra and Co-Curricular Stipends
- Stipends 19,968
- Medicare
290 - Workers Comp
399 - TOTAL Stipend Cost 20,657
- One Maintenance Supervisor who is also
Transportation Supervisor. - District currently has two full-time maintenance
staff and one part-time Maintenance Helper. - One Custodial Supervisor
32Nutrition Program
- Provides Lunch Program to All Battle Mountain
Schools and oversees Austins K-12 program
contracted thru the Austin Senior Center. - Cost of program 253,424 Battle Mountain
- (approximately) 16,410 Austin K-12
- Sources
- Milk Lunch Sales 100,567
- Federal Reimbursement 69,880
- Other Sources 16,361
- General Fund Transfers 40,000
33Nutrition Program Staffing
- Battle Mountain Elementary Principal supervises
the Nutrition Program. - One Director
- Four Assistants 2 full-time 2 part-time
34Superintendents Office
- Superintendent oversees all operations in the
District. - Assistant Superintendent responsible for State
and Federal testing, School and District
Improvement Plans, Power School Administrator -
Austin Schools Administrator in charge. - One Human Resources Administrator
- One Secretary to the Board of Trustees, who is
also responsible for the Student Activity
- One Transportation Supervisor who is also
Maintenance Supervisor. - One part-time Mechanic
- 4 Route Drivers
- Trip drivers (part-time positions without
benefits) sometimes route drivers take these. - Fuel for all district vehicles FY09 Budget
85,000, 71,205 cost for FY08.
36Entry Level Teacher Cost
- Salary 36,281 (6 reduction 2,177 or 181
per month) - Retirement/PERS 7,800
- Medicare 526
- PACT 725
- Health Insurance 6,600
- Total 51,932
37Top Teacher Salary
- Salary 76,164 (6 reduction 4,570 or 381
per month) - PERS 16,376
- Health Insurance 6,600
- Medicare 1,105
- PACT 1,521
- Total 101,766
38 - Current salaries for administrators range from
75,555 to 83,459. - (6 reduction 4,533 - 5,008 or 378-418 per
month). - Total Cost for lowest paid building level
administrator 101,003. - Total Cost for highest paid building level
administrator 110,879.
39- Assistant Superintendent
- Salary 82,484 (6 reduction4,949 or 413 per
month) - Benefits 27,177
- Total 109,661
- Superintendent
- Salary 102,228 (6 reduction 6,134 or 511
per month) - Benefits 35,294
- Total 137,522
40Total General Fund Wages FY09-Budgeted
- Teachers 2,998,117 (6 179,887)
- Aides and Assistants 35,445 (6 2,128)
- Administration 498,198 (6 29,892)
- Classified non-aide 373,386 (6 22,403)
- Extra-duty stipends 197,615 (6 11,857)
- Substitutes for aides 1,350
- Substitute Teachers 112,500
- Sub for non aides 3,750
- Total GF Labor 5,305,553
- 6 reduction total 310,698
41Total General Fund Wages FY09 - Budgeted
- Support Staff 243,315 (6 14,599)
- Operation Maintenance 3199,576 (6 11,975)
- Transportation 136,885 (6 8,213)
- Counseling 235,216 (6 14,113)
- Custodians 260,537 (6 15,632)
- Subs for Custodians 10,102
- Total GF Labor 5,305,553
- 6 reduction total 310,698
42Fixed Increases for FY10
- PERS (public employee retirement system)
contribution rate increasing from 20.5 to 21.5
of employee salaries. - Health and property casualty insurance premiums.
- Energy/fuel costs
- Employee salary/wage increases as per contractual
43Four Day School Week
- Is being used in Austin.
- Estimated cost savings 150,000
- The economic savings of moving to a four day week
include Utilities, fuel, bus, hot lunch program,
maintenance, and substitute labor. - The District has reached an agreement with the
Lander County Classroom Teacher's Association
regarding the four day school week.
44What We Know We Dont Know
- Amount of Health Insurance Administration Fee
and property-liability insurance increases. PEBP
announces increases by April. - State Economic Forum predictions not released
until May 1, 2009. - The impact, if any, that President Obamas
Economic Stimulus package will have on the state
and the LCSD. Funding may be available for
Technology and School Construction and
Renovation. - We dont know what the FY10 and FY11 Budgets
will be until the Legislature approves the
45Questions Suggestions
- Email suggestions or questions regarding the
budget cut to - vankomend_at_lander.k12.nv.us
46Contact Information
- Curtis Jordan, Superintendent
- Lander County School District
- 625 Avenue
- Battle Mountain, NV 89801
- 775 635-2886
- www.lander.k12.nv.us
- cjordan_at_lander.k12.nv.us
47- Thank you for your attendance and interest in
our schools
48- If you would like to provide input please make
your way to the podium.