Title: Swat Tactics for patrol
1Swat Tactics for patrol
- Tom Earnhardt
- Lieutenant, Raleigh Police Department
2 Tom Earnhardt
- Patrol
- 10 Years full-time SWAT
- Training Section
- Lieutenant / Drugs and Vice
- Patrol Lieutenant / Combat Zone
- Sniper Team commander
3Sharpen the saw!
4Get your mind right
- Do patrol officers need any upgrade in
- Weapons
- Training
- Tactics
- Teamwork
- Mindset
5Get your mind right
- Special
- Weapons
- And
- Tactics
7Weapons and weapons training for patrol
- Some poor line officer has to find out this is a
SWAT call - Without proper weapons and training, they may not
survive to make the hand off
8Special weapons
- Beyond the ordinary
- Pistols
- Shotguns
- Close quarters / -
- High capacity
- Cyclic rate / -
- Expense -
- Extensive Training -
- Increased range
- Increased capacity
- Defeats most body armor
12But I cant have a rifle!
Become a ninja with what you have!
13The best weapon is the one you haveThe first
rule of a gunfight is to have a gun
14swat firearms training
- What have they got that I dont have?
15Conditioning for chaos
- Your training should replicate the worst
environment you may face - Train for injury
- Train for weapon stoppage
- Train for fighting from the ground
16- Every battle of the warrior is confused
noise - Isaiah 95
17Team tactics weapon training
- Are you planning to fight as a team, a squad as a
18Real world weapons training for patrol
- Should work backwards from what we already do
- Should not be predicated on the fear of what
might possibly happen on the range
19Real world weapons training for patrol
- Should train for movement
- Aggression
- Contact
- Control
21Any maneuver for gaining advantage or success
- If you are in a fair fight your tactics suck
- The only unfair fight is one you lose
- Win with all due aggression
- Negotiation
- The art of saying nice doggie until you can pick
up a stick
- Maximum violence while falling back
- Remain undefeated
25Tactics superior numbers
- One on one? (that aint in there)
- Work in pairs at least
- Superior as an individual, unbeatable as a team
26Two officer tactics
- Contact / cover
- High / low takedowns
27SWAT Teamwork
- SWAT is effective not necessarily because of
equipment or techniques, but because they work as
a team
28Teamwork is essential, it gives them
other people to shoot at.
29Rapid deployment Open air takedowns Rapid
vehicle takedowns Building searches
30SWAT / patrol Mindset
31The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no
possible victory in defense...
32...The sword is more important than the shield,
and the mind is more important than either.
John Steinbeck
33SWAT / patrol Mindset
- No possible victory in defense?
34SWAT / patrol Mindset
- Controlled aggression
- Neither under-react or over-react
- Conditioning
- Conditioning in a realistic environment
- What Lt.Col. Grossman calls The gift of
35SWAT / patrol Mindset
- Be polite, be professional, but be prepared to
kill everyone you meet
36SWAT / patrol Mindset
37- True warriors are fierce because their training
is fierce Miamoto Musashi
38The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the
righteous are bold as a lionProverbs 28.1
39Swat Tactics for patrol
- Tom Earnhardt
- Lieutenant, Raleigh Police Department
- EARN_at_Bellsouth.net