Title: The Makefile Utility
1The Makefile Utility
- Small programs single file
- Not so small programs
- Many lines of code
- Multiple components
- More than one programmer
3Motivation continued
- Problems with a single-file program
- Long files are harder to manage(for both
programmers and machines) - Every change requires long compilation
- Many programmers cannot modify thesame file
4Motivation continued
- Solution divide project to multiple files
- Target good division to components
- Easy maintenance of project structure,
- dependencies and creation
- Minimum compilation when something is
- changed
5Project maintenance
- Traditionally is done in Unix by the Makefile
mechanism - A makefile is a file containing
- Project structure (files, dependencies)
- Instructions for files creation (.o, executable)
- The make command reads a makefile, understands
the project structure and makes up the executable - Note that the Makefile mechanism is not limited
to C programs
6Project structure
- Project structure and dependencies can be
represented as a DAG ( Directed Acyclic Graph) - Example
- Program contains 3 files
- main.c., sum.c, sum.h
- sum.h included in both .c files
- Executable should be the file sum
7(No Transcript)
- sum main.o sum.o
- gcc o sum main.o sum.o
- main.o main.c sum.h
- gcc c main.c
- sum.o sum.c sum.h
- gcc c sum.c
9Rule syntax
- main.o main.c sum.h
- gcc c main.c
10.o .c dependencies
- An .o file depends (by default) on the
corresponding .c file - if NO action is
specified - Example foo.o foo.hThe implicit action is
(CC) -c foo.c -o foo.o
ERROR main.o won't compile when main.c is more
sum main.o sum.o gcc o sum main.o
sum.o main.o sum.h gcc c main.c sum.o
sum.h gcc c sum.c
touch - updates the timestamp
11Additional info on makefile rules
- A Rule can have multiple targets
- Useful when several targets share
dependencies/actions - A Rule can have no action (only defines
dependencies) - A target can appear in multiple Rules. However a
target should have at most one rule with an
action - A rule can have an empty set of dependencies
- Example the target clean has an empty set of
dependencies. Used to clean intermediate files.
12Equivalent makefiles
- We can compress identical dependencies and use
built-in macros to get another (shorter)
equivalent makefile
_at_ the target (automatic variable)
OBJS main.o sum.o sum (OBJS) gcc o _at_
(OBJS) .o .c sum.h gcc c .c
Variable definition
Accessing a variable
Evaluates to the current .c file
pattern rule
13make operation
- Project dependencies DAG is constructed
- Target of first rule should be created
- We go down the DAG to see if there is a target
that should be recreated. This is required when
the target file is older than one of its
dependencies - In this case we recreate the target according to
the action specified, on our way up the tree.
Consequently, more files may need to be recreated - If something was changed, linking is performed
14make operation - continued
- make operation ensures minimum compilation, when
the project structure is written properly - Do not write something likeprog main.c sum1.c
sum2.c gcc o prog main.c sum1.c sum2.cwhich
requires compilation of all projectwhen
something is changed
15Make operation - example
- File Last Modified
- sum 1003
- main.o 0956
- sum.o 0935
- main.c 1045
- sum.c 0914
- sum.h 0839
Which targets will be recreated?
16Make operation - example
- Operations performed
- gcc c main.c
- gcc o sum main.o sum.o
- main.o should be recompiled (main.c is newer).
- Consequently, main.o is newer than sum and
therefore sum should be recreated (by re-linking).
17Automatic generation of dependencies
- Using the precompiler
- gcc -MM file.c
- gcc -MM .c
18Useful gcc Options
- Include -Iltpathgt
- Define -Dltidentifiergt
- Optimization -Oltlevelgt
- Example
- gcc DDEBUG O2 I/usr/include example.c o
example -lm
19Another makefile example
(COMMON_DIR)/foo.c (COMMON_DIR)/bar.c
main.c OBJ_FILES (patsubst .c,.o,(C_FILES))
CFLAGS -Wall -g -ansi -pedantic-errors
larity_mat (OBJ_FILES) (CC) (CFLAGS)
(OBJ_FILES) -lm -o _at_ .o.c (CC) (CFLAGS)
(INCLUDES) -c .c -o .o clean -rm
(OBJ_FILES) modularity_mat depend _at_echo -e
'\n' gtgt makefile (CC) (INCLUDES) -MM
(C_FILES) gtgt makefile
adding dependencies to the makefile
Pattern substitution string function (patsubst
pattern, replacement, text)
20Another makefile example
all C files under (COMMON_DIR), except files
whose names ends with main.c
COMMON_DIR ../common C_FILES (filter-out
main.c,(wildcard (COMMON_DIR)/.c))
main.c OBJ_FILES (patsubst .c,.o,(C_FILES))
CFLAGS -Wall -g -ansi -pedantic-errors
larity_mat (OBJ_FILES) (CC) (CFLAGS)
(OBJ_FILES) -lm -o _at_ .o.c (CC) (CFLAGS)
(INCLUDES) -c .c -o .o clean -rm
(OBJ_FILES) modularity_mat depend _at_echo -e
'\n' gtgt makefile (CC) (INCLUDES) -MM
(C_FILES) gtgt makefile
adding dependencies to the makefile
string functions (filter-out pattern,text)
(patsubst pattern,replacement,text)
(wildcard pattern)
- Good tutorial for makefiles
- http//www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.htm
l - http//www.cs.huji.ac.il/course/2005/labc/lectures