Title: MAIRS
J Srinivasan NC-INDIA
2- Rationale
- Region as an entity
- Quantitative understanding of global-regional
Key Questions
- Consequences for the region
- Land Transformation
- Regional Atmospheric composition
- Local eco-system structure and functioning
- Marine and coastal ecosystems
- Vulnerability assessment (food, water health)
- Effects of direct/indirect feedbacks on
biosphere/sustainability of the region
- What region will be like in 50 years?
- Land use cover change/intensification
- Urbanization
- Industrial practices
- Energy production
- Dam construction
- Consequences for the Earth System
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Physical climate system
- Hydrological cycle
3Root drivers (population, consumption)
Upstream linkages, or drivers
Land use land cover
GHG emissions
Development pathways
Global climate
Monsoon system
Downstream linkages or effects
4Human dimensions linkages
- Monsoon variability has significant consequences
for water resources, agriculture and health
outcomes - Extent and dynamics of aerosols and land use
change determined by human activities, economic
transitions and development pathways - Substantive work needed to identify drivers,
control points and policy levers
5Examples of research questions
- What is the relationship between emissions of
aerosols and GHG emissions? - Will GHG and aerosol emissions increase at the
same rate? - Will decoupling happen, and if so, when, and
under what conditions? - How do particular economic, environmental, social
and cultural factors in Monsoon Asia combine to
affect development choices, especially those
involving land use and energy? - Can rapid transitions offer points of
intervention and windows of opportunity for
altering development pathways? - How will GHG emissions and regional aerosol
emissions and land use / land cover affect the
monsoon system and its variability? - What are the impacts of monsoon variability on
climates in other parts of the world?
6Initial Planning Workshop 22-24 March 2003, SEA
START RC, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
- Identified ongoing and proposed regional
activities that might be construed as integrated
regional studies - Considered various sub-regional activities that
could form the basis for sub-regional integrated
regional studies - Considered various frameworks for such regional
studies - Suggested Transitional Project Steering Group
- Identified as a major theme Human well-being,
vulnerability and sustainability in a rapidly
changing region
- Transitional Steering Group
- Project Office
- Sub-regional Workshops
Project Office
- Place Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Sponsored by CAS, Ministry of Science
Technology (China), and National Science
Foundation of China - Funding support to cover
- Operations
- Staff
- Search for a Project Officer
9Regional Workshops and Rapid Assessment Projects
- East Asia (late 2003/early 2004)
- Southeast Asia (2004)
- South Asia (2004)
10South Asia component of the IRS of Monsoon Asia
- Focus on the summer monsoon and
- Regional perturbations of the monsoon system by
- Aerosols
- Land-use / land cover change
- Consequences of monsoon variability
(interseasonal, intraseasonal) for key elements - Emphasis on process understanding
- Socio-economic processes
- Natural processes
11Next steps
- Small scoping / planning meeting to define a
research agenda and project scope - Commission state-of-science white papers
- Launch workshop
- Consolidate papers into book
- Project development and identification of funding
sources, proposal writing - Anticipate mix of activities modeling,
observational, process studies
12East Asia Sub-regional Integrated Assessment
Report- A Draft Outline -
Prepared by FU Congbin and colleagues
- Unique characteristic of the region
- Critical Issues for the Sustainable Development
of the Region - Regional response and adaptation to global
warming - High frequency of climate-related disasters
- Pollution of atmosphere, ocean, water, soil and
biota in the region, and their impacts on climate
and human health - Shortage of water resources, and aridification