Title: Building a Statewide Collaboration to
1Building a Statewide Collaboration to Provide
Career Clusters Education
Phoenix Career Clusters Institute Monday, June
12, 2006 245 345 Ballroom G-H
2SoWhats Your Problem?
- NebraskaThe Good Life
- 1.8 million people
Good Schools
Good Work Ethic
Good Quality of Life
3SoWhats Your Problem?
- Good can be the enemy of GREAT
New Opportunities
4New Spirit of Collaboration
- Creating the Preferred Future Conference
- resulted in
- new strategic partnerships
5New Mission
To prepare all Nebraskans for . . . Learning,
Earning, and Living
6New Vision
- Create a new model for Career and Technical
Education in Nebraska - Expand into new career areas
- Ensure equity of program offerings
- Increase rigor and relevance of curriculum
- Enhance partnerships with School Counseling
- Become a part of school improvement
7Nebraska Career Fields and Clusters Model
8Key Strategies forAchieving the NCE Model
- Partnership with School Counseling
- Extended Learning Opportunities
- Career Student Organizations
- Alternative Delivery Systems
- Expanded Professional Development
- Strategic Partnerships
- Marketing the Change
9New Brand
10New Partnerships
- Develop a common language around career
development using our career fields and
clusters model
- Education K-12 and Postsecondary
- Workforce Development
- Economic Development
- Extension and 4-H
11New Partnerships
Nebraska School Counseling Career Development
- Career Awareness Elementary School
- Career Exploration/PLP Middle School
- Career Preparation Application/PLP High School
NE School Counseling Career Development Guide
12- Partnership of many state agencies
- K-12 Education
- State Agencies Education, Labor, Economic
Development, Health and Human Services - Two- and four-year public private
colleges/universities - Private Career Schools
- Organized Labor
- Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary
Education - Business and Industry
- Workforce Investment Board
13- Secondary/postsecondary curriculum alignment
based on Pathways - Health Sciences
- Manufacturing
- Transportation, Distribution, Warehousing
Logistics - Construction
- Entrepreneurship
- Biotechnology
14New Partnerships
WIA/ABE/Perkins Incentive Grant
- Nebraska Innovative Projects
- Statewide Career Development Portal
- FutureForce Nebraska
- Workplace Literacy for Hispanics
- Align and Connect One-Stop Centers
- NCE Model - Professional Development
- A single statewide portal providing
- Career information
- Lifelong electronic Personal Learning Plans
- Interest, aptitude, and skills assessments
- Programs of study information
- Postsecondary education information
- Labor market information
- Employee/employer resources
16(No Transcript)
17Electronic Portfolio
18Kuder Career Search
19Kuder Interest Skills
20ACT Explore/Plan Interest Inventory
21CALS Assessment
22CALS Assessment
23CALS Assessment
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267th 8th Grade
279th 12th Grade Level
289th12th Grade Level Career Specialty Info
29Career Specialty Info
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31PLP Discussion Questions
32PLP - Sample Plan of Study
33PLP - Student Program of Study
34Career Specialty College Info
35Career Specialty College Info
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37NebraskaCareerConnections Benefits
- Unified Vision, Mission, Common Language
- Electronic Communication
- Students, Parents, Schools, Agencies,
Employers - Integrated Database
- Informed career decision making
- Accountability for career development programs
- No Fee for Services
- Nebraska citizens of all ages
38Building a Statewide Collaboration
- Determine the most appropriate career cluster
model for your state - Focus on career development for ALL citizens
- Align partner services and resources for
effectiveness and efficiency - Build buy-in from the top and bottom
- Integrate academic and career education at all
levels - Align secondary/postsecondary curriculum for
seamless transition - Plan for a low-cost or free electronic management
system - Start NOW!
39 40Thank you!
- Rich Katt
- Nebraska Career Education State Director
- rich.katt_at_nde.ne.gov
- 402-471-4808
- JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey
- Executive Vice President of Development
- Visions Unlimited, Inc., Iowa
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