Title: Small Group Exercise: Measurement
1Small Group ExerciseMeasurement
- Roberto Castano, Monica Floricel, Susie Lau,
Zubin Punthakee - October 6, 2003
2Construction of a scale of measuring inpatients
opinion on quality of care
- L Salomon et al. International Journal for
Quality in Health Care 1999 Vol 11, Number 6
pp 507-516
3What is the measurement being studied?
- Self-administered questionnaire of a 26-item
scale on patients opinions on quality of
hospital care
4What is the poposed use of the measurement?
- To measure inpatients evaluation of care
suitable for large-scale department evaluation in
5What is the research question?
- What is the appropriate content of a reliable and
valid questionnaire to assess inpatients opinion
of the quality of hospital care?
6What aspect of the validity or reliability of the
measurement is being studied?
- Reliability
- internal consistency
- test-retest
- alternate form
7What aspect of the validity or reliability of the
measurement is being studied?
- Validity
- construct
- criterion validity (concurrent)
- content and face
8Are the study design and methods appropriate for
the research question?
- Yes
- used qualitative methods to select relevant items
- used quantitative methods to assess reliability
and validity
9What are the main sources of bias in the study?
- Social desirability
- Selection bias
- Information bias
10Have the investigators answered their research
11What are the implications of the results how
could the study measure be used?
- Research
- to validate other questionnaires of patient
satisfaction - Clinical
- to assess quality of care in lg depts to assess
adequacy of resource allocation within and btn
depts, evaluation of patient-care staff, assess
interventions that could improve satisfaction
12Is more research on the measurement itself needed?
- Yes
- To assess generalizability to
- children
- English/French
- To assess responsiveness of measurement