Title: Cell Networking
1Cell Networking
Department of Computer Science University of
- The term cell networking means packet
switching, but with fixed size packets (called
cells) - Contrast with frame relay which uses variable
size packets - ATM is an example of cell networking with 53-byte
3Rationale for Cell Networks
- Simpler interfaces
- Simpler buffering
- Simpler switches
- slotted system
- synchronous stages
- Better control of delay
- Better control of delay jitter
4Delay Example
5Delay Example (Contd)
Job 1, Size 10, arrives at time 0
Job 2, Size 2, arrives at time 3
Job 1 departs at time 10 Job 2 departs at time 12
6Delay Example (Contd)
- In the Internet, for example, a small packet
(e.g., a telnet packet) that happens to get stuck
behind a large packet (e.g., an ftp packet) can
experience a large delay - FIFO service, non-preemptive
7Delay Example (Contd)
Job 1, Size 10, arrives at time 0
Job 2, Size 2, arrives at time 3
Job 1 departs at time 12 Job 2 departs at time 7
(assumes jobs are equal priority)
8Delay Example (Contd)
Job 1, Size 10, arrives at time 0
Job 2, Size 2, arrives at time 3
Job 1 departs at time 12 Job 2 departs at time 5
(assumes job 2 is higher priority)
9Advantages of Cells
- High priority or delay-sensitive traffic will
likely spend less time stuck behind other
traffic - The smaller the cell, the better
- Lower mean delay, and lower variation of delay
- Easier to provide performance guarantees to
integrated traffic
- In addition to the ease of implementation
considerations, cell based networks offer a
better framework for providing delay guarantees
on integrated traffic flows (e.g., data, voice,
video) - That is why ATM uses cells
11Why 53 bytes?
- The smaller the cell, the better (in terms
of delay guarantees) - Need to design for traffic with the most
stringent delay requirements - Considerations for voice traffic were an
overriding concern
12Why 53 bytes? (Contd)
- The ATM cell size was chosen by the CCITT
international standards committee (now called
ITU) - Influenced by voice traffic requirements and
existing telco equipment in place at the time
(e.g., echo cancellation)
13Why 53 bytes? (Contd)
- European community wanted 32 bytes of data per
ATM cell - American community wanted 64
- Result compromise!
- (32 64) / 2 48
- thus, 48 bytes of data per ATM cell
- Both sides equally (un)happy
14Why 53 bytes? (Contd)
- European community wanted 4 bytes of header per
ATM cell - American community wanted 6
- Result compromise!
- (4 6) / 2 5
- thus, 5 bytes of header per ATM cell
- 48 5 53 bytes per ATM cell
15Why 53 bytes? (Contd)
- Equally inefficient for all types of traffic
(data, voice, video) - data networks want big packets
- ATM overhead is 5/53 10 (too high!)
- voice networks want small(er) packets
- 48 bytes _at_ 64 kbps 6 msec
- video probably wants big(ger) packets
- 53 bytes is now the international standard for
ATM cell size - Only a standards committee could come up with a
packet size that is a prime!
(Raj Jain, 1993) - Live with it everyone else is!!