Title: Graphs
Bethany Rollet
Exploring 4 different types of graphs And their
2Bar Graph
- Bars can be vertical or horizontal
- Helps make direct comparisons
- Uses rectangles (bars) to show the frequency of
- something
3Line Graph
- Shows information over a period of time
- Can be used to show 2 pieces of information
- Lines can be very steep, or they can be
relatively - Level, depending on how much the data varies.
4Circle Graph
- Also known as a pie chart
For more information go to circle/pie graphs
- Used for comparing parts of a whole
- The area of each sector is proportional to the
- Fraction or percentage that it represents
- Used for visually picturing data
- Observes the quantity of change over time
- Uses a picture, or a symbol to symbolize
6When can we use graphs?
Graphs can be used in many subjects - Math -
Science - English - History - ANY subject can
use graphs!
7For more information on Graphs, click on a one of
the graphs below to find new sources!!
Create your own graph by clicking on the above
Information provided by Mississippi State
Provided by NCES