Title: Going Global with Information Literacy
1Going Global with Information Literacy
- Angela Whitehurst
- Asst. ProfessorDistance Education
Co-CoordinatorJ.Y. Joyner LibraryEast Carolina
2Higher Education 21st Century
- World increasingly interconnected
- Study abroad
- Less than 5 nationwide/1 ECU
- Numerous impediments
- Bring experience to campus
- Colleges Universities
- UNC Tomorrow
- ECUs Global Academic Initiatives Program
3Global Academic Initiatives
- Two Components
- International Lecture Exchange
- Global Understanding Courses
- Global Understanding Course (2003)
- Multiple disciplines
- 23 partner institutions in 18 countries
- Link/chat with partners
- Research component
- Library Involvement (2008)
- What knowledge do students have about the
availability and use of country/cultural
resources and other appropriate resources when
they enter a Global Understanding class? - Would providing instruction to students focused
on country resources, newspapers, and scholarly
articles related to their field increase their
information literacy skills? - Would the quality of student assignments improve
after they receive information literacy
instruction? - Would instruction using country/cultural
resources along with other appropriate resources
be a useful avenue for libraries attempting to
integrate information literacy instruction into a
globalized curriculum?
- Global Understanding Anthropology
- most experienced faculty
- research component
- faculty came for library instruction
- Pre-test/Post-test (IL skills)
- Choosing appropriate resources
- Evaluating resources
- Distinguishing citations
- Resource usage
6Preliminary Results
- Travel Guides Encyclopedias
- Over 90 correct responses
- Hotel information
- History of countries (not great increase here
life skill) - Articles
- identify information not contained in newspapers
(scholarly article) - 19.6 increase
- identify characteristic did not apply to
scholarly article - 3.8 increase
- Confusion about characteristics
- Citation identification
- Choose citation of scholarly article
- Confusion books scholarly articles
- Biggest increase 29.4
7Citation Identification
Which of the following citations is an example of
an article from a scholarly journal?
8Preliminary Results (cont.)
- Evaluating Credibility
- Source type important
- Electronic maps verify boundaries
- Compare printed atlas stable 41
- Compare to UN map division (credible) 13
increase - Compare to countrys web site (not always
credible) 15.4 decrease - Newspapers article credibility
- Determine bias/point of view increase 5.8
- Determine type of article increase 7.1
- Compare to other information decrease 11.2
- Resource Usage
- Searching Google decreased 10.9 and 16.5
- Using newspapers increased 40.1
- Travel guides encyclopedias stable 81
- Using books increased 13.2
9Evaluating Credibility
I have located an electronic version of a map of
the country or region I am studying there is no
date listed on the map and I am unsure that it
shows the current boundaries. What is my best
option for verifying the areas boundaries?
10Resource Usage
I have decided to study abroad in France for one
year and want to learn more about the country
since I have never traveled there before. What
resources would I use to learn about the
countrys culture and customs?
11Preliminary Conclusions
- Analyze filtered results
- class section
- travel or lived abroad
- library use
- Results of instruction
- Mixed
- Identification stable
- Evaluation increases
- Usage increases books and newspapers decreases
Google - Positive faculty feedback
- Time of instruction
- Specific topics
- Increased percentages on post-test
12Further Research
- What would be the similarity and differences in
the results, if the study was repeated in a
Global Understanding course from another
discipline? Distance Education class? - How does prior knowledge and experience with some
country/cultural resources and scholarly
resources affect students performance and use of
information literacy skills? - Does the number of information literacy
instruction sessions or length of time spent
teaching IL concepts have an impact on the
students knowledge of those skills? - Would the integration of country/cultural
resources other resources in information literacy
instruction provide the similar results if
conducted at another university?
13Works Cited
- East Carolina University. (2009). Global Academic
Initiatives. Retrieved May 7, 2005, from
http//www.ecu.edu/globalinitiatives/ - Reimers, F. (2009). 'Global competency' is
imperative for global success. Retrieved May 8,
2009, from http//chronicle.com - jproxy.lib.ecu.edu/weekly/v55/i21/21a02901.htm
- Stevens, C. R., Campbell, P. J. (2006).
Collaborating to connect global citizenship,
information literacy, and lifelong learning in
the global studies classroom. Reference Services
Review, 34(4), 536-556. - University of North Carolina Tomorrow Commission.
(2007). Executive summary. Retrieved May 7, 2009,
from http//www.nctomorrow.org/ - content.php/reports_documents/commission/execsumm
- Angela Whitehurst
- Asst. Professor
- Distance Education Co-Coordinator
- J.Y. Joyner Library
- East Carolina University
- (252) 328-0723
- whitehursta_at_ecu.edu