Title: Link and embed objects
1Link and embed objects
2Link ObjectProperties, Methods, and Event
3Using Link Object Properties
- All of the Link object properties are both read
and write. - For example
- var URL document.links0.href
- document.links0.href http//robertstanek.com
4- Example Accessing Link Properties
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtWorking with
Linkslt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtMy
Linkslt/h1gt ltpgtlta href"http//www.robertstanek.com
/"gtRobert Stanek Pagelt/agtlt/pgt ltpgtlta
href"http//www.ruinmist.com/"gtRuin Mist
Pagelt/agtlt/pgt ltpgtlta href"http//ruinmist.proboards
23.com/"gtRuin Mist Discussionlt/agtlt/pgt ltscript
type"text/javascript"gt document.write("ltpgtI hope
you'll visit " document.links0.href ". You
might also like to visit " document.links1.hre
f ". And if you are interested in discussion,
stop by " document.links2.href
".lt/pgt") lt/scriptgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
5Using Anchor Object Properties
- The number of anchors in a document can be
determined by using the .anchors object and the
length property. - For example
- numOfAnchors document.anchors.length
- alert(numOfAnchors)
6Using Anchor Objects for Navigation
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtUsing the Anchor Objectlt/titlegt
- ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
- function nextAnchor(theAnchor)
- window.location.hash theAnchor
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lth1gtlta id"intro" name"intro"gtIntroductionlt/agtlt/h
1gt - ltpgtThis is the introduction.lt/pgt
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"button" name"next" value"Next
Section" - onclick"nextAnchor('section1')" /gt
- lt/formgt
- lthr size"2"/gt
7Using Anchor Objects for Navigation(continued)
- lth1gtlta id"section1" name"section1"gtSection
1lt/agtlt/h1gt - ltpgtThis is section 1.lt/pgt
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"button" name"next" value"Next
Section" - onclick"nextAnchor('section2')" /gt
- lt/formgt
- lthr size"2"/gt
- lth1gtlta id"section2" name"section2"gtSection
2lt/agtlt/h1gt - ltpgtThis is section 2.lt/pgt
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"button" name"next" value"Next
Section" - onclick"nextAnchor('section3')" /gt
- lt/formgt
- lthr size"2"/gt
- lth1gtlta id"section3" name"section3"gtSection
3lt/agtlt/h1gt - ltpgtThis is section 3.lt/pgt
- ltformgt
8Using Anchor Objects for Navigation(continued)
- lth1gtlta id"section4" name"section4"gtSection
4lt/agtlt/h1gt - ltpgtThis is section 4.lt/pgt
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"button" name"next" value"Back To
Top" - onclick"nextAnchor('intro')" /gt
- lt/formgt
- lthr size"2"/gt
- ltpgt
- ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
- document.write("ltpgtThis page has "
document.anchors.length " anchors definedlt/pgt") - lt/scriptgt
- lt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
9Embedded Object Properties, Methods, and Event
10Embedded Object Properties, Methods, and Event
11ExampleDisplaying Detail Information of an
Embedded Object
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtUsing Embedded Objectslt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lth1gtMedia Playerlt/h1gt
- ltobject id"mediaPlayer" width"300" height"200"
- classid"CLSID22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e9
5" - codebase"Version1,0,0,0"gtlt/objectgt
- lth1gtDetailslt/h1gt
- ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
- document.write("ltpgtClassid "
"lt/pgt") - document.write("ltpgtCodebase "
"lt/pgt") - document.write("ltpgtHeight "
"lt/pgt") - document.write("ltpgtWidth " document.getElement
ById('mediaPlayer').width "lt/pgt") - lt/scriptgt
- Step 1 lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegt Week 8 Practice lt/titlegt
- // Enter your script here
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lth1gtWelcome to My Home Page!lt/h1gt
- // Enter your form here
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- Step 2Write a multiple choice quiz. It has 3
questions and for each question, the user can
only select 1 answer. After the user submit his
choices, alert him which question is right and
which question is wrong.