Title: Searching In The Peabody Database
1Searching In The Peabody Database
2"Help! I'm trying to find programs about the
Black Panthers. I got this huge list of search
results and I can't understand them."
Does this scene look familiar?
3Have you every gotten a search results list that
was longer than your last vacation?
In this session, you will learn how to construct
a search that will retrieve the records you want
without also retrieving 10,000 that you don't
4What We Already Know
- Sources of data
- Entry forms
- Credits captions
- Supplemental material
- Fields in the database
- What goes in each field
- What you WON'T find in a record
5What's New in This Session
We'll take all that information we have and apply
it a daily work problem answering research
questions about the Collection.
-Good search strategy finds what you need and
eliminates what you don't. -Some of the
principles you learn here will help you search in
GIL and on the Web.
6We Will
- Talk about where to look in the record
- Look at strategies for combining searches
- Practice some strategies for developing
- precise searches
7"My wife said to get capers. Do you know where
those are? Do you know what those are?"
"It's a lot easier to find what you're looking
for if you know what it is and where they keep
8What We'll Learn
- How to translate a reference question into a
search - strategy
- What fields to focus your search on in order to
best - find different types of information
You know it's in there but you can't find it.
How frustrating! This will help you to find what
you need right away.