Title: Climate Change Levy Data Collection
1Climate Change Levy Data Collection
2Presentation Format
- Introduction into CCL Data Collection
- Current System Quarterly Returns
- Future System On-line System
3Introduction in to CCL Data Collection
- CERAM members are required to submit quarterly
returns containing energy and production data. - CERAM input data in to a series of spreadsheets
and produce Performance Reports which are then
emailed out to members. - Performance reports enable members to-
- Visually see their own performance against
targets - Identify any data errors/issues early on
- Aids completion of milestone/CCA10 returns
- Use of actual energy figures for any other
purposes, e.g. internal energy monitoring/energy/C
CL meetings,etc.
4Why submit figures?
- Data submission is a requirement of being in the
BCC Climate Change Levy bid - Important for us to see how companies are
performing against their targets - Important to see how each sub-sector is
performing against its total target - Necessary for milestone/CCA10 returns
- Allows us to identify any data errors/issues and
raise queries - Energy figures used for other purposes, e.g. CCL
5How does the current system work?
- Blank quarterly form is emailed to members for
completion - Members have to complete energy and production
data figures and email form back to CERAM - Lynn/Carol input data into spreadsheets
- Pivot tables and macros are used to produce
performance reports - Performance reports are emailed to members
6Quarterly CCL Energy Data Form
7Data Required
- Up to data contact details
- Company name/facility numbers
- Energy for quarter dates specified
- Record all energy on site
- 10 is allowed for non-technical areas, e.g.
warehouse, non-domestic housing - All energy figures in kWh
- Production figures
8Recording Energy
- Electricity
- Actual electricity paid for as per invoices
- Reconciled volume
- kWhs
- Delivered electricity x 2.6 primary energy
9Recording Energy
- Natural Gas
- Actual gas paid for as per invoices
- Credit notes and re-issued invoices
- kWhs
- All main meter points
- If using own meter reads
- Use corrector reads
- Use CV from invoice if possible
- Reconcile to invoices
10Recording Energy
- Gas Oil / Fuel Oil
- Actual oil consumed in litres
- Oil tank dip reads
- Opening stock plus deliveries less closing stock
- Convert to kWh
- Litres x 10.8 kWh/litre for gas/diesel oil
- Litres x 11.8 kWh/litre for fuel oil
- Conversion factors available from DTI Table 3.1,
Paper CCA10, DEFRA
11Recording Production
- Total Saleable Production
- Not sales volume
- Not necessarily total production volume
- Volume of production which is fit for sale
- After deducting scrap
- Measured in tonnes or thousands of bricks
(Fletton) - Defined in your PP3.02 - Underlying Climate
Change Agreement, Schedule 2, part 4
12Accuracy and Auditability
- Retain all back up evidence
- Workings
- Invoices
- Meter dip readings
- Oil delivery notes
- Update data with any changes
- Small threshold for error
13CERAM Contacts
- E-mail quarterly returns and any queries to
climatechangelevy_at_ceram.com - Lynn Isle materials, refractories, whitewares
- Carol Baddeley fletton, non-fletton
- Clare Watkins all sectors
- Lynn.isle_at_ceram.com 01782 764267
- Carol.baddeley_at_ceram.com 01782 764406
- Clare.watkins_at_ceram.com 07951 636980
14Performance Reports
- Submission figures
- SEC graph
- CO2 Emissions
- Statistics
15Performance Reports
16Performance Reports
17Performance Reports
18Performance Reports
19Changes in Progress
- From central manual entry of data to local online
data entry - Reports are available on-line immediately
- All historic data available in one place
- Data changes can be made easily
- Gives more flexibility over when to input
- Reduces double effort
- Sub-sector performance reports in future
- Data requirements are the same no more complex
20On-line CCL Data System
- www.ceramenergy.com
- User names and passwords to be issued
- Access to own company data only
- Access to sub-sector summary reports
- Simple and user friendly
- Click Add Data to enter or change data
- Click Save
- Click Reports to view reports
21On line Database
22When will we go on-line?
- All data submitted by quarterly returns under old
system is being checked - Do you have any unsubmitted data?
- Any data changes?
- Data has been formatted ready for database
- Data will be imported into new system
- Checking/testing phase 2
- Database will be brought online
- Usernames, passwords and instructions will be
issued - Q1 2005 data online by mid May
23Any Questions?
- Now or later
- Climatechangelevy_at_ceram.com
- Clare.watkins_at_ceram.com