Title: Rule Enforcement
1 Rule Enforcement Without Visible
Christmas Gift Giving in Middletown
Theodore Caplow
Other things
- The Tree Rule
- The Wrapping Rule
- The Gift Selection Rules
- The Reciprocity Rule
-My understanding -Questions -Bibliography
3No Children - No Tree!
There is a norm in Middletown that requires
married couples with children to put up a
Christmas tree
4The Wrapping Rule
Christmas gifts must be wrapped before they are
This is the rule that is obeyed almost by everyone
Picture taking at Christmas gatherings is clearly
a part of the ritual, and wrapped gifts are a
part of picture taking
5Gift Selection
What is it for?
- To demonstrate givers familiarity with the
receiver's preferences - Surprise the receiver
- To show the relationship
6Reciprocity Rule
How many presents to give and to get
From To
- Grandparents
- Husbands
- -Children
- -Wives
- -Partners
7- What did I learned from it?
- The are rules almost for everything but we do
not really realize it - Breaking the rule is not a good thing to do even
if this rule is not obvious - Gifts are not only things that we buy for others
but also a sing that shows our perception of
- What techniques were used to get information for
the article? What else could be used?
9Think about your birthday, what rules do you
think are important for this day?
10for your attention