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PITFALLS OF CODE ENFORCEMENT Stephanie E. Karr Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O Keefe, P.C. St. Louis, Missouri – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Stephanie E. Karr
  • Curtis, Heinz, Garrett OKeefe, P.C.
  • St. Louis, Missouri

Exercise of Police Power
  • Code Enforcement is a mechanism to protect the
    public health, safety and welfare.
  • Code Enforcement, when utilized properly, falls
    under the umbrella of the citys police power.

  • A nuisance is a condition which causes a hazard
    or some detriment to the public health, safety
    and welfare

Causal Connection
  • A causal link must be shown between the alleged
    violator and the alleged nuisance.
  • City of St. Louis v. Benjamin Moore Co., 226
    S.W.3d 110 (Mo. 2007) (nuisance action to recover
    costs for abatement of lead paint in homes)
  • City of St. Louis v. Varahi, Inc., 39 S.W.3d 531
    (Mo.App.E.D. 2001) (city failed to prove that
    hotel's hourly rental policy, reputation and
    arrests in vicinity of hotel caused public
    nuisance of prostitution on street outside

  • If the property owner fails to remedy the
    nuisance, the city may take action to abate the
  • The costs incurred by the city in abating the
    nuisance may be recovered from the property owner
    by issuance of a Special Tax Bill such costs
    are a lien on the property.

General Proceduresfor Abatement
  • Written Notice reasonably calculated to reach the
    intended recipients
  • Opportunity for owner or possessor to be heard by
    representative of the city
  • Reasonable time for abatement by owner/possessor
    reasonable time depends on the condition to
    be abated and other considerations such as
    weather conditions
  • Findings and determination of nuisance after

Statutory Procedures
  • Section 67.398 Any ordinance authorized by
    this section may provide that if the owner fails
    to begin removing or abating the nuisance within
    a specific time which shall not be less than
    seven days of receiving notice that the nuisance
    has been ordered removed or abated, or upon
    failure to pursue the removal or abatement of
    such nuisance without unnecessary delay, the
    building commissioner or designated officer may
    cause the condition which constitutes the
    nuisance to be removed or abated.

Statutory Procedures
  • Section 71.780 Such nuisances may be
    suppressed by the ordinances of said cities, or
    by such act or order as the charters of said
    cities authorize them to adopt.

Statutory Procedures
  • Section 71.285 Expedited procedures for
    abatement of high grass and weeds and litter and
    trash in certain cities

Statutory Procedures
  • Section 67.400 and 67.410 Vacation, Repair or
    Demolition of Dangerous Buildings

Section 67.450
  • In the event any building or structure is
    wrongfully demolished by a cityor is demolished
    without adhering to the procedures provided in
    sections 67.400 to 67.450, the cityshall be
    liable for damages as determined by a court of
    law in a suit brought by the party so damaged.
  • This section does not require ownership of the
    building in order to recover for wrongful
    demolition and, therefore, does not preclude
    damages and recovery by non-owners, including
    tenants, lien holders, or other interested

Defective Notice
  • Arbogast v. City of St. Louis, 285 S.W.3d 790
    (Mo.App.E.D. 2009)
  • June, 2000 Plaintiff buys and moves into
  • May, 2001 Fire damages structure
  • Plaintiff moves out and registers change of
  • with Post Office (did not register new address
    with Assessors Office)
  • July, 2001 Mail to Plaintiff is returned to
    sender with notification of new address

July 2001 July 2002 Plaintiff receives mail at
new address including mail from other City
departments August and October, 2001 City had
to board up building twice because of
squatters and others who removed boards and
other items from property October,
2001 Citys Building Department served notice of
condemnation and potential demolition on
Plaintiff by posting it on the damaged
structure and by regular mail to the subject
property Deadline to appeal notice or to
remedy violation was October 29, 2001 Mailed
Notice was returned to City No appeal was
filed February, 2002 Structure demolished
On Plaintiffs action for wrongful demolition,
jury awarded Plaintiffs 65,000 Action not
dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative
remedies because of defective notice that rule
does not apply when the government fails to
provide parties with notice and an opportunity to
be heard in accordance with the requirements of
due process.
Sufficient Notice
  • Government must provide notice reasonably
    calculated, under all the circumstances, to
    apprise interested parties of the pendency of the
    action and afford them an opportunity to present
    their objections.
  • If the government becomes aware prior to a taking
    that its attempt at notice has failed, due
    process requires the government to take further
    reasonable steps if any are available.

Sufficient Notice - Posting
  • in most cases, the secure posting of a notice
    on the property of a person is likely to offer
    that property owner sufficient warning of a
    pendency of proceedings possibly affecting his
  • posted service accompanied by mail service is
    constitutionally preferable to posted service
  • Quoting Greene v. Lindsey, 456 U.S. 444, 102
    S.Ct. 1874, 72 L.Ed.2d 249 (1982)

Sufficient Notice - Mail
  • Under most circumstances, notice sent by mail is
    deemed reasonably calculated to apprise
    interested parties that their property rights are
    in jeopardyBut in some special circumstances,
    mailed notice may be inadequate
  • 1. government knows that the party does not
    reside at the address and does not have access
    to the address
  • 2. recipient is known to be a person who
    cannot understand the notice
  • 3. government learns the mailed notice is
    returned by the post office before the
    taking occurs

Reasons Why Citys Notices Failed
  • Posted Notice failed
  • It was likely that Plaintiff did not see the
    posted notice (inspector acknowledged that
    squatters and vandals frequently removed boards
    and notices from condemned buildings in the area
    and that, in fact, City had to board the building
    up at least twice within 3 months)
  • Mailing failed
  • Mailed notice was returned to the City. Other
    City departments accomplished mailings to
  • City had other avenues to reach Plaintiff

Lack of Notice to Mortgagee
  • First National Acceptance Company v. City of
    Utica, New York, 612-CV-1622 (N.D. New York)
  • Pending Case
  • Mortgage Company filed 1983 action against City
    for demolishing structure subject to Deed of
    Trust without notice to the company and an
    opportunity for the company to be heard.
  • Last month, Court denied citys Motion for
    Summary Judgment on procedural due process claims
    and granted mortgagees Motion for Summary

Municipal liability is limited under Section 1983
by Monell v. Dept of Social Services, 436 U.S.
658, 98 S.Ct. 2018, 56 L.Ed.2d 611
(1978) Municipal liability exists where the
citys policies or customs led to an independent
constitutional violation. If a plaintiff shows
that the citys policy or custom was the
moving force behind the violation, then he/she
will prevail. Here, the City of Utica did not
require its code enforcement officers to search
real estate records, determine the identity of
mortgagees and provide them of notice of any
process that could lead to destruction of a
significant asset on the property. The
violation of mortgagees rights was a result of
an official policy or custom therefore, City
subject to 1983 liability.
Defective Hearing
  • Village of Blodgett v. Rhymer, 279 S.W.3d 242
    (Mo.App.S.D. 2009)
  • July 2005 storm caused the roof of defendants
    building to cave in
  • One Month later letter sent to owner ordering
    him to remedy and remove the dangerous building
    or appear before the Municipal Courtto be heard
    and present evidence as to why defendant is not
    in violation of the Ordinance.

Three months later City demolishes building but
leaves basement portion and debris January, 2006
City sends 2nd letter to defendant ordering him
to remedy the existing conditions February 4,
2006 defendant appears at Board meeting and
asked if installing fence would remedy the
violations February and March, 2006 letters to
defendant ordering him to perform the work April
2006 City pays to have basement filled and
debris removed
City cannot recover abatement costs
  • In Citys action to enforce its tax lien, the tax
    lien was determined to be invalid because
    defendant was not afforded an adequate hearing
  • no hearing was ever scheduled for Appellant.
    Rather, Appellant took affirmative steps to
    attend a regular meeting of the board of
    trustees. It is unclear from the record what type
    of process Appellant received there, but what is
    clear is that Village never provided Appellant
    with the type of hearing required by either of
    its ordinances.

No Adequate Hearing
  • Goe v. City of Mexico, 64 S.W.3d 836 (Mo/App.E.D.
  • Process to demolish dangerous structure.
  • Section 67.410 requires ordinance to provide for
    a full and adequate hearing upon the matter,
    giving the affected parties at least ten days
    written notice of the hearingAfter the
    hearingsthe building commissionershall issue an
    order making specific findings of fact, based
    upon competent and substantial evidence, which
    shows the building or structure to be a nuisance
    and detrimental to the health, safety, or

Opportunity to ask for hearing is not enough
  • Following the code officials original notice and
    order to demolish the structure, the aggrieved
    party had the right to appeal the decision of the
    code official.
  • If no appeal was requested, then no hearing was
  • Because the demolition ordinance did not provide
    for a hearing to be held automatically, it did
    not comply with the requirements of section
    67.410 and was therefore invalid.
  • Owner did not waive due process challenge by not
    appealing the original decision.
  • Trial courts dismissal reversed and cause for
    damages remanded.

Defective Notice and Hearing
  • McNeill v. City of Kansas City
  • Building on Citys dangerous building list since
    August, 2001
  • McNeill purchased property in 2008 and then
  • - paid delinquent taxes and fees for the
  • - notified the City of his plans to renovate
  • - began renovating by obtaining architectural
    plans, gutting the building, removing the old
    roof, re-decking the roof, reframing the
    building and demolishing the brick and concrete
    patio which had collapsed
  • By June, 2009, work stalled because of trouble
    with McNeills construction loan

June 2009 City sends letter to McNeill
instructing him to remove some debris that was
sitting on the property along with weeds that had
begun to grow there June 24, 2009 McNeill meets
with code enforcement inspectors and
representatives. McNeill tells them of his plans
to obtain other financing. Code enforcement
informs McNeill that he will have more time to
obtain financing and instructs him to remove a
pile of debris on the side of the
building. July, 2009 McNeills contractor
removed the debris and graded the yard. Upon
completion, McNeill notified code enforcement on
July 20, 2009. July 31, 2009 McNeill receives
preliminary commitment for a construction loan
and began notifying subcontractors. August 8,
2009 City demolished the building without
having any further contact with McNeill,
disregarding the policy of the Dangerous
Buildings Division to send the property owner a
pre-demolition notice.
McNeill sues the City for wrongful demolition
under Section 67.450 and City files counterclaim
seeking the costs incurred with respect to the
Initial jury trial - 4 days Judgment in favor of
McNeill Damages 150,000 Motion for New Trial
granted / affirmed (372 S.W.3d 906) (Flawed jury
instruction) 3 day jury trial April 15, 2014
April 17, 2014 Judgment in favor of
McNeill Damages 151,000 for property
damages 55,000 for personal injury Prejudgment
interest (9) on property damage amount
commencing September 2, 2010 Costs assessed to
City 1,900.65
Defective Findings and Conclusions
  • Woodson v. City of Kansas City, 80 S.W.3d 6
    (Mo.App.W.D. 2002)
  • Department issued order to demolish storage
    garage which was appealed to the Citys Property
    Maintenance Appeal Board. The Board held
    evidentiary hearing.
  • Following evidence, the Board voted and issued
    Findings and Conclusions merely affirming the
    previous demolition order. The Board did not set
    forth specific conditions and defects which
    caused the garage to be dangerous.

Ordinance set forth several conditions which
showed a structure to be dangerous, such
as 1. The exterior walls or other vertical
structural members list, lean or buckle to such
an extent that a plumb line passing through the
center of gravity does not fall inside the
middle one-third of the base. 2. A portion
thereof has wrecked, warped, buckled or settled
to such an extent that wall or other structural
portions have materially less resistance to
winds or snow Neither the Departments
demolition order or the Boards decision made
findings which set forth these conditions to
support a decision that the building was
dangerous. Case remanded back to Board with
instructions to remand matter to department for
specific findings as to particular conditions of
building. Demolition delayed.
Administrative Search Warrants
  • Camara v. Municipal Court of the City and County
    of San Francisco, 387 U.S. 523 87 S.Ct. 1727, 18
    L.Ed.2d 930 (1967)
  • Bezayiff v. City of St. Louis, 963 S.W.2d 225
    (Mo.App.E.D. 1997)

  • Necessity of warrant
  • Requirements
  • Probable cause
  • Affidavit
  • Application for the warrant
  • Definition of area and work covered
  • Warrant
  • Execution
  • Return

Process Is Not MeantTo Be Easy
  • An individualized review is necessary to
    provide the traditional safeguards which the
    Fourth Amendment guarantees to the individual.

Public goals and need for expediency considered
  • Camara
  • it is vigorously argued that the health and
    safety of entire urban populations is dependent
    upon enforcement of minimum fire, housing, and
    sanitation standards, and that the only effective
    means of enforcing such codes is by routine
    systematized inspection of all physical
    structureswe think this argument misses the
    mark. The question is not, at this stage at
    least, whether these inspections may be made, but
    whether they may be made without a warrantIt has
    nowhere been urged that fire, health, and housing
    code inspection programs could not achieve their
    goals within the confines of a reasonable search
    warrant requirement.

Liability Considerations
  • Is it the policy or custom of the City NOT to
    obtain warrants?
  • Procedure to obtain warrants
  • Adequate training of code enforcement officers
  • No Qualified Immunity
  • Haefner v. City of Philadelphia Summary
    Judgment based on qualified immunity of
    inspector and Department Head denied
  • Camara case was decided in 1967
  • building code inspector had been involved in
  • lawsuit concerning lack of warrant
  • city had warrant provisions in Code
  • City had conducted training session
  • Department Head did not object to employees

Generally, the failure of municipal authorities
to enforce a zoning ordinance against some
violators does not preclude its enforcement
against others. Kansas City v. Wilhoit, 237
S.W.2d 919 (Mo.App. 1951). But, selective
enforcement or using the process to a greater
extent than is necessary may lead to a Section
1983 action. Williams v. City of Carl Junction,
Missouri, 480 F.3d 871 (8th Cir.
2007) and 523 F.3d 841 (8th Cir. 2008) (award
of attorneys fees to City reversed) Garcia v.
City of Trenton, Missouri, 348 F.3d 726 (8th
Cir. 2003)
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