Title: Relative Age Dating Examples
1Relative Age Dating Examples
- The following diagrams are hypothetical examples
of geology - The vertical cross-sections are similar to a
cliff face or road-cut - For orientation N north, Ssouth, Eeast,
Wwest and the legend describes the rock unit
symbols - From Introducción a la CartografÃa GeologÃca,
R. Ramón-Lluch, L.M. MartÃnez-Torres, A. Apraiz
2(No Transcript)
3 Example 1
Legend 1Gypsum/Halite 5 Pebbly
Sandstone 11 Quartz Sandstone
with2 3 Shale 6 Shaley
Limestone Conglomerate
lenses 4 Conglomerate 7 shelly
Limestone 8 Red Sandstone
ANSWER Example 1
4Example 2 Legend Sedimentary Rocks units
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12
5Example 3 Legend Sedimentary Rocks units
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12,13 Igneous Rock X
ANSWER Example 3
6Example 4 Legend Metamorphic Rock - 17
14 Igneous Rock 12 Conglomerate 4
Sandstone 11 Limestone 10 Shale 2
ANSWER Example 4
7Example 5 Legend Sedimentary Rocks a thru g,
j, k, l, p, q, t Igneous rocks m, r, s
ANSWER Example 5 (in picture form)