Title: Watermelon Order Form
1Watermelon Order Form
Name ___________________________________ Phone
__________________________________ Number of
Melons Purchased _______________ Deliver to
_________________________________________ Please
bill me at __________________________
_________________________________________ or
Enclosed is payment for ( ) melons
Please send tax receipt to
___________________ _____________________________
____________ ____________________________________
_____ Cost - 5.00 per melon Contact
information SWAYBO, 3687 Dover
Blvd., SW, Atlanta, GA 30331 Phone
404-691-4111 email edmenifee_at_bellsouth.
Thank You for supporting SWAYBO
"Work Yields Rewards!"
Annual Watermelon Fundraising Event
Friday - July 1, 2005 Saturday - July 2, 2005
Purchase your watermelons for the 4th from
SWAYBO. Consider purchasing watermelons to
donate to a local Childrens home, Nursing Home
or other charity that you designate. Cost - 5
per melon. Contact any SWAYBO member or call the
office at 404-691-4111. You may email your order
to edmenifee_at_bellsouth.net