Darwins Theory of Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Darwins Theory of Evolution


Voyage of the Beagle. Charles Darwin contributed the most to our understanding of evolution. ... sail on he H.M.S. Beagle- around the world. Collected ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Darwins Theory of Evolution

Chapter 15
  • Darwins Theory of Evolution

15-1 The Puzzle of Lifes Diversity
  • Evolution- Change over time
  • Theory- Well supported testable explanation of
    phenomena that have occurred in the natural
  • Voyage of the Beagle
  • Charles Darwin contributed the most to our
    understanding of evolution.
  • 1831 set sail on he H.M.S. Beagle- around the
  • Collected different specimen

Darwins Observation
  • Patterns of Diversity
  • Plants animals well suited for wherever they
  • Many ways organisms survived reproduced.
  • Where different species lived and did not live.
  • Living Organisms Fossils
  • Collected preserved remains of ancient
  • Some looked familiar, others did not.
  • The Galapagos Islands
  • Islands that were close together had different
  • Studied land tortoises, marine iguanas, and

The Journey Home
  • Characteristics of many animals and plants varied
    noticeably among different islands of the
  • Once back in England, wondered if animals living
    on different islands had once been members of the
    same species.

15-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwins Thinking
  • Early Beliefs were that the earth its living
    species had not changed since the creation of
  • Fossil records helped to challenge this
    traditional view of life.

An Ancient, Changing Earth
  • James Hutton
  • Proposed that Earth is shaped by geological
    forces that took place over extremely long
    periods of time.
  • Estimated Earth to be millions of years old.
  • Charles Lyell
  • Explained how geological features could be built
    up or torn down over long periods of time.

  • Lamarcks Theory of Evolution
  • Through selective use or disuse of organs,
    organism acquired or lost certain traits during
    their lifetime.
  • Traits could be passed on to their offspring.
  • Over time, it lead to change in a species.
  • Population Growth
  • Thomas Malthus
  • If the human population continued to grow
    unchecked, eventually there would be insufficient
    living space food for everyone.
  • Forces against growth
  • War
  • Famine
  • Disease

15-3 Darwin Presents His Case
  • Published On the Origin of Species
  • Natural Variation- different among individuals of
    a species
  • Artificial Selection- man selects certain
    favorable traits and then breeds animals with
    those traits.

Evolution by Natural Selection
  • Struggle for Existence- members of a species
    compete for food, living space, other
  • Survival of the Fittest- Individuals who are best
    suited to their environment survive reproduce
    most successfully
  • Descent With Modification- Each living species
    has descended, with changes, from other species
    over time.

Evidence of Evolution
  • Fossil Record
  • Geographic Distribution of Living Species
  • Finches he collected were slightly different.
  • Homologous structures
  • Structure w/ different mature forms, but develop
    from the same embryonic tissues
  • Vestigial organ
  • Similarities in Early Development
  • Many embryos look similar during the early stages
    of development.

Summary of Darwins Theory
  • Individual organisms in nature differ from each
  • Organisms in nature produce more offspring's than
    will survive.
  • Members of species must compete for resources.
  • Each organism is unique.
  • Those best suited to their environment survive
    reproduce most successfully.
  • Species Change over time.
  • Species today have descended w/ modification from
    those in the past.
  • All organisms on Earth are united into a single
    tree of life by common descent.
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