Title: DudleyCharlton Regional School District
1Dudley-Charlton Regional School District
- H1N1 Prevention
- and Response
- to advance the knowledge and well being
- of our children and our community.
2Dudley-Charlton Response Participants
- Dudley and Charlton Boards of Health
- Dudley-Charlton Regional School Committee
- Dudley Fire and EMT Service
- Dudley Police
- Charlton Fire and EMT Service
- Charlton Police
- Harrington Hospital
- Local Emergency Planning Board
- Review DPH and DESE guidance concerning H1N1 and
to review surveillance and preventative measures. - Background Information Current District
Response - MPH guidance
- Vaccination information
- Answer questions and comments
4Why the focus on schools?Confirmed Cases of H1N1
Influenza in MA, as of 9/3/09
- 1399 confirmed cases
- Median age 14 yrs
- 63 of confirmed cases 18 years
- 13 hospitalized
- 11 H1N1 attributable deaths
- 36 child deaths in US 80 gt age 5
- Southern US now seeing increase in cases
Percentage of confirmed cases
lt5 5-11 12-18
19-25 26-44 45-64 65 Age Group
in Years
Source Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department
of Public Health
5- Student Education
- Classroom teachers and nurses collaboratively
planned and delivered lessons on coughing
etiquette, appropriate hand washing and the
importance of staying home when sick - Health and physical education teachers have
delivered lessons throughout October focused on
preventative measures to stay healthy - Coaches are delivering the same message to all
athletes participating in fall and winter sports - Schools will display prevention posters in key
areas such as entrances, cafeterias and offices
- SPRING 2009
- Student dismissals due to Influenza-like illness
(ILI) were monitored - Collaborated with DPH, local boards of health
concerning confirmed cases and messages to
families - FALL 2009
- CDC, state and local boards of health not
requiring H1N1 confirmation testing - H1N1 confirmation testing recommended for
high-risk cases only (e.g. hospitalization) - Student dismissals due to ILI are monitored
- Weekly review of student/staff absenteeism at
each building -
7DPH/DESE Guidance
H1N1 Symptoms similar to normal human seasonal
influenza ? Fever 100.4 ? Coughing or sore
throat ? Headache/body aches ? Runny or
stuffy nose ? Chills ? Fatigue In addition
to the above symptoms, a number of H1N1 flu cases
reported vomiting and diarrhea.
9- Exclusion period
- Must stay home for 24 hours after no fever and no
fever-reducing medications. - Most can expect to stay home about 4 days 3 with
fever plus one more day - Fever with influenza can last 2-5 days or more
- H1N1 initial target groups as identified by the
CDC - Pregnant women
- Household contacts/caregivers of infants lt 6
months - Children and young people, age 6 months to 24
years - People age 25 to 64 with certain medical
conditions - Health care providers and emergency medical
- Seasonal flu vaccination is being recommended for
children/young people between the ages of 6
months and 18 years old - H1N1 flu vaccination is recommended for
children/young people between the ages of 6
months and 24 years old - Participation is voluntary
- The District has partnered with local
health/safety officials to develop a coordinated
plan for the administration of vaccine to
school-age children and families