Title: Inverse Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Emissions
1Inverse Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Emissions
collaborators Claire Granier, Boris Khattatov,
Valery Yudin, Jean-François Lamarque, Louisa
Emmons, David Edwards, Jean-François Müller,
Guy Brasseur, John Gille, Paul Novelli, MOZART
and MOPITT groups
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Boulder, Colorado, USA Service d Aéronomie,
CNRS/IPSL/Université Paris 6, Paris, France
E-mail gap_at_ucar.edu
2Thin Blue Veil
accumulation and transport of pollutants
over 90 of the total mass of the Earth
atmosphere is below 10km, ie in the troposphere
Carbon Monoxide from space, MOPITT instrument
average vertical distribution of various gases in
the Earth atmosphere
3Role of CO in the troposphere
- Oxidation capacity of the atmosphere
- Precursor of tropospheric ozone
- Indoor and Urban pollutant
4Object CO emissions
- known nature of sources
- uncertain
- intensities
- location
- timing, seasonality, interannual variations
- splitting fossil fuel/biofuel....
- tools to study CO budget
- observations, emissions inventories, models
5Sources Sinks of CO (Atmospheric Chemistry and
Global Change, 1998)
- Fossil fuel 300-600 Biomass burning
300-900 - (forests, savannas, agric. waste burning, fuel
wood use) - Vegetation 50-200
- Oceans 6- 30
- Methane oxidation 400-1000
- HCNM oxidation 300-1000
- TOTAL Source 1400 3700 TgCO/yr
- Photochemical sink 1400-2600
- Surface deposition 150-500
- TOTAL Sink 1550 3100 TgCO/yr
- few direct observations of emissions
- ?yet many observations of CO distribution in
the troposphere - NOAA/CMDL 40 stations
- N/S gradient, seasonality in sources and
sinks, seasonality in CO - high precision
- -- remote regions, mostly NH,representativity?
- few direct observations of emissions
- ?yet many observations of CO distribution in
the troposphere - NOAA/CMDL stations
- MAPS (space shuttle) 4 campaigns
- biomass burning impact
- IMG few days from 8/1996 to 6/1997
9Remote Sensing of CO
- space shuttle
- MAPS 4 flights
- (12-14/11/1981 5-13/10/1984
9-19/04/1994 30/09-11/10/1994) - ?max sensitivity in upper troposphere
- satellite
- - IMG a few days between August 1996 and June
1997 total CO column (?sensitivity max around 6
April -October 1994
Connors et al., 1999
spectroscopy around 4,7 ?m
4 days June 1997
Clerbaux et al., 2001
- few direct observations of emissions
- ?yet many observations of CO distribution in
the troposphere - NOAA/CMDL stations
- MAPS (space shuttle) 4 campaigns
- biomass burning impact
- MOPITT (satellite) since spring 2000
- CO good tracer of continental air pollution
- Since spring 2000, the MOPITT instrument
monitors the tropospheric content of CO, covering
the global surface of the Earth in a few days.
- Characteristics
- Global coverage in 3 days
- 20km x 20km pixel
- 7 levels
- Lower Precision/in situ
- Filtered for clouds
- CO mixing ratios are Level3 data
- We need to know the averaging Kernel what
MOPITT sees!!
CO at 500 hPa
12Chemistry-Transport model
- représentation numérique discrète (x,t) de la
troposphère globale - chemistry operator
- transport operator
- advection, turbulence turbulent diffusion
convection - initial boundary conditions
- monthly emissions, deposition, exchanges with
the stratosphere - resolution ?x 200/500km , ?t 20min/1 h
- model with climatological fields IMAGES (5ox5o)
- model with analyzed wind fields MOZART
- Only tool to track CO origin
- here CO emitted in different regions of the world
has been tagged. The plots show how the
dispersion in the atmosphere of the various
colors of CO
day 2
day 65
- Can observations of CO distribution in the
troposphere help better constrain CO sources?
- Optimal Interpolation
- cf word docs
16Formulation of the problem
- We are going to optimize
- p monthly source processes vector S
- using n monthly averaged observations vector
tagging of the sources
17Observation matrix
The coefficients of H are calculated using the
model with fixed OH concentrations.
matrix containing normalized impacts of all
sources i on all observations j
- Transport model is perfect
- Statistics of errors
- All Errors are gaussian and independent
- Statistics of the observations known (first and
second moments), ? R is diagonal (no correlation) - Statistics of the a priori sources known (first
and second moments), ?B is diagonal (no
correlation) - CO sink not optimized.
- Chemistry weakly non linear.
- a posteriori sources close ENOUGH to a priori
sources - ? no big change in OH
- ? Use linearized version of the model
19CMDL / IMAGES inversion
- representative of the 1990-1996 period
- 33 monthly source-processes
- 39 monthly averaged observations
20a priori emissions
a posteriori emissions
fossil fuel biomass burning biofuel
Asian annual emissions are multiplied by 2
21- Timing of biomass burning in Southern Hemisphere
changed - emissions peak in September
a posteriori emissions (open symbols)
tagged contributions of various sources to total
CO at Ascension Island
22a priori / a posteriori uncertainties
impact of changing the a priori sources
uncertainties increasing the uncertainties
gives more weight to the observations
23CO budget
- Hyp
- 50 uncertainties on a priori fluxes,
- min 10 errors on observations
24Improvement at stations
Observed and simulated CO (ppbv) black dots
observations. bold lines with no symbol
standard deviation of the observations. open
diamonds CO simulated using the a priori
emissions open squares CO simulated using the
a posteriori emissions.
New sources
Monthly Average CO (ppbv)
26Validation/ Tests
- Test1 Inversion with pseudo-data
- Test2 improvement of modeled CO at the
stations - 30.47 ppbv with a priori sources
- 17.56 ppbv with a posteriori sources
- Test3 CH4 and MCF lifetimes
- 8.74 yr (8.42 w/ a priori) / Krol et al.
- 4.41 yr (4.27 w/ a priori) / Krol et al.
27Major Results CMDL /IMAGES
- Large increase in Asian Sources (//Kasibhatla et
al., 2002) - Change in timing of biomass burning in Southern
Africa (//Galanter et al. 2000) - Uncertainties decrease the most for Northern
Hemisphere sources - Not enough data to constrain Southern Hemisphere
emissions - Optimization of Chemical Production of CO not
28What we need to get better results
- Use assimilated meteorology
(to reduce bias due to errors in model
transport) - More observations (esp. in SH)
- Optimize other compounds emissions
29MOPITT /MOZART inversion
- Similar inverse technique used
- MOPITT binned on MOZART grid
- use data at 700 hPa
- inversion done for each month of observations
- Ne 3000 obs /month
- 15 continental regions / 4 oceanic biogenic
- chemical production of CO not optimized
- 100 relative error on observations and on prior
30Chemistry Transport MODEL
- MOZART 3D-global
- surface to 2hPa
- 31 vertical levels
- Horizontal resolution 2.8º x 2.8º
- 56 chemical species
- Dynamical Fields NCEP, ECMWF, DAO
- timestep 20 min
31Method Iterative Inversion
Analysis at month k1
- Observations MOPITT CO at 700 hPa
- 65oN-65oS, ½ of the data, April 2000-March 200
- Modeled CO
- projected on MOPITT 700 hPa level (aver. kernel)
- Diagonal covariance matrices
- Observation error 100
- A priori emissions inventory
- 50 error on technological CO sources
- 100 error on other CO sources
dimensions emissions U 106
observations z 3000
32MOPITT /MOZART inversion
33Inversion results
Annual CO emissions for various regions (TgCO/yr)
34Monthly global CO surface sourcesApril 2000-
March 2001
a priori
- shift in biomass burning maximum (august?
sept) - biofuel use emissions maximum in winter
(x 2 / summer time) - fossil fuel emissions maximum in winter
(30 / summer time)
a posteriori
a posteriori
35CO Biomass Burning EmissionsTgCO/yrApril
2000-March 2001
a priori
a posteriori
The agreement between the modeled CO and the
observations improves at 26 stations (out of 33)
when using the optimized sources.
using independent observations CMDL CO dataset
37(No Transcript)
38Conclusions (1) CO budget
- First time inversion of CO monthly sources
using satellite data. - Large underestimation in current inventories
- of Asian emissions (fossil fuel and biofuel)
- of biomass burning emissions in Africa
- New estimates of CO emissions from biomass
39Conclusions (2) inverse tehcnique(s)
- Test
- Impact of the uncertainties assigned to
observations and to a priori emissions - Impact of meteorological fields used
- Impact of BL ventilation parameterization
- Future work
- Better description of errors, biases of satellite
data - Optimization of chemistry, validation of OH
distribution - Integrate information from various platforms
- Implement 4D variational assimilation
(development of the adjoint model of MOZART in
- System to be solved xr xb xb
- z - yb H(xr - xb ) ?
- ? measurement error and model error eoem
- hyp E(xb)E(?)E(?.xbT)0 E(xbxbT)Pb
unknown xr