Title: Air%20Issues
1Air Issues
- Atmosphere basics
- Air pollution
- Climate change
2Composition of atmosphere
- 78 nitrogen
- 21 oxygen
- 1 everything else
3Structure of atmosphere
- Mesosphere and thermosphere
- 52-120 km
- Stratosphere
- 12-52 km
- temperature increases upward
- important ozone layer (19-26 km)
- Troposphere
- ground to 12 km
- temperature decreases upward
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5Focus on troposphere
- Our weather
- Pollution that affects humans
- Usual conditions vs. inversions
- (change in temperature going upward)
6Usual conditions pollution rises
Inversion pollution is trapped
7Air pollution
- Outdoor air pollution
- Indoor air pollution
8Criteria air pollutants (Clean Air Act, EPA)
- Carbon monoxide
- NOx or nitrogen dioxide
- SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
- tropospheric ozone (O3)
- particulate matter (PM)
- lead (Pb)
- Lets look at sources of each of these.
9Carbon monoxide (CO)
- Incomplete combustion of
- coal
- gasoline (catalytic converters help here)
- Why is it harmful to humans?
10Nitrogen oxides (many forms)
- NOx
- Incomplete burning of gasoline
- Contributes to acid rain
- Part of ozone problem in summer in cities
11Tropospheric Ozone
- Secondary pollutant
- Monitor VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
- solvents and vehicle emissions particularly
important - Often a summer-time problem
12Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
- Burning of coal
- Volcanic emissions (natural)
- Effects damages plant chlorophyll, irritates
throat and lungs causes acid rain
13Particulate matter
- Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels
- Dust from fields, construction, etc.
- Size of particles important
- What ARE those particles?
- Primary source from leaded gasoline
- Metal processing industries
- Effects central nervous system and bioaccumulates
15Criteria Air pollutants Primary sources to atmosphere
Carbon Monoxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide
Tropospheric Ozone
Particulate Matter
16Secondary pollutants
- Created by a reaction
- Includes smog and tropospheric ozone
- Photochemical smog (LA smog)
- Industrial smog (London smog)
18Photochemical smog (1)
- Car exhaust
- Hydrocarbons and NOx plus solar radiation
produces toxic chemicals, particularly ozone - Higher ozone concentrations in late summer
19Photochemical smog (2)
- Effects of ozone
- Solutions
20Ozone (O3)
- Stratosphere good troposphere bad
- Part of summertime smog
- Charlotte area (and many other urban areas) are
in non-attainment for ozone levels
21Industrial smog
- Older industrial cities
- Often associated with coal burning
- Particulates, sulfur dioxide and stagnant air
22Acid deposition
- Sulfuric and nitric acids
- Travel long distances
- Some solutions industrial scrubbers, catalytic
23Indoor air quality
- Increasing awareness
- Developing countries particulate matter and
carbon monoxide - Industrialized nations cigarette smoke, radon,
mold, VOCs - Solutions?
24Global air issues
- Stratospheric ozone depletion
- Climate change
25Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
- What does stratospheric ozone do?
- What is happening?
26mid 1990s
27Antarctic Researchers
- Routinely monitor atmosphere above Antarctica
- Significant depletion started in 1980
28Rowland and Molina
- Predicted CFCs would destroy ozone (1974)
- CCl2F2 UV Cl CClF2
- Cl O3 ClO O2
- ClO O O2 Cl
29What can we do?
- Phase out manufacturing of CFCs done
- Phase out use of CFCs spray cans, styrofoam
products, refrigerants done - Can this happen on a global basis?
30Montreal Protocol (1987)
- Major reduction in production of CFCs and halons
- Initially signed by 25 nations, eventually
ratified by over 150 nations - CFC production in industrial nations to be cut by
50 - Halon production frozen at 1986 levels
31Climate Change
32Natural Temperature Variability
- Seasons
- Latitudes - altitudes
- Milankovitch cycles
- El Nino cycles
33 How do we know temperatures from long ago?
- Human records actual measurements
- Proxies ice cores, sediment cores for example
34Greenhouse effect
- What is it?
- Is it bad or good that Earth has a greenhouse
effect? - Greenhouse gases
35Sources of greenhouse gases
- Carbon dioxide burning fossil fuels and
forests, making cement - Methane decomposition of organic matter in
swampy environments frozen in tundra and ocean
floor stomachs of cows - Nitrous oxides bacterial decomposition of
manure soil denitrification some organic
fertilizers - Halocarbons (including CFCs) chemical cooling
agent foaming agent propellant (phased out by
Montreal Protocol)
36Relative strength of GHG (from IPCC, 2007)
Carbon Dioxide 1
Methane 25
Nitrous oxide 300
1 CFC replacement 15,000
37Future of global warming?
- Computer modeling
- United Nations IPCC
38Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- 2,000 scientists from many nations
- Four assessment reports (latest in 2007)
- Policy-relevant but policy neutral
- Won the Nobel Peace Prize (along with Al Gore)
39IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
40IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have
increased markedly as a result of human
activities since 1750 and now far exceed
pre-industrial values determined from ice cores
spanning many thousands of years.
Today 385 ppm Preindustrial 280 ppm
Highest in 650,000 years
41IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as
is now evident from observations of increases in
global average air and ocean temperatures,
widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising
global average sea level.
- Sea level change (3-20 ft rise)
- Coral reef bleaching
- Changes in locations of plants and animals
- Melting of ice caps and glaciers
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44Sea Ice in Arctic Ocean 1979 and 2003
45Alaskan glacier1914 and 2004
- Adaptation
- Mitigation
- Suffering is inevitable, but how much?
47Evaluating Solutions
The Need for Adaptation
We are already committed to a certain amount of
Resources must be devoted to adapting to altered
future conditions
Focus on mitigation cannot ignore need for
- Limit dependence on fossils fuels
- Plant trees
- Kyoto Protocol and beyond