Scanning Probe Microscope SPM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scanning Probe Microscope SPM


Pulling mode This mode uses the attractive forces between the tip and the adatom. The tip is positioned above the adatom and then brought towards the surface. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Scanning Probe Microscope SPM

Scanning Probe Microscope- SPM -
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Present Rony Levin Email
Course Nanotechnology Number 361-2-0826 Lecturer
Dr. Ilan Shalish
  • Terms Definition
  • Motivation
  • Historical Overview
  • SPM Overview
  • STM Overview
  • AFM Overview
  • SPM Software
  • Summary

Surface Definition
  • Surface is the shell of a macroscopic object
    (the inside) in contact with its environment
    (the outside world). An interface is the
    boundary between two phases. Object inside is
    called bulk
  • In large objects with small surface area A to
    volume V ratio (A/V) the physical and chemical
    properties are primarily defined by the bulk
  • In small objects with a large A/V-ratio the
    properties are strongly influenced by the surface

Lotus Leaf Phenomenon
Hydrophobic effect
Hydrophobic material Surface structure (20-100µm)
Semiconductor Devices
Current flow near the surface
In modern semiconductor devices surface is
Semiconductor Production
Layer by layer
Surface by surface
Important Key Features of Surfaces
  • surface topography
  • valley, planes, hills
  • physical materials behavior (conducting /
  • polarity (hydrophilic / hydrophobic)
  • tribological behavior (friction on "rough" or
    "smooth" surface)
  • physical surface behavior (reflectivity)

Application Examples of Surface Science
  • understanding and inhibition of corrosion
  • chip manufacturing / microelectronics
  • hard disks (anti-friction, ultra-smooth,...)
  • biological surfaces (patterned cell growth)
  • sensors (chemical, biological, electrical)
  • modification of anti-reflection (displays)
  • modification of wetting (inkjet printing)

Surface Research Motivation
  • According to all the mentioned before our
    motivation as electrical engineers for surface
    research is clear. The modern microelectronics
    devices properties, in general, affected by
  • Moreover, we want not only passively receive
    information about the surface, but actively
    affect on it topology, moving the atoms

Terms Definition
  • Microscopy µ????s - small, s??p?s see
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a branch of
    microscopy that forms images of surfaces using a
    physical probe that scans the specimen. SPM able
    to receive 3D surface topography

Terms Definition
  • Local density of states (LDOS) is a physical
    space-resolved quantity that describes the number
    of states at each energy level that are available
    to be occupied. According to crystal's structure,
    this quantity can be predicted by computational
    methods, as for example with density functional
  • Artifact is any perceived distortion or other
    data error caused by the instrument of observation

Terms Definition
  • Input transducer or sensor
  • Convert nonelectrical signal to electrical one
  • Output transducer or actuator
  • Convert electrical signal to nonelectrical one
  • Piezoceramic
  • Ceramic that convert electrical field to
    mechanical deformation and vice versa
  • Piezoelectric properties
  • are time-depended

  • SPM Scanning Probe Microscope
  • STM Scanning Tunneling Microscope
  • AFM Atomic Force Microscope
  • SFM Scanning Force Microscope
  • FFM Force-Modulated AFM
  • LFM Lateral Force Microscope
  • MFM Magnetic Force Microscope
  • SThM Scanning Thermal Microscope
  • EFM Electrical Force Microscope

Historical Overview
  • 1981 STM was developed by Binnig and Rohrer,
    IBM, Zurich
  • 1986 AFM was developed by Binnig, Quarter and
  • 1988 Commercial SPM available
  • 1990 Analog electronics replaced by digital
  • 1990 Software for SPM based Microsoft
    Windows developed
  • from 1990 SPM market wake up
  • Agilent Technologies, nanoScience

SPM Physical ModelThe Blind Mouse
Blind Mouse Operational Principle
  • The blind mouse cant see the object (sample),
    but using the stick (probe), he can scan it.
  • Arm skin (sensor) send the received from the
    probe information to the brain (computer), the
    computer see the picture, if it need receive
    additional information about the sample (decision
    done using feedback), it send requirement to arm
    muscle (actuator), arm carefully moves the probe
    to required coordinate and vice versa

SPM Operational Principle
  • All of the SPM techniques are based upon scanning
    a probe (typically called the tip, since it
    literally is a sharp metallic tip) just above a
    surface whilst between scanned surface and probe
    exist interaction
  • The nature of this chosen interaction defines a
    device accessory to this or that type within the
    family of Scanning Probe Microscope
  • The information on a surface is taken by fixing
    (by means of feedback system) or monitoring of
    interaction of a probe and the sample

SPM Operational Principle
Surface divided to matrix of N rows by M
columns Scanning performed row by row, as result
we receive per each couple of coordinates
xi,yj, vector with measurement results that
described surface at this point
SPM Block Diagram
SPM Operational Principle
  • We will present scanning probe microscopes based
    on two kind of iteration
  • Iteration is electrical current STM
  • Iteration is atomic force AFM/SFM
  • In general, as mentioned, SPM have two modes,
    defined by tip movement over the surface
  • Fixed probe Z coordinate, iteration or parameter
    depended on iteration monitoring
  • Fixed iteration, height change monitoring

STM Operational Principle
Corral diameter 14 nm
Quantum Corral
Tunneling current
from site
STM Schematics
Probe Fabrication
The tips are made simply by pulling the wires
(typically 200 to 250 microns in diameter) using
a pliers. A more consistent way to fabricate tips
is using electrolysis. When the tip becomes very
thin, it breaks living a very sharp tip
appropriate to be used in the STM. The
electrolytic bath is usually a solution of NaOH
Potential Barrier Schematics
V is bias voltage
EF is Fermi level
Step Potential Barrier
Schrödinger time invariant equation
Transfer Matrix
General solution
Using C1 connectivity
Transfer Matrix
Transfer Matrix Definition
Now it can be written more simple
Transfer Matrix
We received very powerful mathematical tool.
Using this algorithm and Matlab we can solve
complicated potential barriers
Rectangular Potential Barrier
Tunneling Probability
Tunneling - Summary
Received result is not so suitable for classical
physics theory, were electron position defined as
to be or not to be In quantum mechanics theory
electron position defined as may be and
appropriate number from 0 to 1 that describe the
chance of electron to be in some
coordinate. Summarizing all the electrons over
all energy levels, that can pass the barrier,
will receive tunneling current expression
Tunneling Current
Distance Sensitivity
What happened if current will be changed, how
mach it will affect the distance? Assume that K4
eV, current precision is 2
STM Operational Mode
  • constant height mode the tip is scanned over the
    surface keeping the vertical tip position
    constant, topography/conductivity differences are
    mapped by recording variations in tunnel current
    with respect to x-y-position of tip
  • constant current mode the vertical tip position
    is adjusted during scanning to keep tunnel
    current constant, topography/conductivity map is
    constructed from vertical tip position with
    respect to x-y-position

LDOS Probing
Using the current, STM probes the local density
of states, and anything more Artifact, or another
atom can create LDOS similar to atom, but STM can
not distinguish it
What are We Imaging in STM?
  • Metals
  • High density of states at atoms appear as
    bright protrusions
  • Insulators
  • No conduction possible, we crash
  • Semiconductors and thin oxides
  • Complex electronic structure at Fermi level ,
    be careful!

Atom Manipulation
Pulling mode This mode uses the attractive forces
between the tip and the adatom. The tip is
positioned above the adatom and then brought
towards the surface. The tunnel current
increases. The tip is then moved horizontally.
The current subsequently falls off until the
adatom undertakes a hop towards the tip, while
remaining on the surface. The current increases
once more and the procedure continues
Atom Manipulation
Pushing mode This is similar to the pulling mode
except that it makes use of repulsive forces
between the tip and the adatom. The tip is
brought towards the surface and moved
horizontally towards the atom. The latter jumps
to the neighboring surface site. The current
falls abruptly and the procedure continues
Atom Manipulation
Sliding mode In this mode the forces between the
tip and the adatom are attractive, but the tip is
so close to the surface that the adatom is
attached onto it. As the tip approaches, the
current increases and the adatom jumps onto the
tip and remains there. When the tip moves
horizontally parallel to the surface the current
is related to the surface topography as seen by
the tip with the attached adatom. Finally the tip
is withdrawn and the adatom falls back onto the
Atom Manipulation
Written literally with atoms, the Japanese Kanji,
each just a few nanometers across - means atom
STM Summary
  • STM is powerful technique for 3D viewing
    surfaces at the atomic level
  • STM require sample conductivity
  • STM can be used not only in vacuum, but also in
    air and various other liquid or gas ambient, and
    at temperatures range
  • STM allows manipulate atoms
  • STM probes the local density of states

STM Catalog example
AFM Operational Principle
from site
AFM Schematics
  • Cantilever is a beam supported on only one end

Cantilever Fabrication
Cantilever Catalog example
Cantilever Catalog example
Cantilever Regimes
Cantilever Modes
  • Contact Mode
  • Friction mode
  • Tapping Mode
  • Phase mode

Contact Mode
  • Contact (repulsive) mode tip makes soft
    "physical contact" with the sample, the contact
    force causes the cantilever to bend to
    accommodate changes in topography

Contact Mode
Stoney's formula
s is applied stress E, v are known physical
Friction Mode
Lateral force / friction mode AFM cantilever
in contact mode is laterally deflected in the
sample plane due to scanning motion
perpendicular to cantilever axes, lateral
deflection is measured and gives information on
surface material apart from topography
Tapping Mode
  • Intermittent contact AFM cantilever is vibrated
    near the surface of a sample with spacing on the
    order of tens to hundreds of angstroms
  • In this case the oscillator is non linear,
    mathematical calculation is pretty complicated,
    it is out of scope of this presentation

Linear Phase Mode
  • Phase mode AFM cantilever is vibrated near the
    surface of a sample with known amplitude
    frequency equal to resonance cantilever one .
    Compare phase of driving signal and cantilever

AFM Image
Image size 3.3 nm x 3.3 nm.
Image of a Si surface imaged with a force sensor.
In the left half of the image, the cantilever
does not oscillate, in the right half it
oscillates with an amplitude of 0.09 nm, yielding
a double image of every atom
Carbon Nanotube Manipulation
Lowering the tip and pushing
Van Der Waals forces hold the nanotube
AFM Catalog example
AFM Summary
  • AFM is powerful technique for 3D viewing
    surfaces at the atomic level
  • AFM doesnt require sample conductivity
  • AFM can be used not only in vacuum, but also in
    air and various other liquid or gas ambient, and
    at temperatures range
  • AFM allows manipulate atoms
  • AFM interpretation is not straightforward

  • Convolution with other physics (sample
  • charging, stiffness, contamination etc.)
  • Feedback artifacts
  • External noise and fields
  • Capillary Forces
  • .

Artifact Example
AFM contact scanning
before scanning
after scanning
Tests for Artifacts
  • Repeat the scan to ensure that it looks the same.
  • Change the scan direction and take a new image.
  • Change the scan size and take an image to ensure
    that the features scale properly.
  • Rotate the sample and take an image to identify
    tip imaging
  • Change the scan speed and take another image

  • Error as result of non orthogonal axes and
    reference point definition
  • Error as result of probe geometric shape
  • Error as result of sensor sensitivity

In order to avoid measurement errors depended on
setup, mandatory to perform pre measurement
system calibration
SPM Software Requirements
  • User-friendly interface, basic Windows tools
  • Offline simulation tool
  • Calibration tool, ability to see results
  • Variety of supported formats
  • Control unit monitoring
  • Filtering control
  • Mathematical tools
  • Programming tools
  • 3D studio capture and editing images and
    videos in real time

Scanning Probe Image Processor
SPIP Interface
STM vs. AFM Summary
  • Resolution of STM is better than AFM
  • AFM wins in terms of versatility
  • AFM allows to image materials that do not conduct
    a current

SPM Standardization
SPM standardization has only recently begun as
part of an effort by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) !!! 25
years of scanning probe microscopy , 2007
SPM Standardization
Today, Jan 2008, 25 years of STM, UNDER
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