Title: Top 10 Advertising Slogans of the Century
1Top 10 Advertising Slogans of the Century
Company or Brand
Campaign Theme
1. De Beers Diamonds are forever 2. Nike Just do
it! 3. Coca Cola The pause that refreshes 4.
Miller Lite Tastes great, less filling 5. Avis We
try harder 6. Maxwell House Good to the last
drop 7. Wheaties Breakfast of champions 8.
Clairol Does she . . . or doesnt she? 9. Morton
Salt When it rains it pours 10. Wendys Wheres
the beef?
2Successful Long-Running Campaigns
Company or Brand
Campaign Theme
Nike Just do it Allstate Insurance Youre in good
hands with Allstate Hallmark cards When you care
enough to send the very best Budweiser This
Buds for you Intel Intel inside State Farm
Insurance Like a good neighbor, State Farm is
there Chevy Trucks Like a rock Dial soap Arent
you glad you use Dial?
3Top 10 Advertising Slogans of the Century
Company or Brand
Campaign Theme
1. De Beers 2. Nike 3. The pause that
refreshes 4. Tastes great, less filling 5.
Avis 6. Good to the last drop 7. Breakfast of
champions 8. Does she . . . or doesnt she? 9.
When it rains it pours 10. Wheres the beef?
4Successful Long-Running Campaigns
Company or Brand
Campaign Theme
1. Nike 2. Allstate Insurance 3. When you care
enough to send the very best 4. This Buds for
you 5. Intel 6. Like a good neighbor, State
Farm is there 7. Like a rock 8. Arent you glad
you use Dial?