Title: Introduction to NCL The NCAR Command Language
1Introduction to NCL(The NCAR Command
Language) NetCDF Workshop, Summer 2009 Mary
Haley ? August 3, 2009
2Thanks Ed!(and presenters/organizersof this
3NCLs team of software engineers and scientists
4NCAR Command Language (NCL)A scripting language
tailored for theanalysis and visualization of
geoscientific data
- Simple, robust file input and output
- Hundreds of analysis functions
- Visualizations (2D) are publication quality and
highly customizable - UNIX binaries and source code available, free
- Extensive website, training
5History Scope
- First released in 1995
- Visualizations based on NCAR Graphics
- CCSM post-processing competition 1996-1997
- Python interfaces (PyNGL/PyNIO) - early 2000s
- WRF-NCL collaboration - early 2000s
- VAPOR-NCL collaboration- last year
- First training workshop in 2000, 42 so far, 570
attendees - Currently
- 7126 registered users in 114 countries
- 911 on email list
- Average 200 email postings a month
- Average 1500 downloads a month
6Overview of NCLs capabilities
- File input/output
- Data analysis
- Visualization
7File input and output
- Data model based on netCDF variable model
(metadata describes data) - One function reads all supported data formats
- netCDF-3, netCDF-4 classic, GRIB 1 and 2, HDF4,
HDF-EOS2, shapefiles, CCM History tape (legacy)
(soon HDF-EOS5), HDF5? - Writes netCDF-3/-4 classic and HDF4
- OPeNDAP-enabled client available
- ASCII, binary (read and write)
- Python interface - PyNIO
8NCL Data Model
- NCL variables are based on the netCDF data model
a structure containing metadata - Metadata is information about a variable
- With netCDF files, metadata consists of
- Attributes
- Named dimensions
- Coordinate arrays
- The _FillValue attribute is a special one
indicating a variables missing value
9Examining a netCDF file with NCL
f addfile(ANN_MEAN.nc, r) print(f)
Similar to netCDFs ncdump, but can use on
GRIB, HDF, HDF-EOS, shapefile Can also use
ncl_filedump on UNIX command line ncl_filedump
10Reading a variable from a supported file, use -gt
f addfile(ANN_MEAN.nc, r) olr
f-gtOLR printVarSummary(olr) just print info
11Writing a variable to a netCDF file, also use -gt
fout addfile(newfile.nc, c) Assume you
have an NCL variable t with potential
attributes, coordinate arrays. Write some
global file attributes fout_at_Conventions
None! fout_at_history Created on
system(date) Now write variable and all its
metadata It will be called T on the netCDF
file. fout-gtT t
12NCL tools for files
- ncl_filedump like ncdump, hdump
ncl_filedump uv300.nc ncl_filedump
ruc.grb ncl_filedump -v lv_ISBL2
13Data analysis
- Array-based math (no need to loop across
dimensions) - Hundreds (800) of functions
- Spherical harmonics
- Scalar and vector regridding
- Vertical interpolation
- EOFs
- Date/time conversions (UDUNITS)
- Many tailored to geosciences
- Most handle missing data
- Can call C and Fortran routines from NCL
- High-quality and customizable visualizations
- Contours, XY, vectors, streamlines
- Maps with common map projections
- Handles data on regular and irregular
grids,triangular meshes - Specialized scripts for MJO CLIVAR, skew-T,wind
roses, histograms, Taylor diagrams, panels, bar
charts - High-level interfaces simplifies visualization
- Over 1,400 visualization options
- PyNGL Python interface
15(No Transcript)
16A Skew-T plot is used by meteorologists to
analyze data from a balloon sounding.
Courtesy of Dennis Shea
CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
17Data from Climate Analysis Section Christian
18CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
19A T-S diagram is a graph showing the relationship
between temperature and salinity as observed
together at, for example, specified depths in a
water column. Isopleths of constant density are
often also drawn on the same diagram as a useful
additional interpretation aid. In the ocean,
certain T-S combinations are preferred, leading
to the procedure of identification via the
definition of water types and water masses and
their distributions.Image contributed by
Christine Shields,NCAR/CGD.
20Courtesy Mark Stevens, NCAR CGD
21Madden Julian Oscillation Climate Variability
Suite of MJO diagnostics scripts developed by
Dennis Shea, NCAR/CGD. Data, C-shell scripts,
fortran code provided by the US-CLIVAR MJO
working group
22MJO graphic Courtesy of Dennis Shea/CGD
23MJO graphic Courtesy of Dennis Shea/CGD
CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
24CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
25Image courtesy of Julie ArblasterBureau of
Meteorology, University of Melbourne
26Image courtesy of Jeff Yin, CGD
27A wind rose displays the frequency (percentage)
of wind directions for a specific location over a
specified period of time.
Dennis Shea, CGD
28NCL image courtesy of Christine Shields,
CGD Paleogeography data courtesy David Rowley,
29Types of special grids that NCL and PyNGL can
Coming soon vectors and streamlines on
non-uniform grids
30Triangular mesh from Brett D. Estrada, Naval
Research Laboratory
31Triangular mesh from Tom Gross NOAA/NOS/CSDL/MMAP
CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
32Data from Dave Randall, Todd Ringler, Ross Heikes
of CSU
Contoured using Triangle code Jonathan
Shewchuk, Berkeley
Most geodesic grids appear to be formed by
elaborating an icosahedron each of the 20 faces
of the icosahedron is subdivided into smaller
triangles in a more or less obvious way.
33Data from Dave Randall, Todd Ringler, Ross Heikes
of CSU
34Adaptive grid - Christiane Jablonowski,
ECMWFConstructed using boundary lines which are
all either horizontal or vertical on a
cylindrical equidistant projection of the globe.
First, the rectangular area covered by the
projection is divided into smaller rectangles,
all of which are the same size. Some (but not
all) of these rectangles are subdivided into four
smaller rectangles of equal size, and some (but,
again, not all) of those are subdivided into even
smaller rectangles of equal size.
35Adaptive grid Data from Christiane Jablonowski,
36ARPEGE GRID (used by Meteo-France) Christophe
Similar to ISCCP grid, but with somewhat finer
resolution. Grid is rotated with respect to the
globe so as to put its poles somewhere other than
at the North and South Pole.
37 Grid from Houjun WangNCAR University of
38This grid could be described as a tripole grid
that is further modified by the arbitrary
displacement of some portions of the grid to
achieve finer resolution over areas of interest
(typically, ocean areas).
Christophe Cassou (CNRS/CERFACS)
39 http//isccp.giss.nasa.gov/
40(No Transcript)
41Graphic byYi Wang, PNNL
42Connectivity graphs from a biological neural
network model. Trevor Law, Univ of California _at_
43From John Ertl, FNMOC
CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
44CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
45Sample WRF-ARW visualizationsScripts maintained
by Cindy Bruyère, NCAR/MMM
46New map outlines in V5.0.1
47New and improved projections
48Courtesy Mark Stevens NCAR/CGD
Climate divisions are built into NCL and PyNGL
CCMVal Workshop 2009 ? June 1-5, 2009
49Evans plot - Created by Jason Evans of Yale
University. An Evans plot is a way to visualize
spatially, two variables of interest, one of
which provides some measure of "importance".
50Ufuk Turuncoglu, ITU - Turkey Climate Change
51Taylor diagram Courtesy of Dennis Shea and Adam
Phillips, CGD
52Graphic by Jonathan Vigh, Colorado State
53Based on a visualization of Adam Phillips
54Image courtesy Rick Brownrigg VAPOR/NCL
55Image courtesy Dave Brown POP Grid
56John Fasullo, NCAR/CGD
57Hundreds of application examples
58(No Transcript)
59(No Transcript)
60(No Transcript)
61 create BandPass Filter
ihp 2
bpfgtband pass filter nWgt
201 sigma 1.0 Lanczos
sigma fca 1./100. fcb 1./20.
wgt filwgts_lanczos (nWgt, ihp, fca, fcb,
sigma )
Read daily U
"uwnd.day."plev".anomalies.1980-2005.nc f
addfile (dirifili , "r") TIME
f-gttime days since
... YMD ut_calendar(TIME, -2)
entire (time,6) iStrt ind(YMD.eq.ymdStrt)
index start iLast
ind(YMD.eq.ymdLast) index last
delete(TIME) delete(YMD ) x
f-gtU_anom(iStrtiLast,,) U_anom_sm
printVarSummary(x) printMinMax(x, True)
time f-gttime(iStrtiLast) days
since ..
62NCL Training Workshops
- 7 workshops in 2008, 3 already in 2009
- University of Wisconsin-Madison (9/08)
- Max-Planck, Hamburg (12/08)
- SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography (2/09)
- One more local NCL workshop in 2009
- One-day tutorial at CCMval workshop, June 2009
- Very short tutorial at TG09, June 2009
- Short tutorial at WRF Workshop, late June 2009
- Invite for two consecutive workshops in Europe
(German and Finnish Weather Services, Free
University/Berlin, ETH) - Free workshop to one UCAR member university a
- NCL is a robust tool and easy tool for reading
and writing geoscientific data (netCDF, HDF4,
HDF-EOS2, GRIB 1/2) - There are hundreds of specialized functions, most
automatically handle missing data - Graphics are world class and highly customizable
- Developed in close relationship with researchers
at NCAR - Free, open source, and available in precompiled
form for many UNIX systems - The website is extensive with hundreds of
downloadable examples - Not just about the software
- User consulting is quick and knowledgeable
- Developers listen closely to the user community
to drive future plans - Free training workshops available, tailored to
learning how to analyze your own data
64Thank you! Questions?