Title: Design and Implementation of VLSI Systems
1Design and Implementation of VLSI Systems (EN0160)
Sherief Reda Division of Engineering, Brown
University Spring 2007
sources Sedra/Prentice Hall, Saint/McGrawHill,
Weste/Addison Wesley
2Lecture 03 CMOS fabrications
- How do transistors make up different CMOS gates?
- Fabrication of CMOS gates
3What needs to be fabricated?
4Top view
5Fabrication Target Inverter
6Gate layouts is decomposed into primitives
layouts that would be printed in sequence
7Wafer preparation
8Photolithography is used to print desired
patterns on the wafer
The feature size directly depends on the
wavelength of your lithographic system
9P Type start wafer
10Grow P-epitaxial layer
11Spin Resist Coating
12Expose N Well Mask
13Develop resist (remove resist exposed to light)
14Implant N Well
15Remove Resist
16Main 5-6 Steps SEDAR
- (possible pre-spin action, e.g., deposit)
- Spin resist
- Expose (using mask)
- Develop resist
- ACTION (e.g., implant, etch, oxidize)
- Remove Resist
17Anneal wafer to grow new oxide layer and diffuses
N well
18Remove oxide from anneal
19Spin Resist
20Develop resist
21Expose resist with active diffusion mask
22Grow oxide on exposed surface
23Remove resist
24Grown thin oxide over silicon surfaces
25Deposit poly using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
26Spin resist expose resist using the GATE mask
develop resist etch poly
27Remove thin oxide layer where exposed
28Spin resist expose with P implant mask
develop resist implant P
29Spin resist expose with N implant mask
develop resist implant N
30Remove resist anneal wafer oxide etch
31Deposit oxide using CVD spin resist expose
Contact mask develop resist - etch contact hole
remove resist
32Deposit metal 1 spin resist - expose metal 1
mask develop resist - etch metal remove resist
33Fabrication Summary
34Spin polyimide spin resist expose via 1 mask
etch via remove resist
35Deposit metal 2 spin resist expose metal 2
etch metal remove resist
36Spin polymide spin resist expose via 2 mask
etch via remove resist
37Deposit metal 3 spin resist expose metal 3
mask develop resist etch metal remove resist
38Spin polyimide spin resist expose passivation
mask develop resist - etch poly remove resist
deposit nitride spin resist expose
passivation mask etch nitride remove resist
39More metal layers?
40The printer
- Today
- Reviewed fabrication process
- Next time
- How to print different gates?