Title: Goal Setting
1Goal Setting
2Goal Setting Tracking What is a Goal?
- Roadmap to Success
- Target to Aim
3See it, believe it, achieve
it!Goals Commitment Tracking
4 William Tell
Taking Aim
5Quotes for Goal Setting
- You will become as small as your controlling
desire as great as your dominant aspiration. - You cannot make it as a wandering generality.
You must become a meaningful specific. - Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals
it. - Horace - When you hire people who are smarter than you
are, you prove you are smarter than they are. -
R.H. Grant
6- We need to set SMART goals
- Smart Goals need to be
- Specific - why, what and who
- Measurable - how many
- Achievable - stretch some but within grasp
- Realistic - to attain with resources available
- Time specific - when - use incremental check
points as well as final completion date
7Whos Goals are they?
- Team Goals
- Personal Goals
- Yours
- Theirs
8Write Our International Goals for Next Year
-TeamWrite Your District Goals for Next Year
- PersonalHow many Lieutenant
Governors-Elect do you now have? _____ of
_____zonesHow many Club Officer Elect Reports
will you have by June 1st? _____ of
_____clubsLast Summer, how many attended Club
Presidents-Elect seminars in your
District? _____ of _____club presidents
9Personal Goals
10Growth Goals
- How many New Clubs will you Build?
- First Quarter_____ Year_____
- How many Members will you Net Gain?
- First Quarter_____ Year_____
- How many Clubs will you Lose?
- First Quarter_____ Year_____
11Net Member Growth
- Plus Added (1.3 mo.)
- Minus Deleted (1.6 mo.)
- Net Gain (-.3 mo.)
- NCB Bonus!
12Fun Competition with integrity
- Other Governors
- Past District Governors
- Yourself
- Keeping Score
- Emotional versus Analytical
13Goal Setting