Title: Sculpture
1 Sculpture A Catalyst for Painting
AAfrican Mask Itumba region
Pablo Picasso (detail)
Les Demoiselles dAvignonD
2 Was Picasso inspired to paint from his own
3 What about Giacometti?
4Inspirations from the Nasher Sculpture
Collection Looking at similar
materials for construction
Anthony Caro, Carriage, 1966
5 Student building sculpture
6 finished painting Concentration -Cars
F i Painting from sculpture
7 Tony Smith For
Delores 1973-75
Student Sculpture
8Student Building Sculpture
Painting from sculpture
S Sculpture
9 Joan Miro Caress of a bird,1967
Student with sculpture
10sculpture and underpainting Concentration-Roots
of Bulgaria
S Sculpture Grandmother
Painting from sculpture
11collecting objects and sorting through
12Final painting from sculpture Concentration-Self
13Student constructing sculpture from leftover
physics bridge, light bulbs and miscellaneous
14Student drawing and underpainting of sculpture.
Concentration-Self Portrait
Drawing and Underpainting
15Student creating sculpture from light bulbs and
medical supplies.
16Final painting Concentration-Self Portrait
17Acrylic Painting using Underpainting
and Glazes
18Students create a pencil sketch of their
sculpture with the following guidelines.
- S 1. Show area of emphasis
- S2. Show movement by using diagonal lines
- I3. Create the illusion of depth through
- 4. Develop foreground, middle and
- background
- 5. Fill the picture plane allowing
- objects to go off the edge.
19Painting a Ground
- Choose a reddish brown or any neutral color to
paint in your background.
20Underpainting Involves creating forms by choosing
shapes and developing values
1. Look for the darkest darks and paint those
shapes using purple.
2. Look for lightest lights and paint them using
3. Allow the underpainting to show through for
mid tone values
21red ground
22 4. Next choose the color of your objects and
apply thin glazes over the purple and white
underpainting. Continue building up color and
Build forms with underpainting
Lets Make Art!