Title: GradeQuick
1(No Transcript)
2A workshop for teachers
3- Does the end of a marking period send chills up
your spine?
4Do progress reports cause your blood pressure to
5Does averaging all of those grades compare to
having a root canal?
If you answered yes to any of those questions,
then you will love GradeQuick a multi-faceted
grading and reporting program.
7GradeQuick Set Up..
- Changing the font
- Options Font
- Changing column widths
- View - column widths
- Dont get too fancy with font style and size.
- Some characters may not show up.
8Student Info
GradeQuick Set Up..
- Edit - Student Information
- Check out the different fields (address, phone,
homeroom) - Add a field (book , computer , locker ,
Special Education liaisons) - Any field can be viewed or not viewed
9Class Info.
- Edit - Class Information
- You can edit any information that pertains to the
whole class (inclusion, honors, level 1, remedial)
10Grade Scale.
- Grading - Set grading scale
- Check the grades given for each letter grade and
make your changes. - Create numerical grades also for checks, oks,
etc. - If you want all grade books to be the same, go to
- Options - Save Settings - Select Grade Scale
- Standard with or without and -
11Numeric Grades
Grade Scale.
- You can have either letter grades for report
cards or numeric grades. - Grading - Grading Preferences (choose numeric and
check out the last column of your gradesheet). - Multiple Grade Scales
- Advanced youll need to wait for the next
workshop GradeQuick Part II
12Change Grading Symbol
Grade Scale.
- Grading - Set Grading Symbols
- Check out Julia Chang
- You can add any word, but only 4 letters lets
add Wow at 105 - To enter a checkmark, hit Control-C for a
checkmark , hit Control-C, etc.
Grade Scale.
- Edit Attendance
- Set first day of class
- Edit term dates
- Edit Attendance Chart
- File edit codes
- File send attendance
- View options
14Category Test Info
Grade Scale.
- The term test stands for any assignment
- So you may use quiz, homework, project,
activity, lab, test, etc. - Click to the right of the last grade column (or
F6) to get a new column. - Lets play
- You can sort students by any category in the
chart - You can sort tests by date, type, etc.
- View - Sort
16Weighting Terms
- Grading Weighting
- If you want all four terms to weigh equally in
the final average, you must put their weigh each
term equally (100,100,100,100 or 17,17,17,17) - If you dont want all four terms to weigh equally
in the final average, dont weigh the terms, and
the total points for each term will prevail.
17Weighting Categories
- Tests, Quizzes, Labs, Homework, etc. can
have different percentage weights in the term. -
- If a test is 50, it is 50 of the term grade.
- It does not need to add up to 100.
18Drop Low Scores
- You can automatically drop the lowest score/s in
any category. - Lets check out Dave Johnson
19Seating Chart
- Edit Seating Chart
- File New Chart
- Choose how to set up the chart
- To modify a seating chart - left click and hit
delete on keyboard, and a seat will be deleted,
or right click, and a new seat will appear.
- Click on Reports Student
- Lets go crazy
- Click on Reports Gradebook Spreadsheet
- Click on Reports Blank Gradebook
21Term Subtotals
- Click on View Subtotals
- Select Terms
- Click on Options Save Settings
- Send Export Semester 1 Grades to Administrators
- Get list of comment codes
- View Student Information
- Choose comment code 1 and 2
24Bibliography GradeQuick. Computer software.
Jackson Software, 2001. PC/Mac v. 5.01c, CD-Rom
(screenshots) Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
Edition. Computer software. Microsoft
Corporation, 1983-1999. PC, CD-Rom
(clipart) Clip Art. On-line. March 11, 2002.
Available http//school.discovery.com/clipart/cli
p/desktop.html Clip Art. On-line. March 11,
2002. Available www.kidsdomain.com