Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned through the ... changed attitude to God is indicated in Adam and Eve's actions after their sin. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basics

  • An exploration of basic Christian doctrine by
    means of study of the newly-proposed EFCA
    Statement of Faith

We believe in God's Gospel
  • Our identity as the Evangelical Free Church of
    America is centered on Gods evangel, the gospel
    of Jesus Christ, who died and rose again to give
    us eternal life. To God's glory, the gospel is
    the power of God for the salvation of all who
    believe. Our fundamental theological convictions
    are aspects of this gospel.

1. Gods gospel originates in and demonstrates
the holy love of the eternal, triune God
  • We believe in one God, Creator of all things,
    holy, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing
    in a loving unity of three equally divine
    Persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy
    Spirit. This one God, all-knowing and
    all-powerful, has, in love and grace, purposed
    from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and
    to restore His fallen creation for His own glory.

2. Gods gospel is authoritatively announced in
the Scriptures
  • We believe that God has spoken through the
    Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments. They
    are the verbally inspired Word of God, without
    error in the original writings, the complete
    revelation of His will for salvation, and the
    ultimate authority that stands over every realm
    of human knowledge and endeavor. Therefore, the
    Bible is to be believed in all that it affirms,
    obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in
    all that it promises.

Article 3AnthropologyorThe Doctrine of
An excerpt from the movie,Good Morning,
Vietnamstarring Robin Williams asa US Armed
Forces disc jockey
(No Transcript)
Discussion at your table
  • Where did humans come from?
  • Are humans different from chimpanzees? How?
  • Did you feel conflicted by the movie excerpt?
  • Did it remind you of a vague awareness of a
    fundamental contradiction in yourself?
  • Is something fundamentally flawed in us?
  • Could there be any deeper human need than
    overcoming this fundamental flaw?
  • Are we capable of doing that on our own?

3. Gods gospel alone addresses our deepest human
  • We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His
    image, but they sinned through the temptation of
    Satan, corrupting that image. As a result, all
    humanity is alienated from God and under His
    wrath and can be rescued, reconciled, and
    restored only through Gods gracious work in
    Jesus Christ.

Article 3 of the Statement of the Faith
We believe that
  • God created Adam and Eve
  • in His image
  • but they sinned
  • through the temptation of Satan
  • corrupting that image.
  • As a result,
  • all humanity is alienated from God and under His
    wrath, and
  • can be rescued, reconciled, and restored
  • only through Gods gracious work in Jesus Christ.

God created Adam and Eve
  • In Genesis 11 creation ex nihilo is taught.
  • 1st creation account. Compare Gen 1.24 to 1.26.
  • 2nd creation account. Go to Gen 2.7, 15, 18-25
  • What does the passage imply about the value of
    men and women?
  • What does it infer about the meaning of marriage?
    (Can it have meaning between persons of same

in His image
  • Genesis 1.26-27 (image), 2.7 (dust).
  • Psalm 8.3-6.
  • How does the image of God in us distinguish us
    from other animals?
  • Dominion over animals and all creation
  • Awareness of right and wrong, conscience
  • Propensity to worship and communicate with
  • Awareness of mortality and concern for what lies
    beyond death
  • Compulsion to discover and create
  • Capacity to recognize beauty, truth, logic
  • So, are we heavenly beings? Or,
    animals? --Hugh Ross, Creation as Science,
    p. 78

but they sinned
  • Sin preceded humanitys creation For if God did
    not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them
    into hell (2 Pe 24, ESV).
  • Genesis 2.16-17 3.1-7 (the temptation)
  • The snake speaks only twice but it is enough to
    offset the balance of trust and obedience between
    the man and the woman and their Creator, leading
  • Humanitys original sin disobedience motivated
    by the desire for wisdom, or knowledge of good
    and evil, apart from God.

Obedience or Disobediencein Deuteronomy 30.15-18
  • See, I set before you today life and prosperity,
    death and destruction. For I command you today
    to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways,
    and to keep his commands, decrees and laws then
    you will live and increase, and the Lord your God
    will bless you in the land you are entering to
    possess. But, if your heart turns away and you
    are not obedient I declare to you this day that
    you will certainly be destroyed. (NIV)

The Disobedient Quest for Wisdom
  • Gen 3.6 the woman not God?! saw that the
    fruit of the tree was good and also desirable
    for gaining wisdom.
  • Gen 3.1 The word arum translated crafty is
    not primarily a negative term in the Bible but
    suggests wisdom and adroitness. (It occurs eight
    times in Proverbs and twice in Job).
  • While Genesis implies God was keeping knowledge
    of the good for the humans (only He can know the
    good), the serpent suggests to Eve that God is
    keeping knowledge of the good from the humans.
  • Adam and Eves disobedience of God appears
    motivated by a quest for wisdom and "the good"
    apart from God's provision.

The Intriguing Role of Eating
  • God's first blessing, "you are free to eat ,
    and first command but you must not eat Gen
    216-17 focus on eating.
  • Then, in Gen 3.5, it is over "eating" that the
    snake raised doubts God knows that when you eat
    of it, your eyes will be opened.
  • Adams and Eves acts of disobedience (Gen 3.6)
    are simply described as "she ate it . and he ate
  • Finally, Gods punishment of the man was that he
    was no longer "free to eat" (Gen 2.16) of the
    produce of the land, but rather through painful
    toil you will eat of it. (3.17)
  • OT feasts and sacrifices. The last supper.
    Lords Supper.

So, what is sin?
  • By this act in the garden, humans called in
    question the very nature and ordering of
    existence whereby they lived as creatures in
    utter dependence upon the grace and provision of
    their Creator.
  • By this act, humans blasphemously withheld the
    worship and adoring love which is ever their
    proper response to Gods majesty and grace.
  • Sin is that fundamental defect or missing of the
    mark that results when humans fail to trustingly
    center their lives on God.
  • Mans sin lies in his pretension to be God.
  • (from Evans, C. S. (2002). Pocket dictionary of
    apologetics philosophy of religion (Page 107).
    Downers Grove, Ill. InterVarsity Press and Wood,
    D. R. W., Wood, D. R. W., Marshall, I. H.
    (1996, c1982, c1962). New Bible Dictionary.
    Includes index. (electronic ed. of 3rd ed.) (Page
    1105). Downers Grove InterVarsity Press.)

Article 3 of the Statement of the Faith
We believe that
  • God created Adam and Eve
  • in His image
  • but they sinned
  • through the temptation of Satan
  • corrupting that image.
  • As a result,
  • all humanity is alienated from God and under His
    wrath, and
  • can be rescued, reconciled, and restored
  • only through Gods gracious work in Jesus Christ.

through the temptation of Satan
  • Who is this Satan? Rev 12.9 "That ancient
    serpent called the devil or Satan referred to
    in Genesis 3.1-5, 14-15.
  • In the NT, the prince of the power of the air,
    the spirit that is now at work in the sons of
    disobedience (Eph 2.1-2, ESV) or the ruler of
    this world (Jn. 1430).
  • Satan is always depicted in the Bible as hostile
    to God and working to overthrow the purposes of
  • Men may so give themselves over to Satan that
    they in effect belong to him. They become his
    children. By this it is evident who are the
    children of God, and who are the children of the
    devil (1 Jn 3.10, ESV)
  • The NT describes a great conflict between the
    forces of God and those of evil led by Satan but
    Satans authority is derivative from God.

The Great Conflict
  • Christians (and even archangels, Jude 9) are
    engaged in this great conflict in which Satan
    disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor.
    1114). We need discrimination and
    stout-heartedness, but determined opposition will
    always succeed. Resist the devil and he will
    flee from you (Jas. 47).
  • The express purpose of Jesus coming into the
    world was to destroy the works of the devil. (1
    Jn. 38)
  • With the cross in his sight, Jesus said, the
    ruler of this world is coming (Jn. 1430).
  • We can be sure of Satans limitations and defeat.
    Paul assured us that, the God of peace will soon
    crush Satan under your feet (Rom. 1620).

corrupting that image.
  • How has mans sin corrupted Gods image in man?
  • Humanitys changed attitude to God is indicated
    in Adam and Eves actions after their sin. They
    hid themselves from God (Gen 3.8). Created for
    fellowship with God, they now dreaded encounter
    with him.
  • Humanitys dominion over creation now involved
    painful toil (Gen 3.17-19)
  • With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father,
    and with it we curse men, who have been made in
    Gods likeness. James 3.9 (NIV)
  • Gen 3.19 to dust you will return.
  • -- from Wood, D. R. W., Wood, D. R. W.,
    Marshall, I. H. (1996, c1982, c1962). New Bible
    Dictionary. (Page 1106). Downers Grove
    InterVarsity Press.

More Effects of the Corruption of Sin
  • Spiritual ignorance Mt 416
  • A mind controlled by the sinful nature Ro 85-8
  • Unbelief Jn 336
  • Living in sinful pleasures Lk 1513
  • Acting in ways that lead to death Heb 61
  • Spiritual death, a condition in this life of
    alienation from God because of sin, leading
    ultimately to the second death, the permanent
    separation of unbelievers from God.

As a result
  • What does this phrase, as a result, imply?
  • Yes, cause and effect.
  • Was this cause THE major turning point effecting
    ALL the remainder of human history? Does it
    explain human history ever since?
  • Once aware of it, humans must ask, What shall we
    do? Can it ever be reversed, or ended?

all humanity is alienated from God and under His
  • Since sin is against God, he cannot be complacent
    towards it or indifferent with respect to it. He
    reacts inevitably against it. This reaction is
    specifically the wrath of God.
  • The wrath of God must not be interpreted in terms
    of the fitful passion so commonly associated with
    anger in us. It is the deliberate, resolute
    displeasure which the contradiction of Gods
    holiness demands.
  • It is not to be construed as vindictiveness but
    as holy indignation nothing of the nature of
    malice attaches to it. It is not malignant hatred
    but righteous detestation.
  • We may not reduce the wrath of God to his will to
    punish. Wrath is a positive outgoing of
    dissatisfaction as sure as that which is pleasing
    to God involves complacency.
  • The wrath of God finds its parallel in the human
    heart, exemplified in a perfect manner in Jesus
    (Mk. 35 1014)
  • --from Wood, D. R. W., Wood, D. R. W.,
    Marshall, I. H. (1996, c1982, c1962). New Bible
    Dictionary. (Page 1108). Downers Grove
    InterVarsity Press.

can be rescued, reconciled, and restored
  • How has God responded to the problem of sin and
    corruption? Through Jesus we can be
  • rescued Jesus, who rescues us from the coming
    wrath (1 Thess.110, NIV)
  • reconciled Therefore, since we have been
    justified through faith, we have peace with God
    through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5.1, NIV)
  • restored But our citizenship is in heaven. And
    we eagerly await the Lord Jesus Christ, who
    will transform our lowly bodies so that they will
    be like his glorious body. (Phil. 320,21, NIV)
    now we are children of God, and we know that
    when he appears, we shall be like him (1 Jn.
    32, NIV)

  • Reconciliation properly applies, not to good
    relations in weak moments, but to the doing away
    of an enmity, the bridging over of a quarrel. It
    implies that the parties being reconciled were
    formerly hostile to one another.
  • The Bible tells us bluntly that sinners are
    enemies of God (Rom. 510 Col. 121 Jas.
  • So, the way to reconciliation lies through an
    effective grappling with the root cause of the
    enmity. Christ died to put away our sin. In this
    way he dealt with the enmity between man and God.
  • The NTs stress is always on mans being
    reconciled to God, not vice-versa, because it is
    mans sin which has caused the enmity. It is
    mans sin that has had to be dealt with.
  • --from Wood, D. R. W., Wood, D. R. W.,
    Marshall, I. H. (1996, c1982, c1962). New Bible
    Dictionary. Includes index. (electronic ed. of
    3rd ed.) (Page 1002). Downers Grove InterVarsity

only through Gods gracious work in Jesus Christ.
  • The history of mankind is finally subsumed under
    only two complexes
  • sin-condemnation-death (arising from our union
    with Adam)
  • righteousness-justification-life (arising from
    our potential union with Christ)
  • These are the two orbits within which humanity
    lives and moves. And, so we turn to
  • --from Wood, D. R. W., Wood, D. R. W.,
    Marshall, I. H. (1996, c1982, c1962). New Bible
    Dictionary. (Page 1107). Downers Grove
    InterVarsity Press.

4. Gods gospel is revealed in history supremely
through the Person of Jesus Christ
  • We believe that Jesus Christ, Israel's promised
    Messiah, is God incarnate, one Person in two
    natures, fully human and fully divine, having
    been conceived through the Holy Spirit and born
    of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was
    crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from
    the dead, and ascended into heaven, where, at the
    right hand of God the Father, He is now our High
    Priest and Advocate.

5. Gods gospel is accomplished through the work
of Christ
  • We believe that Jesus Christ, as our
    representative and substitute, died on the cross
    as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our
    sins. His shed blood and resurrection are the
    only ground for salvation, and it is through
    faith alone in Christ that anyone is justified
    before God.

How might your thoughts have changed on these
  • Where did humans come from?
  • Are humans different from chimpanzees? How?
  • Did you feel conflicted by the movie excerpt?
  • Did it remind you of a vague awareness of a
    fundamental contradiction in yourself (and
  • Is something fundamentally flawed in us?
  • Could there be any deeper human need than
    overcoming this fundamental flaw?
  • Are we capable of doing that on our own?
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