Title: April 25, 2006
1Update from Pension Plan Financial Reporting
- April 25, 2006
- Montréal, Québec
Session PS-2
2Update from Pension Plan Financial Reporting
- Background
- New Standards of Practice for Pension Plan
Funding - Educational Notes / Changes to Standards of
Practice - Query responses
3BackgroundWhat is PPFRC?
- PPFRC is a Committee under the Practice Standards
Council (PSC) - Members are appointed by PSC, on recommendation
from PPFRC Chairperson - Although not mandated, membership is intended to
be broadly distributed by - Region (West, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic)
- Type of employment (large consulting, small
consulting, plan sponsor, regulator, etc.) - Employer (no more than one member from any one
employer) - Length of time since fellowship
4BackgroundCurrent Membership
- Stephen Butterfield (Chair) Towers Perrin
- Lorne Cohen (Vice Chair) Mercer
- Wayne Berney Aon
- Normand Frenette Mellon
- Jeff Kissack Watson Wyatt
- Derek Gerard Eckler
- Martin Cyrenne Normandin Beaudry
- Paul Chang Morneau
- Phil Rivard Segal
- Andre Choquet Watson Wyatt
- Michael Banks Mercer
- Nicolas Morissette Aon
- Greg Heise - Leong
- With respect to pension plan financial
reporting, valuation of pension plans for any
purpose, and benefit value determination other
than those relating to actuarial evidence before
the courts, the committee is to study, organize
discussion of, propose revisions to, and, on
request, advise members about standards of
practice and promote continuing education.
6New Standards of Practice for Pension Plan Funding
- Statement of Principles issued in March 2005
- Brief highlights include
- Pure windup valuations are required
- Going concern valuations are required
- Report on best-estimate assumptions
- Report on Funders Funding Policy
- Required disclosure of the potential funding
risks, based on the Funding Policy
7New Standards of Practice for Pension Plan Funding
- Feedback obtained from many sources
- Actuaries
- Regulators
- Plan sponsors
- Others
- Discussion document prepared by PPFRC released in
October - Solicit further feedback from actuaries
8New Standards of Practice for Pension Plan Funding
- Examples of some of the concerns expressed
- Ability to enforce / mandate a Funding Policy
- Appearance that actuaries are absolving
themselves of responsibility - Actuaries are best qualified to determine
appropriate margins, not the Funder - Concerns from public sector plans that have no
windup provisions - Does a going concern valuation have any
9New Standards of Practice for Pension Plan Funding
- Next Steps
- PPFRC is now working on an Exposure Draft of the
new Standard of Practice - Likely wont be ready for release until the Fall
- Exposure Draft will reflect the proposed changes
to our Standards of Practice - i.e., formal wording, not concepts
- Exposure Draft will be based on the Statement of
Principles, but will reflect feedback received - PPFRC will then recommence dialogue with all
affected parties
10Educational NotesWindup / Solvency Assumptions
- Guidance is similar to last years guidance
- Non-indexed annuity proxy
- long-term Govt of Can bond yield plus 45 bps
- 4.51 at Dec 31, 2005 / Jan 1, 2006
- Most plans should use a 4.5 rate
11Educational NotesWindup / Solvency Assumptions
- Other highlights
- Deferred annuities
- Differentiation by size
- Indexed benefits
- Substandard mortality
- Large plans
12Educational NotesWindup / Solvency Assumptions
- Large Plans (say gt 1 Billion)
- Unlikely to be able to purchase annuities
- Even as a series of purchases
- Many hypotheses put forward for methods of
settling benefits - Most probable is some form of immunization
- How would the cost of an immunized fund differ
from an annuity purchase? - Access to higher yielding assets?
- Exclude provision for insurer profit margin?
- Lower expense ratios?
13Educational NotesWindup / Solvency Assumptions
- Large Plans (cont)
- PPFRC does not have enough information to provide
more detailed guidance - Investment Committee has been approached to
assist in answering some of these questions - Intention is that more specific guidance will be
developed next year
14Educational NotesExpense Assumptions
- Goal
- Assist actuaries in determining an appropriate
provision for expenses - Describe typical methods and the allowances they
provide for - Both going concern windup / solvency
- Improved disclosure
- Discourage implicit provision for expenses
- Encourage justification of assumptions
- Expect to release Educational Note by June
15Educational NotesAsset Valuation Methods
- Goals
- Remind actuaries of the purposes and objectives
of asset smoothing - Provide guidance on desirable properties of an
asset smoothing method - Improve disclosure of asset smoothing method and
extent of differences between smoothed value and
market value - Expect to release Educational Note by end of 2006
16Educational NotesInterim Actuarial Opinions
- Goal
- Provide guidance on methods of preparing interim
actuarial opinions - Restate prior actuarial opinion
- Prepare interim opinion at a future date
- Proving to be a challenging exercise as Interim
opinions do not exist in our Standards of
Practice - Expect to release Educational Note by mid 2006
17Statement of Principles
- Implement 3 recommendations from Pension Review
Project - Actuary should justify each individual assumption
- Reporting on subsequent events
- Reporting on windup status
- Statement of Principles should be released
shortly - Expect changes to Standards of Practice to be
implemented effective December 1, 2006
- One of the roles of the PPFRC is to respond to
member queries - Received 14 queries during 2005
- Many were similar in nature
- Some were very specific and not worthy of mention
19QueriesCommuted Value Standard
- Various queries on details related to new
Commuted Value Standard - Implicit vs. explicit approaches
- Calculation of u
- Disclosure
20QueriesDesignated Plans
- Is it okay to only do an ITA 8515(7) valuation?
- (i.e., a maximum funding valuation)
- Basically, the answer is No
- Our Standards of Practice require a going concern
valuation - Exception under 3400.03 for connected person
plans - Under the ITA, a valuation must be done in
accordance with accepted actuarial practice - Therefore, a going concern valuation must be done
- A solvency / wind-up valuation may also be
required depending on jurisdiction of registration
21QueriesBest Estimate Assumptions
- Can a going concern valuation use best-estimate
assumptions? - Section 3400.02 Actuary must take into account
the objectives of funding and of the relationship
between the plans assets and liabilities in
providing advice on funding. - Section 3400.05 the objectives of funding are
the systematic accumulation over time of
dedicated assets which, without recourse to the
employers assets, secure the plans benefits ,
and the orderly and rational allocation of
contributions among time periods.
22QueriesBest Estimate Assumptions
- Sections 1740.02 and 1740.03 then together state
- if the related work requires an unbiased
calculation then the calculation should not
include a provision. Otherwise, if a provision
promotes expectations of financial security, then
the calculation should include a provision. - Further, Section 1740.28 implies that pension
plan funding valuations promote expectations of
financial security amongst plan members as the
section states two important examples of
provisions for adverse deviations are in the
valuation of the liabilities of a benefits plan
if the actuary is giving advice on funding.
23QueriesBest Estimate Assumptions
- However, section 1740.27 states
- a provision of zero is appropriate in the
following two situations - work which requires an unbiased calculation
- where the actuary considers a provision but
concludes that a provision does not promote
expectations for financial security - Therefore, best-estimate assumptions are only
permissible in very limited situations