Title: Tornado Response
1Tornado Response
Tornado Response
2 During The Storm
3When You Are Outside
- Find shelter in a solid structure building, such
as a brick house immediately. - If there is no shelter nearby, lie flat in a low
spot or a ditch with your hands covering your
head. - Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car
instead, leave it immediately.
4What To Do When You Are In A High-Rise Building
- Go to a hallway on the lowest floor possible or a
small interior room. - Use the stairs. Do not use the elevators.
5- Stay away from windows. Get to the lowest floor
such as a basement, or to an interior room. - The safest rooms with the best protection are
closets, bathrooms, and other interior rooms. - Get under something sturdy or cover yourself with
a mattress..
What to do at home
6What To Do When You Are In A Shopping Center,
School, Or Hospital.
- Stay away from windows and large open areas.
- DO NOT go outside to your car.
- Go to a pre-designated shelter area immediately.
7What To Do If You Are In A Mobile Home Or A Car
- Get out of mobile homes or vehicles as soon as
possible, they are easily thrown around by strong
winds during the tornado. - Find shelter in a substantial structure.
- If there is no shelter nearby, lie flat in a
ditch or low spot with your hands covering your
head and face.
8After The Storm
9 Help injured or trapped people. DO NOT try
to move people who are seriously injured unless
they are in immediate danger of another injury.
Turn on television or radios to get the
latest emergency information. Obey all emergency
orders and curfews.
10 Stay away from any downed or sagging power
lines. Do not return home or enter any damaged
buildings until authorities say it is safe. Do
not tie up the phone lines. Use the telephone
only for emergency calls.
11 Clean up any dangerous spills such as bleaches,
medicines or gasoline as soon as possible. Leave
immediately if you smell fumes. Document the
damage. Take Pictures of both inside and outside
of your house and be sure to include your
belongings for insurance purposes.
12 Check on your neighbors especially those who
have infants, are elderly, or people with
disabilities. Use caution when you drive. Stay
away from disaster areas. Do not go looking
13Everyone should know how to respond during a
tornado. It could save your life. Know what to do
before, during, and after a tornado.
14Ignorance can BLOW you away