Title: Homeless, Unemployed Young People:
1 Homeless, Unemployed Young People A new
approach Louise Coventry YP4 Manager
- YP4 seeks to demonstrate that
- joining up services and programs
- in a client-centered manner
- will result in more
- sustainable employment and housing outcomes
- for young homeless jobseekers.
- YP4 is a joint initiative of
- Hanover Welfare Services (auspice)
- Loddon Mallee Housing Services
- Brotherhood of St Laurence
- Melbourne Citymission
4Young people to the power of fourThe Power
of purpose (a job)The Power of place (a
home)The Power of personal support (what we
offer)The Power of proof (research)
5Key Elements
- Resourced case management
- Access to a flexible pool of resources
- Timely, individualised assistance
- Negotiated pathways to employment
- Immediate access to training, employment
assistance and work opportunities - Assistance to resolve housing crisis
- Commitment to secure housing and a living wage
6 Foundation paper Susan Campbell, January
2003 Trial proposal Michael Horn, March 2004 For
more information, see www.hanover.org.au
7The Evaluation Agenda
- Ethics and Evaluation Advisory Group
- Framework and Plan
- Three components
- outcome
- process
- financial
- External evaluators engaged University of
Melbourne and Victoria University
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9Emerging themes
- Flexibility vs. certainty and security
- Trust and goodwill
- Privacy and confidentiality
1. We all want to join up services and programs,
but its hard to do. 2. Joining up takes a long
time and is complex! It has costs and risks. 3.
Joining up must happen in at every level
simultaneously 4. Joining up must happen across
many functions simultaneously. 5. It doesnt
end! Disincentives for joining up will continue
to appear and will require ever-creative
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