Electronic Mail - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electronic Mail


Generally speaking the mail sending and receiving function is handled by one ... www.bigfoot.com, people.yahoo.com ... from their main menu when you login ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electronic Mail

Electronic Mail
Electronic Mail
  • Most successful Internet application
  • Used to transmit messages from one person to
    another or from one person to many people
  • Initially these were text only messages
  • Today these messages make include pictures,
    advanced text markup (like different fonts and
    colors) or file attachments (like Word or Excel
  • On the Internet, most email systems are built on
    a client, server, protocol architecture and
    follow Internet standards
  • Some organizations use proprietary email
    systems that incorporate additional features like
    calendaring or workflow, well talk about them

Email Clients, Servers, Protocols
  • The client is the email program the user utilizes
    (pine, elm, mail on Unix or Eudora, PC Pine,
    Netscape, Outlook, Outlook Express on PCs)
  • In the case of email there isnt one email server
    and one email protocol, there are several servers
    and protocols. Each is responsible for a
    different part of the process.
  • Generally speaking the mail sending and receiving
    function is handled by one service and protocol
  • Another service and protocol is used to retrieve
    messages from the users mailbox so they can be
    displayed, deleted, etc. Those protocols are POP
    (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Mail
    Access Protocol)

Common Email delivery scenario
Mail server 2isp2.com
Mail server 1isp1.com
Stored Here untilUserConnects
  • There are many variations on that scenario and we
    will discuss some of them later
  • But first lets look at the pieces in more detail

Start with the client
  • This is the software the user uses to send and
    receive email. (Pine, Outlook Express, etc.)
  • Gives you your user-interface and feature set
  • Clients may be Unix based, PC or Mac based,
    dumb-terminal/character applications, GUI
    programs, or Web based
  • No matter what they look like on the outside, on
    the inside they all have to do the same thing to
    send mail on the Internet which is..
  • They all must talk SMTP

Email Client Features
  • Common
  • alias and alias-lists, (address books)
  • folders
  • forwarding, carbon copies (cc/bcc), reply
  • file inclusion, attachments
  • signature file...signature-file
  • Not there yet
  • Security (PGP, S/MIME, possible technologies but
    not widely used)
  • Authentication (Digital certificates possible
    technologies but again not widely used)

Email Addresses
  • Internet standard
  • userid_at_host.domain
  • such as barker_at_u.washington.edu
  • Some variations are possible like
  • Scott.Barker_at_xyz.com
  • 12345.65362_at_xyz.com
  • In the old days many people in education used
    something called Bitnet
  • Addresses looked like barker_at_washington or
  • Barker_at_washington.bitnet
  • Used a store and forward mechanism to deliver
  • In the commercial world there were competing
    alternatives like MCIMail, CompuServe each had
    its own address format and couldnt talk to the

Finding Email Addresses
  • Usually you just ask!
  • Were some crude old tools like
  • finger (UNIX)
  • Netfind
  • telnet ds.internic.net not there anymore
  • Recently have appeared servers on the web that
    let you look for email addresses.
  • www.bigfoot.com, people.yahoo.com
  • Often they support a protocol called LDAP
    (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) that
    allows you to query them inside your mail client.
  • UW offers an LDAP service that can be very

Email Clients - Unix Pine
  • At the Unix prompt type pine
  • Note Where is this program running (on your PC
    or on the Unix machine)?
  • Does the mouse work? (Why or why not)?
  • C for compose a message
  • Fill in To, Subject
  • Return takes you into message body
  • Ctrl-X to send it (see bottom of screen)
  • Send a message to your neighbor
  • Note the TO line syntax of user_at_host.domain

Additional Basic Pine functionality
  • Inbox
  • Deleting Messages
  • Using Folders
  • Reply forward
  • Address book
  • Play and experiment on your own if interested

How about the original?
  • Pine is actually a very sophisticated email
    program for Unix and Pine was developed here at
    UW. Before Pine many used the standard Unix mail
    program called mail, on Dante there is a
    similar program still available called mailx
  • In this weeks exercise I ask you to try the
    mailx program
  • You will see that there are very limited editing
    capabilities, and some no so intuitive things
    for example you end a message by placing a . at
    the beginning of a new line
  • Obviously mail didnt have the best UI.
    Another popular Unix mail program called elm
    became popular at many sites. Pine stands for

Delivering the message
  • Once you have composed and sent an email
    message on a Unix based system, your message is
    usually placed in an outgoing mail queue folder
  • A server process running on your box checks that
    folder periodically and if it finds an outgoing
    message, it initiates an SMTP connection to the
    destination mail server
  • The most commonly used SMTP server software on
    Unix is probably sendmail although there are
    many other options
  • If the destination SMTP server is up and running
    accepting incoming connections, the message will
    be delivered immediately
  • If the destination is not accepting SMTP incoming
    connections the message will be placed back into
    the outgoing mail folder and queued-up for
    another attempt (usually 10-15 minutes later)
  • If the message cannot be delivered after some
    period of time (typically 3 days) it is returned
    to the sender as undeliverable

  • Simple Mail Transport Protocol
  • Originally defined by RFC 821 in 1982 with a
    modified standard (RFC 2821) proposed in 2001
  • Defines a host to host mail transport and
    delivery protocol
  • SMTP servers may be the source or final
    destination for a message or they may relay
    mail for others.
  • Today mail relaying is often allowed in only
    limited situations, i.e. an SMTP server like UWs
    server may only relay mail for machines that
    connect to it from the UW Network. This prevents
    spammers from using our server to distribute
    their mail.

SMTP Details
  • SMTP servers connect and listen on port 25
  • SMTP is a text based protocol with commands
  • HELO (or EHLO in the newest version)MAIL

Seeing the Protocol in Action
  • The mailx program has a -v (for verbose) option
    that allows you to watch the SMTP protocol in
  • If I used that option I would see something like
    (see next page)

homer04 mailx -v scott_at_ils.unc.edu Subject
Test This is a test message . Cc scott_at_ils.unc.ed
u... Connecting to mailscan-out1.cac.washington.ed
u. via relay.. . 220 mailscan-out1.cac.washington.
edu WebShield SMTP V4.5 MR1a Network Associates ,
Inc. Ready at Sun Sep 08 132706 2002 EHLO
homer04.u.washington.edu 502 Command not
Supported HELO homer04.u.washington.edu 250
mailscan-out1.cac.washington.edu Welcome
homer04.u.washington.edu MAIL
From 250
To 250
... OK DATA 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a
line by itself . 250 Mail accepted scott_at_ils.u
nc.edu... Sent (Mail accepted) Closing connection
to mailscan-out1.cac.washington.edu. QUIT 221
mailscan-out1.cac.washington.edu closing
Connection homer04
Faking mail.
  • Since SMTP is a text based protocol, it is
    possible to connect directly to the SMTP port on
    a mail server and talk SMTP.
  • The well known port for SMTP is 25
  • telnet mailhost.u.washington.edu 25
  • In exercise 7 I have asked you to do this. You
    will be acting as a mail client and issuing SMTP
    commands directly to the server

Looking at our fake message
  • If we looked at our message in Pine or Outlook,
    could we tell it is a fake message?
  • We can turn on full headers in Pine to see
  • Setup, Config, check the option to
  • Then when viewing a message hit H to see the full
  • Note Not all SMTP servers are configured to do a
    reverse lookup of the sending machines IP
    address (recall the pleased to meet you line.
    And that the UW server noticed the real machine
    we were connecting from.) Without that, a
    forgery could be completely hidden even if you
    looked at the full headers of the mail

More on SMTP
  • The S in SMTP stands for SIMPLE
  • SMTP needs add-ons for
  • security/privacy (PGP or S/MIME)
  • binary attachments (MIME)
  • Again, SMTP is only involved in the delivery of
    mail from one mail server to another. It has
    nothing to do with how you read the mail once it
  • POP and IMAP are protocols for PC/Mac based
    clients to retrieve mail off the server once it
    has arrived.
  • Well discuss those later

Where does mail go whenit gets to the
destination mail server?
  • Remember that SMTP simply delivers mail. As it
    arrives a couple things have to happen.
  • First there is a check - does this mail need to
    be forwarded elsewhere? On Unix there is an
    /etc/aliases file for the administrator to setup
  • Alternatively on some systems the user can do it
    themselves by creating their own .forward file.
    In that the user enters the address they want to
    forward to. Other systems use different
    forwarding options, for example on Dante you
    select forward from their main menu when you
  • One caution, if you forward, be careful not to
    create forwarding loops!

If it isnt forwarded
  • Mail has to be placed somewhere so the user or
    the mail client can retrieve it later
  • On Unix there is typically a special directory
    where incoming mail is stored. Often this is
  • Typically each user has a single file in
    /var/mail and all their messages are appended
    together into that one file with each message
    separated by a header (From and To
  • On Dante the location where your mail is
    delivered is actually hidden from you so they can
    move things around as needed to distribute the
  • On PC based servers mail also usually just goes
    into a folder, or alternatively it may be added
    to a database for later retrieval.
  • The precise delivery location on either platform
    depends on the server software that is running
    and how that mail server has been configured by
    the system administrator
  • End users normally would not look in these
    locations themselves, instead a mail client will
    either access the location through the file
    system, or use a protocol like POP, or IMAP to
    request messages from the server and display them
    to the user

The entire mail delivery process
  • User uses a mail client to compose
  • That client turns the message over to a mail
    server that will try and deliver the mail
  • The mail server uses the SMTP protocol to talk to
    another mail server at the destination
  • The destination mail server also talks SMTP and
    it either accepts or forwards the mail elsewhere
  • If mail stays at destination, the destination
    server stores the message waiting for the user to
    read it
  • Destination user runs their mail client which
    checks their inbox for new mail, parses
    messages, and provides nice or not nice user
    interface! This is done using another protocol,
    POP or IMAP.

Back to the diagram
Why do we need intermediary SMTP servers to
deliver mail and additional protocols
for retrieving and displaying messages from a
mail server? Why not just connect directly
to the destination machine to deliver the mail
our host/PC to their host/PC ?
Mail exchange without an intermediary.
  • Possible but.
  • What address do we use? Recall that many hosts
    have dynamic IP addresses and most PCs do not
    have IP names that are registered in DNS
  • What if the destination is not on or up?
  • What if the destination is not running an SMTP
    server that is listening for incomming
  • How do we effectively queue messages up for later
    delivery since our own machine may be powered off
    on occasion?
  • What if we turn off our machine, how will we
    receive new mail?
  • As a result of these and other issues, PCs email
    clients are configured with an SMTP Server that
    will act as an intermediary for sending messages.
    They also are configured to use a POP or
    IMAP server to receive incoming messages.
    Sometimes these may be the same box, sometimes
    they are different.

End of Part 1 on email
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