Change of program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Change of program


Implementation Plan for the AMY modeling activity - summary and missing items in draft ... For boreal summer and winter monsoon onset, active/break phases and retreat, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Change of program

Change of program
  • Implementation Plan. T. Satomura
  • Current status of and contribution by NICAM. T.
    Matsuno T. Nasuno ( 20 min)
  • Comments. J. Shukla
  • Discussion
  • Break

Implementation Plan for the AMY modeling
activity- summary and missing items in draft-
  • T. Satomura

AMY objectives related to model
  • Coordinated efforts on modeling and prediction
    experiments are required.
  • Target area (anywhere?) and period (when IOP?)
  • Related AMY objectives are
  • Determining the predictability of the Asian
    monsoon on intraseasonal and seasonal time
  • Determining the roles of land initialization in
    prediction of warm season precipitation
    especially over the land.
  • Development of a hydro-meteorological prediction
    system (with lead time up to a season) in
    Southeast Asia.
  • Better understanding of O-A-L-B interaction
    multi-time-scale interaction from diurnal to

Modeling activity is grouped into
  • AGCM/CGCM prediction of MISO
  • Seasonal prediction/predictability
  • High-resolution model and development of
    hydro-met prediction system
  • Regional reanalysis with data group?

AGCM/CGCM prediction of MISO
  • We should focus on improved representation of
    convection in models, design diagnostic studies
    for the behavior of convection in models, with
    appropriate observations to support model
    improvement of convection.
  • In order to determine predictability and
    predictive skills of the Asian monsoon on
    intraseasonal time scales, monitoring and
    assessment of real time medium/extended range
    (1-30 days) predictions of the MJO using CGCM
    will be continued (BMR).
  • Short-term simulations up to seasonal change
    using a global cloud resolving model will be
    accomplished and help understanding roles of
    convection in monsoon ISO including MJO and
    tropical cyclogenesis.
  • Taking advantage of metrics for diagnostic
  • Encouraging an organized effort to pursue
    prediction of monsoon ISO. For boreal summer and
    winter monsoon onset, active/break phases and
    retreat, both AGCMs and coupled GCMs can be used.
    Both hindcast and real time prediction are
  • Efforts to encourage operation centers doing
    organized prediction experiments of MJO and MISO.

Seasonal prediction/predictability
  • Improve atmosphere-ocean initial conditions and
    develop coupled ocean-atmosphere-land data
  • Improve and develop new reanalysis datasets that
    use new satellite observations and Argo
    observations. (Global regional)
  • Promote model and observation studies for
    understanding of predictability of monsoon.
    Particular importance is to examine impact of
    land-ocean initialization on monthly to seasonal
  • Consider making an organized analysis of existing
    hindcast datasets through APCC/CliPAS project and
    the planned WCRP Task Force on Seasonal
    Prediction (TFSP) Climate-system Historical
    Forecast Project (CHFP), identifying a range of
    suitable metrics relating to the AAM for
    application to the outputs
  • To assess seasonal prediction skills and identify
    common weakness of the current dynamic
    predictions of the Asian monsoon
  • To determine the predictability of Indian Ocean
    Dipole which is an objective of the Indian Ocean
  • To study the role of the MJO in the onset of the
    (1997) El Niño, which is a joint effort between
    AAMP and Pacific Panel (PP).

  • To propose of a coordinated hindcast experiment
    within the Asian monsoon community on the impact
    of land surface initialization and
    land-atmosphere interaction on the prediction of
    Asian summer monsoon rainfall in the continental
    regions to determine the roles of land
    initialization in continental seasonal rainfall
  • Using CGCMs, predictability of coupled
    variability in Indian Ocean (including IOD,
    oceanic ENSO teleconnections, and monsoon/ENSO
    interaction) and its sensitivity to ocean and
    land initial conditions will be determined.
    Impact of ocean assimilation system on prediction
    of ENSO, IOD, ENSO-monsoon interaction and
    monsoon onset will be also studied. The engaged
    models in this direction are POAMA, MRI-CGCM and
    so on. Regional modeling activity in the same
    direction will be also continued.

High-resolution models and hydro-met pred. system
  • Process studies on geographical variation of
    monsoon rainfall in time scales from diurnal to
    intraseasonal ranges by RM and HR-GCM.
  • Mechanisms and processes for the onset and
    maintenance of the summer monsoon.
  • Diurnal variations of summer convection.
  • Short-term climate simulation of summer rainfall.
  • Climate change scenarios for summer rainfall.
  • Mechanisms and processes for the winter monsoon
    over South China, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
  • Local climate and its connections to ENSO and
    Indian dipole mode.
  • MJO and its interaction with shorter/smaller
    scales over maritime continent.
  • By using very high resolution AGCMs
  • Extreme event projection and evaluation and
    reduction of uncertainty in global warming
  • Prediction and evaluatation of disaster
  • Assessment climate-change impacts on flood risk
    and its reduction measures on global and local
  • Using a global cloud-resolving model (ex. NICAM),
    short-term simulations up to season will be
    accomplished to understand hydro-meteorological

  • It is recommended that coordinated multi-high
    resolution model ensemble experiments be
    organized to investigate sub-seasonal to
    interannual factors that influence extreme
    events, such as tropical cyclones, severe
    droughts, devastating floods. The propose by S.
    Schubert at NASA forms a very useful starting
    point for developing high resolution modeling
  • Encourage application of regional models to
    sensitivity studies of parameterization schemes
    and to the monsoon prediction problem and monsoon
    climate change issues.
  • Utilize regional climate models to generating
    local information from seasonal prediction and
    climate change projection products of global
    coarse-resolution models for use in impact
  • Study impacts of aerosols on radiation budget and
    regional climate
  • Direct impacts of aerosols to the monsoon
  • Smoke haze model for Asian monsoon region

Summary of missing items in planning part
  • Target areas (SEA? EA? SA?) and periods (summer?
    winter? 2008? hindcast?) and themes (diurnal to
    ISV?, all time scales?) for coordinated modeling
  • Better understanding of O-A-L-B interaction
    multi-time-scale interaction from diurnal to
    inter-annual now it is difficult. (Possible
    among limited time-scales or in some regions or
    by piecewisey)
  • Concrete plan to develop hydro-met prediction
  • Global and regional reanalysis group is not
    included (Will Shukla talk?)

  • Cooperation wit data analysis groups

(No Transcript)
Comments by Shukla
  • Muti-time scale interaction difficult
  • Need dynamical prediction system
  • Need tuning for NICAM

  • Analysis of operational NWP (10d) products
  • Onset predictability
  • Predictability of disturbances
  • Case study using NICAM
  • Same for monthly seasonal products
  • Predictability of MJO and ISO (operational, TFSP)
  • HR 45d forecasts (NASA, APCC)

  • Coordinated seasonal monsoon hindcast experiments
    with coupled O-L-A-Chemistry models (MRI, IAP,
    Korea, CCSR can)
  • Land, vegetation, snow initialization
  • Ocean, sea-ice initialization
  • Green house gas, aerosol initialization
  • Coordinated decadal monsoon predictability
  • Relative importance of internal climate dynamics
    versus GHG forcing
  • Analysis of AR4 and CMIP mode outputs
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