Climate Change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate Change


Climate Change The Science The Solutions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate Change

Climate Change
  • The Science The Solutions

  • 900 Registration and chat
  • 930 - 1030 Dr. Graeme Pearman,
  • Chief of the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric
    Research from
  • 1992 to 2002.
  • Climate Change - Science, Society and Us
  • 1030 - 1100 Questions and Discussion
  • 1100 Morning tea and further discussions
  • 1130 - 1230 Prof Neville Nicholls, ARC
    Professorial Fellow, Monash
  • University, Lead Author IPCC
  • Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes
  • 1230 - 100 Questions and Discussion
  • 100 - 140 Lunch and discussion
  • 140 - 240 Prof Peter Seligman Melbourne Energy
    Institute, Author,
  • Australian Sustainable Energy by the numbers.
  • A Sustainable Energy Plan for Australia
  • 240 - 315 Questions and Discussion

  • Dr. Graeme Pearman Climate Change - Science,
    Society and Us
  • Chief of the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric
    Research from 1992 to 2002.
  • Graeme left CSIRO in 2004 to become a private
    consultant contracting to both private and public
    sector organisations and Adjunct Senior Research
    Fellow with the School of Geography and
    Environmental Science, Monash University. In
    2007, he became Interim Director, Monash
    Sustainability Institute, Monash University.

The Age 13 June 2009
  • Dr. Graeme Pearman Climate Change - Science,
    Society and Us
  • Much of the psychological response is shaped by
    natural aversion to uncertainty and complexity.
    But changing climate is a threat unlike anything
    we've dealt with before, says Pearman. "If we are
    waiting for perfect knowledge and perfect
    solutions, it will be too late. We have to learn
    to manage this as a risk in which the probability
    of outcomes is weighted against the impact of
    those outcomes if they do occur.

  • Dr. Graeme Pearman Climate Change - Science,
    Society and Us
  • "We need to search deeply within ourselves and as
    communities for the sense of the responsibility
    we have towards others, and to the stewardship we
    owe to the millions of species that share the
    planet with us. And we have to do this quickly,
    Pearman says.

  • Prof Neville Nicholls,
  • ARC Professorial Fellow, Monash University
  • Lead Author IPCC
  • Australian Meteorological Oceanographic
    Society (President, 2010-11)
  • Royal Meteorological Society
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes

  • Prof Peter Seligman
  • Melbourne Energy Institute, Author,
  • Australian Sustainable Energy by the numbers.
  • A Sustainable Energy Plan for Australia
  • Professor Seligman has been working as a bio
    engineer with the cochlear team from its early
    research days in Melbourne University. He was
    intimately involved in the development of a
    successful prosthesis, and has remained in that
    role throughout the products commercialisation
  • In his book Sustainable Energy by the numbers,
    Seligman sets out to provide a clear account of
    Australias renewable energy potential. He
    analyses a raft of available technologies, and
    offers a blueprint of a nation-wide renewable
    energy system based on the most efficient mix of
    technology, societal, and habitual changes.

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  • Earth is absorbing more energy from the Sun
    than it is radiating to space as heat planetary
    energy imbalance, 0.580.15 W/m2 during
    20052010, confirms the dominant role of the
    human-made greenhouse effect in driving global
    climate change.

  • Energy OUT is 0.6 W/m2 LESS than Energy IN

  • Half a watt per square metre! Might sound small,
    but thats about
  • 20 times ALL the power being used by humanity
  • or 40,000 Hiroshima
  • bombs EVERY DAY

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That is, if no one else in the world did anything!
  • The overwhelming scientific evidence tells us
    that human greenhouse gas emissions are resulting
    in climate changes that cannot be explained by
    natural causes.
  • Limiting global warming to 2C is now beginning
    to look like a nearly insurmountable challenge.

The Conversation June 2011
  • A vast number of scientists, engineers, and
    visionary businesspeople are boldly designing a
    future that is based on low-impact energy
    pathways and living within safe planetary
    boundaries a future in which substantial health
    gains can be achieved by eliminating fossil-fuel
    pollution and a future in which we strive to
    hand over a liveable planet to posterity.

The Conversation June 2011
  • At the other extreme, understandable economic
    insecurity and fear of radical change have been
    exploited by ideologues and vested interests to
    whip up ill-informed, populist rage, and climate
    scientists have become the punching bag of shock
    jocks and tabloid scribes.

The Conversation June 2011
  • Aided by a pervasive media culture that often
    considers peer-reviewed scientific evidence to be
    in need of "balance" by internet bloggers, this
    has enabled so-called "sceptics" to find a
    captive audience while largely escaping
  • Australians have been exposed to a phony public
    debate which is not remotely reflected in the
    scientific literature and community of experts.
  • Signed by 76 prominent scientists working in
    relevant fields

The Conversation June 2011
Winthrop Professor Stephan Lewandowsky,
Australian Professorial Fellow, UWA Dr. Matthew
Hipsey, Research Assistant Professor, School of
Earth and Environment, Centre of Excellence for
Ecohydrology, UWA Dr Julie Trotter, Research
Assistant Professor, School of Earth and
Environment, UWA Oceans Institute, UWA Winthrop
Professor Malcolm McCulloch, F.R.S., Premier's
Research Fellow, UWA Oceans Institute, School of
Earth and Environment, UWA Professor Kevin Judd,
School of Mathematics and Statistics, UWA Dr
Thomas Stemler, Assistant Professor, School of
Mathematics and Statistics, UWA Dr. Karl-Heinz
Wyrwoll, Senior Lecturer, School of Earth and
Environment, UWA Dr. Andrew Glikson, Earth and
paleoclimate scientist, School of Archaeology and
Anthropology, Research School of Earth Science,
Planetary Science Institute, ANU Prof Michael
Ashley, School of Physics, Faculty of Science,
UNSW Prof David Karoly, School of Earth Sciences,
University of Melbourne Prof John Abraham,
Associate Professor, School of Engineering,
University of St. Thomas Prof Ian Enting, ARC
Centre for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex
Systems, University of Melbourne Prof John
Wiseman, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute,
University of Melbourne Associate Professor Ben
Newell, School of Psychology, Faculty of Science,
UNSW Prof Matthew England, co-Director, Climate
Change Research Centre, Faculty of Science,
UNSW Dr Alex Sen Gupta Climate Change Research
Centre,Faculty of Science, UNSW Prof. Mike Archer
AM, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental
Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW Prof Steven
Sherwood, co-Director, Climate Change Research
Centre, Faculty of Science, UNSW Dr. Katrin
Meissner, ARC Future Fellow, Climate Change
Research Centre, Faculty of Science, UNSW Dr
Jason Evans, ARC Australian Research Fellow,
Climate Change Research Centre,Faculty of
Science, UNSW Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Global
Change Institute, UQ Dr Andy Hogg, Fellow,
Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU Prof John
Quiggin, School of Economics, School of Political
Science Intnl Studies, UQ Prof Chris Turney
FRSA FGS FRGS, Climate Change Research Centre and
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental
Sciences, UNSW Dr Gab Abramowitz, Lecturer,
Climate Change Research Centre,Faculty of
Science, UNSW Prof Andy Pitman, Climate Change
Research Centre, Faculty of Science, UNSW Prof
Barry Brook, Sir Hubert Wilkins Chair of Climate
Change, University of Adelaide Prof Mike
Sandiford, School of Earth Sciences, University
of Melbourne Dr Michael Box, Associate Professor,
School of Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW Prof
Corey Bradshaw, Director of Ecological Modelling,
The Environment Institute, The University of
Adelaide Dr Paul Dargusch, School of Agriculture
Food Science, UQ Prof Nigel Tapper, Professor
Environmental Science, School of Geography and
Environmental Science Monash University Prof
Jason Beringer, Associate Professor Deputy Dean
of Research, School of Geography Environmental
Science, Monash University Prof Neville Nicholls,
Professorial Fellow, School of Geography
Environmental Science, Monash University Prof
Dave Griggs, Director, Monash Sustainability
Institute, Monash University Prof Peter Sly,
Medicine Faculty, School of Paediatrics Child
Health, UQ Dr Pauline Grierson, Senior Lecturer,
School of Plant Biology, Ecosystems Research
Group, Director of West Australian
Biogeochemistry Centre, UWA Prof Jurg Keller, IWA
Fellow, Advanced Water Management Centre, UQ Prof
Amanda Lynch, School of Geography Environmental
Science, Monash University A/Prof Steve Siems,
School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash
University Prof Justin Brookes, Director, Water
Research Centre, The University of Adelaide Prof
Glenn Albrecht, Professor of Sustainability,
Director Institute for Sustainability and
Technology Policy (ISTP), Murdoch
University Winthrop Professor Steven Smith,
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence
in Plant Energy Biology, UWA Dr Kerrie Unsworth,
School of Business, UWA Dr Pieter Poot, Assistant
Professor in Plant Conservation Biology, School
of Plant Biology, UWA Adam McHugh, Lecturer,
School of Engineering and Energy, Murdoch
University Dr Louise Bruce, Research Associate,
School of Earth and Environment, UWA Dr Ailie
Gallant, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of
Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne Dr Will J
Grant, Australian National Centre for Public
Awareness of Science, ANU Rick A. Baartman,
Fellow of the American Physical Society William
GC Raper, Senior Principal Research Scientist,
CSIRO (retired) Dr Chris Riedy, Research
Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology, Sydney Ben McNeil,
Senior Fellow, Climate Change Research Centre,
UNSW Paul Beckwith, Department of Geography,
University of Ottawa Tim Leslie, PhD candidate,
Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Dr Peter
Manins, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Marine
and Atmospheric Research (post-retirement
Fellow) Prof Philip Jennings, Professor of Energy
Studies, Murdoch University Dr John Tibby, Senior
Lecturer, Geography, Environment and Population,
University of Adelaide Prof Ray Wills, Adjunct
Professor, School of Earth and Environment,
UWA Jess Robertson, Research School of Earth
Sciences, ANU Dr Paul Tregoning, Senior Fellow,
Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU Dr Doone
Wyborn, Adjunct Professor, Geothermal Centre of
Excellence, University of Queensland Dr. Jonathan
Whale, Director, National Small Wind Turbine
Centre (NSWTC), Murdoch University Dr Tas van
Ommen, Australian Antarctic Division, Cryosphere
Program Leader, Antarctic Climate Ecosystems
CRC Dr Jim Salinger, Honorary Research Associate,
School of Environment, University of Auckland Dr
P. Timon McPhearson, Assistant Professor of Urban
Ecology, Tishman Environment and Design Center,
The New School, New York Prof Deo Prasad,
Director Masters in Sustainable Development,
UNSW Prof Rob Harcourt, Facility Leader,
Australian Animal Tagging, Monitoring System
Integrated Marine Observing System and Professor
of Marine Ecology, Macquarie University Dr John
Hunter, Antarctic Climate Ecosystems CRC,
University of Tasmania Dr Michael Brown, ARC
Future Fellow Senior Lecturer, School of
Physics, Monash University Dr Karen McNamara,
Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable
Development, University of the South Pacific Dr
Paul Marshall, Director - Climate Change, Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Dr Ivan Haigh,
Post-doctoral Research Associate, UWA Oceans
Institute and School of Environmental Systems
Engineering Dr Ian Allison, Antarctic Climate and
Ecosystems CRC Dr Jennifer Coopersmith, Honorary
Research Associate Department of Civil
Engineering and Physical Sciences, La Trobe
University Professor Emeritus Peter Kershaw,
School of Geography and Environmental Science,
Monash University
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  • Zunli Lu (author of study)It is unfortunate
    that my research, An ikaite record of late
    Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula,
    recently published in Earth and Planetary Science
    Letters, has been misrepresented by a number of
    media outlets.
  • Several of these media articles assert that our
    study claims the entire Earth heated up during
    medieval times without human CO2 emissions.  We
    clearly state in our paper that we studied one
    site at the Antarctic Peninsula. The results
    should not be extrapolated to make assumptions
    about climate conditions across the entire globe.
  • Other statements, such as the study throws doubt
    on orthodoxies around global warming, completely
    misrepresent our conclusions. Our study does not
    question the well-established anthropogenic
    warming trend. 30 March 2012 ... and repeated
all around the denial blogs. What the Mail IS
good at ...
  • The Daily Mail normal fare.
  • Which of course is why so many ordinary people
    get to see all the denier nonsense
  • but none of the serious science!

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The Age Sat 31 March
Was it anything to do with Baillieu cousin and
wind farm opponent Lady Marigold Southey? (Who
lives there.)
  • The designation of McHarg Ranges as a no-go
    zone for turbines lies at the heart of a bigger
    question what motivated the government to
    introduce Australias toughest wind farm laws,
    and how did they choose which areas would be

  • The Danes arent shy of wind turbines!

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Bob Brown gives a serious speech warning that
climate change must be tackled on a global
scale and raises the possibility that
technological civilisations may be prone to
destroying themselves The Age gives it serious
  • The Herald-Sun allows Bolt to make a mockery of
  • Maybe the aliens haven't rung Bob because
    they're sceptics who value free speech.
    ACTUALLY, Greens leader Bob Brown was always
    like this. So why did the media take him so
    seriously? And will his Green oration in Hobart
    last weekend finally wake up the dozy to his
    dangerous unreason and intolerance?
  • Without, of course, addressing any of the serious
    ideas Brown raised.

  • Not to mention his usual attacks on the PM and
    the carbon ETS.
  • (Just wondering when he is going to get stuck
    into Baillieu for his Make Victorian teachers
    best paid lie?!)
  • We might regard him as an idiot, but he is

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  • From TGGWS
  • (and still used by deniers like Plimer)
  • Actual

State of the Climate 2012
  • Total CO2 emissions
  • Fossil fuel emissions

Australia contributes 1.3 of global total
emissions (from 0.3 of the population)
State of the Climate 2012
  • Atmospheric methane
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Nitrous oxide

State of the Climate 2012
  • Atmospheric CO2 increase
  • Decreasing C13 to C12 tells us it is fossil fuel
  • Oxygen is being used up as carbon is burnt to CO2

State of the Climate 2012
  • Mean Global temperatures (NASA, NCDC, UK Hadley)
  • El Niño years
  • La Niña years
  • (2011 warmest ever La Niña year)

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  • Ultra-clean synthetic fuel from existing natural
    resources much less pollution sustainable
    answer Are these anything other than
    straight lies?
  • FACTS Synthetic fuel even dirtier than petrol!
    NOT sustainable! etc. etc.

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Plimer lies
Only 7 years!
  • The reality

Plimers 7 years
Because those are the very high, very cold peaks
which will melt last! There is NO climate change
controversy AT ALL This is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE
from The Oz (again)
Somehow they forgot to mention the other 99.9 of
glaciers in the world!
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The Age 11 Nov 2011
  • THE world has just five years to make ''urgent
    and radical policy changes'' or lock in dangerous
    climate change, the world's leading energy agency
    has warned, sparking a debate about whether
    Australia should shift to gas or renewable energy.

  • Agency chief economist Fatih Birol said if by
    2017 there is not a start to major new clean
    infrastructure investments ''the door to 2
    degrees will be closed''.
  • ''I am very worried,'' he said, ''if we don't
    change direction now on how we use energy, we
    will end up beyond what scientists tell us is the
    minimum. The door will be closed forever.''

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  • BUT The Age 5 Nov 2011

  • So we are doing our bit !!

  • From The Age March 2012

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