Title: Hep 202
1Hep 202
- Just when you thought you knew everything.
2Today We Will
- Review Hepatitis 101
- Take a more in-depth look at Hepatitis C
- Look at hepatitis C tests, nutrition, HIV
co-infection, extra hepatic effects and treatment
3Case Study Jane and Julia
4What Would You Tell Jane and Julia if You Were
- Discuss in your groups
- What does hepatitis and viral hepatitis mean and
what do you know about the five major types of
viral hepatitis? - What are the signs and symptoms of hepatitis C?
- What are the risk factors for hepatitis C and how
can one prevent getting it?
5Hep 101 Overview
Liver inflammation
Virus that causes liver inflammation
- Name 5 identified types of viral hepatitis
- Hepatitis C
- Name signs/symptoms, risk factors and prevention
6How Does Hep C Damage The Liver?
BC Hepatitis Services, 2003
7Hepatocellular Carcinoma
8Viral Hepatitis
5 Major Identified Types A oral-fecal
transmission B sexual fluids blood to blood
C blood to blood D travels with B E
oral-fecal transmission
Vaccine Preventable
There are also other less common strains
Adapted from Corneil, 2003
9Other Types are Being Discovered!
- Hepatitis G (HGV or HGBV-C)
- Similar transmission to Hep C
- Appears to cause chronic infection
- Long term effects of virus on the liver still to
be determined
10Hepatitis C
11More on Hepatitis C
- RNA Virus (Flaviviridae Family)
6 major variations maybe up to 11
50 to 90 subtypes
(e.g. Hepatitis C genotype 1 subtype B)
- Type 1 is most common type found in North America
Unfortunately it is also the most difficult to
12More Info (cont)
- Other routes of transmission
- Mother-to-child, breastfeeding, dialysis
- Certain locations also increase risk
- E.g. prisons because more individuals already
have the virus than in general population
13Health Canada, Hepatitis C Prevention, Support
and Research Program, 2002
14Health Canada, Hepatitis C Prevention, Support
and Research Program, 2002
15Health Canada, Hepatitis C Prevention, Support
and Research Program, 2002
16Health Canada, Hepatitis C Prevention, Support
and Research Program, 2002
17Health Canada, Hepatitis C Prevention, Support
and Research Program, 2002
- Screening
- Detects if the body has produce antibodies to
Hepatitis C (anti-HCV)
1st test that is done when someone gets tested
- Usually need a minimum of six weeks to detect
antibodies. After 6 months 95 will have
detectable antibodies
- Other tests are required to confirm the
screening test and whether someone still has the
virus - They look for the specific genotype and the
amount of virus in the blood stream.
- Other tests are used to monitor liver function
and damage - They include
Corneil, 2003
21Hepatitis C Nutrition/Health Tips
- Eat frequent smaller meals
- Avoid Alcohol
- May need to decrease iron intake
- Protein intake may need to increase
- 1-1.5g/kg/Day is generally recommended
Dieticians of Canada, Hepatitis C Nutrition Care,
22More Tips
- Salt restrictions may need to be implemented
depending on fluid retention - Consult with dietician or health care
professional to best tailor needs
Dieticians of Canada, Hepatitis C Nutrition Care,
23Complimentary Alternative Therapies
- For the most part, are considered experimental
due to lack of research - Some herbs have shown to have some benefit
- E.g. Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
- Just because herbs are natural does not mean
they are all safe some can harm the liver!
Dieticians of Canada, Hepatitis C Nutrition Care,
24Milk Thistle Example
25Other HCV-related conditions
- These may occur when the immune system tries
to fight off the virus - Dead antibodies deposit in the body causing
- Blood Kidney Disorders
Toxins in the blood may deposit in the body
causing Skin Disorders Mental Disorders
26HIV Co-infection
Appears to increase rate of
liver scarring and long-term complications such
as cirrhosis
- Seems to
- speed up
- the rate of
- viral
- replication
- Goal is to achieve a sustained virological
response (SVR) - Means that virus RNA is no longer detectable
after treatment over a sustained period of time
(will still have antibodies) - More likely to achieve a SVR if
- Treating genotype other than genotype 1
- Low viral levels and liver damage at treatment
onset - Low body weight or surface area
- Best treatment currently available is a
combination of two
antiviral drugs
- Side effects can include
- Depression
- Flu-like symptoms
- Some cannot complete treatment due to side
effects - Others may not qualify because
- Liver is too damaged
- Addicted to drugs and/or alcohol