Title: Overview of Proposal and Award Process at UCLA
1Overview of Proposal and Award Process at UCLA
2Types of Sponsored Projects
- Research
- Training
- Public Service
- Other Sponsored Activities
3Sources of Research Support
- Intramural Funding
- Includes Academic Senate grants and special
programs sponsored by academic units
- Extramural Funding
- Federal
- State
- Local Govt (County, City)
- Non-profit organizations
- Foundations
- For-profit corporations
4Proposal Types
- Preliminary (white paper)
- Solicited
- Unsolicited
- New
- Renewal
- Continuation
- Revision
- Supplement
5Award Instruments
- Grants
- Contracts
- Subawards
- Cooperative Agreements
- Gifts
6Roles and Responsibilities
7The Team Players
- Office of Research Administration
- Office of Contract and Grant Administration
- Extramural Fund Management
- Office of Intellectual Property Administration
- Central Data Management Team
- Academic Departments
- Principal Investigator
- Chairs/Deans
- Department administrator/fund manager
- DRAs
8The Team Players, Cont
- Other Central Offices
- Business Financial Services
- Corporate Accounting
- Purchasing
- Equipment Management
- Payroll
- Accounts Payable
- Office for the Protection of Research Subjects
- Environmental Health Safety
- Gift Policy Administration
- Sponsors
9Prepare Proposal Submit Proposal
Identify Funding
Negotiate Award
Set Up Award
Close-out Award
Life Cycle of an Award
Generate Payment Requests
Perform Work
Monitor Project Manage Funds
10Identify Funding Sources
- Purpose To develop additional and alternative
sources of funding for research, teaching, public
- Identify agency priorities
- Obtain RFPs (when appropriate)
- Subscribe to ORA Funding Opportunities listserv
11Prepare and Submit Proposal
Purpose To obtain funding
- Read RFP/agency guidelines
- Develop scope of work
- Determine resources necessary
- Prepare budget and justification
- Identify key personnel
- Complete agency forms
- Obtain necessary approvals
- Review and submit proposal
- Thou Shalt make sure thou has the MOST RECENT
Proposal GuidelinesĀ - Thou Shalt READ thy Proposal GuidelinesĀ
- Thou Shalt FOLLOW thy Proposal Guidelines
13Five Key Areas in Proposal Preparation and
Submission Process
- Prepares proposal in accordance with agency
guidelines - Completes a Goldenrod and obtains necessary
signatures of Chairs, Directors or Deans on the
Goldenrod - Obtains any necessary approvals concerning use of
animals, human subjects or ionizing radiation - If appropriate, completes a statement of
financial interest (form 730-U and/or 740) - Forwards copies of all materials to OCGA
ideally three working days before the filing
14Standard Grant Proposal Components
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Project Description
Biosketches (CV)
Current and Pending Support
15Negotiate Award Terms Conditions
Purpose To confirm/accept agency terms and
conditions on behalf of UCLA
- Review terms and conditions
- Identify problematic provisions
- Propose alternative solutions
- Obtain review and comment from PI for
acceptability - Negotiate issues with agency
- Accept award
16Hierarchy of Regulations
Award Terms
Departmental Policies
Policy 910 and Accounting Financial Policies
University Policies Procedures
Sponsor Policies
Award Terms
A-21 A-110 FAR
Federal Policies and Governmental Law
17Set-Up Award
Purpose To establish an award number so
spending can start in accordance with terms and
- Enter and update basic award data (RNET/COEUS)
- Record terms and conditions
- Determine fund number and establish in financial
system - Record budget in financial system
- Dept. requests recharge ID
- ORA communicates information (award synopsis)
18Perform Work
Purpose To meet goals of the award
- Hire project personnel
- Purchase equipment and supplies, subcontractors,
consultants - Conduct research, training or public service
activity - Incur expenditures
19Monitor Financially Manage the Project
Purpose To safeguard the universitys
reputation and assets and satisfy agency
- Check budget terms and conditions
- Review ledger
- Contact EFM or OCGA to discuss alternative
solutions - Obtain approvals (if necessary)
- Rebudget/TOF
20Generate Payment Requests
Purpose To notify agency of payments due in
accordance with terms and conditions
- Determine expenditures
- Resolve issues, make adjustments
- Move unallowable expenditures
- Prepare invoices
- Submit request
21Close-Out Award
Purpose To notify agency of research completed,
project results and expenditures, equipment,
inventions, etc.
- Generate reports
- technical
- financial
- equipment
- patent/Invention
- Submit reports
- Record submission of reports
22Thank you!