Title: Comparative Economics of Growing and Marketing Wheat
1Comparative Economics of Growing and Marketing
2- Suppose wheat wasnt part of your cropping system
- How would you decide whether or not to
incorporate wheat into your cropping system?
3Lets start with the relatives
- What would you expect wheat yield to be
relative to corn yield? Soybean yield? - What would you expect wheat price to be
relative to corn price? Soybean price?
4Relatives continued...
- What would you expect wheat allocable cost to be
relative to corn allocable cost? Soybean
allocable cost ? - What are the comparative risk profiles?
5Follow the relatives questions with ...
- Adjust base budgets for interactions and
synergistic effects ... - Primary effects
- Secondary effects
6Examples of Primary Effects
- Does incorporation of wheat into a corn soybean
cropping system - Increase corn yield? Soybean yield?
- Reduce machinery and labor
requirements and costs? - Reduce Farm revenue risk
7Primary effect examples .
- Break-up of weed and pest cycles with associated
cropping system cost reductions - Contribute to reduced purchased fertilizer costs
8Examples of secondary effects
- Passive soil management
- Preventing groundwater contamination
- Increased soil quality
9Lets get quantitative...
- Corn yield 2 x wheat yield
- 10 year average
- 70 bu wheat and 140 bu corn go together?
10More .
- 10 year average
- 55 bu wheat and 110 bu corn go together?
11What about the corn to soybean and soy to wheat
yield relationship?
- 10 year average
- Corn to soy at 31
- Soy to wheat at 0.671
12How about prices ...
- 96 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.631
- 95 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.281
- 94 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.461
- 93 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.231
- 92 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.581
- 91 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.211
- 90 Corn to wheat _at_ 1.081
- 10 year avg 1.351
13OK wheat prices are not enough greater than
corn to offset lower yield How much do we have
to make up from wheats other contributions ?
- Yield relationship _at_ 21 vs price relationship at
1351 - 140 bu corn _at_ 2.25 315
- 70 bu wheat _at_ 3.04 214
- 1 ton of straw _at_ 40 40
- Revenue difference of 60
14Differences and contributions ...
- Does the incorporation of wheat into the cropping
system increase yields of corn and soybeans? - Well, it depends
- Just adding wheat probably doesnt increase
corn and soybean yields - Wheat with clover as a cover crop increases
corn yields in a cornsoy rotation by about
7. At 140 bu corn, thats 10 bu or 22.50.
15More differences and contributions
- But, clover seed isnt free
- Seed cost and fertilizer cost reduction is about
a wash - Thus, 22.50 is a net gain
- In some instances, incorporation of wheat may
reduce pest control costs ...
16More ...
- Reduced allocable costs lower totals for seed,
fertilizer, weed and pest control, fuel, drying,
. - 70 to 80 / acre
- Cumulatively, 22.50 (x 0.5) 75.00 97.50 vs
60 shortfall (with straw)
17Financial Risk
18Revenue Risk Exposure
- Differences
- Ranking Corn Wheat Soybeans
- But ...
- Portfolio dont put all your eggs in one
basket effect - Corn and soybean yields are moderately
correlated / associated but corn and wheat and
soy and wheat have a low correlation
19Revenue risk exposure
- Portfolio with wheat included has less revenue
risk exposure - If we value the the gain at what it would cost to
achieve comparable risk reduction in a cornsoy
plan using crop insurance and/or put options on
futures, value is 4 to 7 / acre.
20Machinery and labor cost reductions
- Wheat provides better distribution of
labor/machinery requirements over the course of a
year\ - If you were designing a machinery system from
scratch, the gain in reduced depreciation,
interest on investment and labor would be 4.50
to 6.00/acre
21Summing up ...
- Wheat price advantage is not enough to offset
yield disadvantage - But the sum of
- Rotation effect w/ clover
- Lower wheat production costs
- Lower Portfolio Revenue Risk
- Lower machinery labor req.
- Can more than offset the shortfall