Measuring market power - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measuring market power


Measuring market power Lecture 32 Economics of Food Markets Alan Matthews Lecture objectives What methods can economists use to measure market power in the food industry? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Measuring market power

Measuring market power
  • Lecture 32
  • Economics of Food Markets
  • Alan Matthews

Lecture objectives
  • What methods can economists use to measure market
    power in the food industry?
  • What is the evidence on the use/abuse of market
    power from empirical studies?

  • Processor power
  • US Senate and Tweeten response
  • Retail buyer power
  • Dobson, UK Competition Commission
  • Empirical studies
  • Bunte, London Economics

A priori stylised facts
  • Growing concentration upstream and downstream of
  • Farmers share of consumer spending is falling
  • Farm-retail price spreads are widening,
    suggesting farmers are being squeezed
  • When farm prices fall, retail prices rarely
    follow, suggesting profit-taking by oligopolistic

Farmers share of consumers spending
  • Can be measured in various ways
  • The marketing bill
  • the difference between consumer expenditure on
    food (excluding imports, beverages and seafood)
    and the farm value.
  • Reflects changes in price, product quantity,
    product mix and the quantity of marketing
  • The market basket approach
  • measures the changing cost of a fixed basket of
  • Cost changes solely the result of changes in

Farmers share of the consumers euro
  • Farm-retail price spread
  • Used for measuring farm share of individual
  • Must be measured in equivalent units
  • Example
  • For steers, 2.5 kg of live weight yield 1 kg of
    retail beef cuts
  • 2000 retail beef price 8.40/kg average all
  • 2000 steer price 1.20/kg live weight
  • 2000 farm-retail price spread 5.40/kg retail
  • ( 8.40 2.51.20)
  • However measured, evidence that farmers share is
    falling over time

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Evolution of Danish farm retail price spreads
(Source Baker 2003)
Interpreting changes in the farmers share
  • Is a large farm-retail price spread necessarily
  • Shift in consumption patterns towards food with
    higher value added and more food
    eaten-away-from-home (marketing bill)
  • Factor productivity increases more rapidly in
    agriculture than in manufacturing, let alone
  • Could be due to growing market power
  • Latter suspicion fuelled when reductions in farm
    prices are not passed through in lower retail

Real price of food is falling.
Source Agri-Aware website
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but Irish food prices remain high compared to
other EU countries
2003 comparative price level indices for the main
food sub-groups, EU25100 Source Eurostat
Buyer power at retail level
  • Refers to the ability of leading retail firms to
    obtain from suppliers more favourable terms than
    those available to other buyers, or which would
    otherwise be expected under normal competitive
  • Extract discounts and obtain low prices
  • Onerous contractual obligations
  • Ability to shift financial risk to suppliers

Sources of retail buyer power
  • Differences in relative economic dependency,
    determined by relative sizes of contracts and
    relative switching costs
  • Multi-faceted roles of retailers as they appear
    to suppliers (Dobson 2005)
  • Customers, competitors and suppliers

Examples of retail buyer power
  • Depends on whether firms operate in a market or
    bargaining framework
  • Demand withholding
  • Adverse investment and innovation effects
  • The waterbed effect
  • Supply chain practices

Supermarket practices related to relations with
Category of practices Number of practices against the public interest
Payments for access to shelf space 4
Imposing conditions on suppliers trade with other retailers 0
Applying different standard to different suppliers 1
Imposing an unfair imbalance of risk 10
Imposing retrospective changes to contractual terms 6
Imposing charges and transferring costs to suppliers 5
Requiring suppliers to use third party suppliers nominated by the retailer 1
Source UK Competition Commission (2000)
Measuring welfare loss of market power
  • Role of demand elasticity
  • What about the Posner rectangle A?

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Approaches to the empirical analysis of
farm-retail price spreads
  • Structure-conduct-performance paradigm
  • New empirical industrial organisation
  • Time series price transmission studies

Structure-conduct-performance studies
  • Examine the cross-industry or geographic (cross
    section) or time (time series) variation in
    prices, controlling for local market cost
  • Short review in London Economics Annex 5
  • Market concentration measures Cn measures, HHI
  • Indicators of market power price-cost markup
    (Lerner index), prices, margins, profitability
  • Many studies have found significant relationship
    between measures of market concentration and
    indicators of market power

Empirical SCP studies
  • Market power generates consumer welfare losses
  • ..but concentration may also have positive
    effects on firm efficiency
  • Vulnerable to critique that market concentration
    is correlated with profits because efficient
    (i.e. low cost) firms acquire greater market
    shares over time, not because of pricing power
  • Rely on reduced form models. Firm behaviour is
    not explicitly modelled and no statistical tests
    are performed

New empirical industrial organisation models
  • Focus of this literature is on the conduct of
    firms within a particular industry
  • Based on structural oligopoly models by
    specifying the first-order conditions for the
    profit maximising behaviour of a single
  • The key behavioural parameter in this approach is
    the conjectural variation of the oligopolist
    (usually designated as ?), which measures the
    degree to which a firm takes into account its
    rivals reactions to its own output choice

Supply of an oligopolistic firm
  • Profits for firm j total revenue less variable
  • Demand function
  • Total supply
  • Conjectural variations elasticity Percent
    change in total output for a 1 change in firm
  • First order condition. When ?j 0, reduces to
    the competitive outcome
  • Tj/? Lerner index for oligopoly power,
    represents the degree to which a firm can set
    output price above marginal cost

Source Appelbaum, 1982
New empirical industrial organisation models
  • The expectation of a limited market response to a
    change in firm output (low ?) suggests market is
  • Expectation of an extensive market response
    suggests presence of market power (high ?)
  • Estimating the structural model allows the
    empirical data to provide information on the
    value of ?
  • Given the value of ?, the size of the market
    power mark up can be calculated.

New empirical industrial organisation models
  • Weaknesses
  • The estimate of market power relies crucially on
    accurate estimates of the underlying market and
    cost conditions
  • Theoretically highly appealing, but complex to
    apply empirically and often requires simplifying

Price transmission studies
  • Concern is that reductions in farm prices are not
    passed on to consumers in form of lower retail
  • Three issues
  • Prices changes are not fully transmitted
  • There is a time lag between the price adjustments
    at the respective stages
  • There is an asymmetry in reaction between
    positive and negative price shocks.
  • Imperfections in price transmission may be due to
    market power but can also be due to adjustment
    costs (relabelling prices, advertising, goodwill)

Price transmission studies
  • Traditional regression methods (regressing retail
    price on farm price) ignore time series
    properties and give biased results
  • Co-integration methods are now preferred, which
    also allow for speed of adjustment and direction
    of causality to be inferred, as well as testing
    for asymmetric price responses

London Economics case study
  • Uses a variety of approaches
  • Simple correlation analysis between changes in
    farm-retail price spreads and concentration
  • Reduced form SCP model linking spreads to
    concentration, controlling for other factors
  • Four food products wheat products, red meat,
    poultry, fruit and vegetables drawn from nine

Correlation coefficients are generally low,
whether spreads are measured in absolute amounts
or as a ratio of the two prices (relative
spread) Highest correlation coefficient obtained
for cereals of about 0.3 Source London
Economics 2004
When changes in concentration are correlated with
changes in spreads, in some cases the correlation
is negative Correlation coefficients are
sensitive to the time period chosen, but even
when time period is divided, coefficients remain
low Source London Economics 2004
Example London Economics SCP model
  • Purpose is to determine the influence of changing
    concentration ratios on the farm-retail price
  • Model is
  • Spread f(lagged spread, SCCOSTS, CSHARE,
    LIP, EXRATE, C5, Trend)

Example London Economics SCP model
Spread Price spread (including lagged values)
SSCOSTS Economy-wide indicator of costs sustained along the supply chain
CSHARE The share of the product used directly for human consumption in total domestic supply. This variable controls for any impact of demand and supply shifts on farm-retail spreads.
LIP Log(Intervention Price)
EXRATE Vector of exchange rates against the euro
C5 Share of food retail market accounted for by top 5 firms
Example London Economics SCP model
  • Concentration in the retail domestic market does
    not seem to have a significant impact on the
    evolution of spreads.
  • Confirms conclusions from correlation analysis

The Marion et al study of monopsony power in US
beef packing
  • Tries to determine influence of packer
    concentration on cattle prices and packer margins
  • Uses model
  • P f (B, S, PG, R, NSD)
  • Estimates using pooled cross section data from 13
    regional markets for time period 1971-1986

The Marion et al study of monopsony power in US
beef packing
P Price of beef cattle
B Structure of regional buying markets. Packers shares of total cattle slaughtered using various concentration measures
S Structure of regional selling markets. Per cent of cattle coming from feedlots with capacity of 1000 head or more
PC Packer costs measured by three variables employee wages economies of scale binary variable if large plant existed and distribution costs, distance from major market
R Rivalry or market turbulence. Measured as change in CR between years or relative share instability
NSD National supply-demand, measured by either national prices or yearly dummies
The Marion et al study of monopsony power in US
beef packing
  • Conclusions
  • Evidence that higher concentration is
    significantly related to lower cattle prices
    paid, other factors controlled for
  • Relationship is less clear during period 1979-86
    when packer concentration was increasing sharply
    and there was excess capacity and considerable
    competition for supplies
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