Title: Church of Jesus Christ Signs Following
1Church of Jesus Christ Signs Following
- Charismatic Snake Handlers in Appalachia
2John Wesleyhomo uni libris
3John Wesley Preaching at Bolton Cross August
28th, 1748
4Wesleyan Theology
- Justification implies pardon, the forgiveness
of sins. God justifies not the godly but the
ungodly. They that are righteous need no
repentance so they need no forgiveness. This
pardon or forgiveness comes by faith. - Sanctification Ultimately for the true Wesleyan
salvation is completed by our return to original
righteousness. This is done by the work of the
Holy Spirit.
5George Whitfield and the First Great Awakening
6Colonial America
7Cane Ridge Revival and the Second Great Awakening
8Methodist Organization
9Itinerant Ministers
11Burnt Over District
12Holiness Meeting
13Holiness Movement
- 1840s-1850s
- Restoration of Wesleyan piety
- Reemphasis on Sanctification
14Communion Tokens
15Church Discipline
- Served to remove offenses, vindicate the honor
of Christ, promote general edification of all and
last but not least, benefit the offender
himself. - Presbyterian Book of Discipline.
16Reformist Movement
- Movement with established churches (Methodists,
and to a lesser extent Baptist and Presbyterian)
connection to historical churches. - National Holiness Association did not accept
members who were not members of a church. - Prevailing vision had been to "Christianize"
Christianity within whatever form or rubric it
found a home. - Not until turn of the century were Holiness
churches established.
17Restorationist Impusle
- Come-outers appeal to Biblical authority
declared the existing sects to be the source of
disunity and a hindrance to the restoration of
true apostolic order, worship, and experience by
their refusal to establish New Testament Churches
"on the holiness line. - A Church of the Spirit
18Phoebe Palmer
19New York City c. 1850
20Key Religious Writings
- 1845 Article by John Morgan The Gift of the
Holy Spirit - 1856 Book by William Arthur "The Tongue Of
Fire" - 1859 Guide by Phoebe Palmer, "Guide to
Holiness" - 1870 Book by Asa Mahan "Baptism Of the Holy
21Asa Mahan
22The BAPTISM of the HOLY GHOST, 1870
- According to the other view, "the Spirit falls
upon," "comes upon," believers, and "the sealing
and earnest of the Spirit" are given, not in
conversion, but "after we have believed." The
Spirit, first of all, induces in the sinner
"repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord
Jesus Christ." After he has believed," that is,
after conversion, "the Holy Ghost comes upon,"
"falls upon," and is "poured out upon him," and
thus "endues him with power from on high" for his
life mission and work. In this baptism of power,
this "sealing and earnest of the Spirit," which
is always given, not in conversion, but "after we
have believed," "the promise of the Spirit" is
23Keswick Higher Life Movement
24Keswick Idea of Sanctification
- Positional Righteousness at conversion the
believer is imbued with the righteousness of
Christ. - Experiential Sanctification the Holy Spirit
works through the believer in daily life - Complete Sanctification comes at the end of life
a.k.a. glorification
26Gifts of the Spirit I Corinthians 128-10
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Prophecy
- Discerning of spirits
- Tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
27Jesus Casting Out Satan
28Resurrection of Lazarus
29The Pentecost
30Acts 21-4
- "When the day of Pentecost had come, they (the
Apostles) were all together in one place. And
suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush
of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting. And there appeared to
them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting
on each one of them. And they were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
31Moses and the Commandments
- The term glossolalia is derived from the Greek
glossa, "tongue" and lalia, "to talk."
33Tower of Babel
34Latter Rain Theology
- Restorationism -- This further development of
restoration theology viewed God as progressively
restoring truths to the church since the
Reformation. - Fivefold Ministry -- The teaching that God is
restoring apostles and prophets to the church to
function with the three other gifted offices
evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Eph. 411).
Apostles and prophets provided direction with new
revelations that would play a major role in
paving the way for Christ's second coming. - Laying on of the Hands -- A ritual performed by
modern apostles and prophets to impart the Holy
Spirit and other spiritual blessings and gifts. - Prophecy -- Views the practice of "personal
prophecy" as being restored to the church.
Prophecy would no longer be restricted to general
words of exhortation, but would include personal
detailed revelations for guidance and
instruction. - Recovery of True Worship -- The belief that
God's manifested presence is dependent upon a
certain order of worship involving singing in
tongues, clapping, shouting, singing prophecies,
and a new order of praise dancing. - Immortalization of the Saints -- The belief
that those believers moving in the truth of
Latter-Rain restoration, not necessarily all in
the church, will attain an immortal state before
Jesus returns. - Unity of the Faith -- The doctrine that the
church, usually perceived to be a band of
overcomers in neo-Pentecostal ranks, will attain
unity in the faith before Christ returns.
35Charles Fox Parham
36Bethel Bible College
37The Second Blessing
- I Thessalonians 523 speaks of "entire
sanctification. - first suggested in one of John Wesley's tracts in
1766. - Being anointed for service.
- Usually manifested as healing power, not tongues.
38Agnes Ozman
- An Act of God
- Shared encounter with the divine (imminent)
- Emphasis not simply on glossolalia but on the
empowerment the holy spirit brings to the
believer. - Second blessing no longer a cleansing, but an
anointing - Emphasis on experience allowed for participation
of women and blacks in leadership roles
40William Seymour
41Bonnie Brae Street
42Azusa Street Revival
43Los Angeles Times
45Apostolic Faith
46Early Azusa Mission Leaders
47Union Station
48Church of God (TN)
49Charles Price Jones
50Charles H. Mason
51Aimee Semple McPherson
52Angelus Temple
53Assemblies of God
54William Branham
55Oral Roberts
56Laying on of Hands
58Daniel Boone
- 17th c Presbyterian Scotts, strict Calvinists,
who settled in the Plantations of Ireland and
eventually migrated to the Appalachian region of
the United States in 1703 as a result of the Act
of Union which demanded alliegence to the
Anglican Church.
60French and Indian War
61Cultural Qualities of Ulster Scots
- Fiercely loyal to clan and kin.
- Territorial.
- Deep mistrust of government authority.
- Military readiness.
62Snake Handling
63George Hensley1880-1955
- Former Bootlegger who turned to Christ and joined
the Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. - Began the practice of handling snakes in 1910.
- The practice spread throughout the church by
1914. - Left Church in 1920 when it refused to allow the
handling of snakes and founded the modern
Charismatic snake handing movement. - Died of a snake bite in 1955.
64Sacred Texts
- "And these signs will follow those who believe
In My name they will cast out demons they will
speak with new tongues they will take up
serpents and if they drink anything deadly, it
will by no means hurt them they will lay hands
on the sick, and they will recover." Mark
- Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of
the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt
you. Luke 1019 - "So then after the Lord has spoken unto them
Jesus' disciples, he was received up into
heaven, and set on the right hand of God. And
they went forth, and preached everywhere, the
Lord working with them, and confirming the word
with signs following Mark 1619-20
65Leading a Godly Life
- Jewelry is kept to a minimum. Some groups go so
far as to consider wedding bands or watches as
too extravagant. - Women, moreover, generally wear their hair long
without any artificial curling, straightening or
coloring and men must keep their hair short. - Men wear open necked, long-sleeved shirts and
slacks although jeans and bib-overalls are
generally accepted as well - Women must wear dresses of solid or flowered
print. - Sign followers do not use tobacco or alcohol,
and, depending on the church, caffeine. - The belief in the healing power of the Lord
proscribes any professional medical treatment or
even over-the-counter medications. A break with
the belief in healing exhibits "a sure sign of
lack of faith in God's ability to cure the sick."
In some extreme cases churches have been known to
ban eyeglasses However, much like the dress and
grooming standards the issue of eyeglasses and
even more serious medical attention is variable.
66Church of Jesus Christ Signs Following
- Believers are encouraged to
- lay hands on the sick.
- speak in tongues.
- and provide testimony of miracles.
- handle poisonous snakes (usually copperheads and
rattlesnakes). - drink water laced with strychnine, arsenic, or
some other poisonous substance. - Rags soaked in kerosene are ignited and placed in
glass jars or empty pop bottles and passed around
for any of the faithful who feel so inclined to
touch them.
- 1. That the person has sin in his/her life. If
discovered to be the case, the faithful members
shun the sinners. - 2. That the person handled the snake without
being under "the anointing" of the Holy Ghost.
Since God promises no protection to the
unanointed, snakes are prone to bite them. - 3. That the person lacks the faith to handle
the serpent. Handling snakes without faith is
presumption. - 4. That God is testing the handlers to see if
they will deny the faith when they are bitten. - 5. That God is a healer. One of the ways to
know this is for him to heal the victim of a
venomous snakebite.